
The moment Fu Tinghao entered his apartment and the door closed behind him, a huge figure pounced into his arms. He subconsciously hugged it tighter and looked down at its head.

It was his cat. It was a ragdoll cat and he named it Lulu. Although it was only a cat, it was part of the family.

He had gotten it two years back from his aunt. She had bought it at a pet store to cure her fur allergy. But, she could not stand it and dumped it in his home.

After the cat lived with him for two weeks, he was used to having it around since he lived alone. So, he didn't bother to return it to her. And since then, the cat had become his.

He lowered his head to rub the cat's head lovingly and his heart melted as he looked at its beautiful amber eyes. A rare smile appeared in his eyes and he was entirely different from the man Tang Wan just met.

He placed Lulu on the marble floor. Then, he patted its head. "Go back inside."