Chaos Online

The sun rays sifted through the window blinds of the room and lit up the entire room. The rays fell directly on Tang Wan's sleeping face and immediately pulled her out of sleep. 

Her brows furrowed deeply as she turned to the other side of the bed to continue her sleep. But, she already lost sleep.

Eventually, she caved in and laid face up. She stretched out and yawned before mumbling, "It's morning already?"

She had slept a little late the night before because she had invited Lan Zhi over to her apartment. They had become closer in the past three months and it could be said that they were friends. Although, it was not entirely ethical.

She was the one who cooked and Tang Wan could not even help on the side. Such a kitchen nerd like her would mostly like to blow the place up.

But, they chatted a little after that. So, it took some time before she went to sleep.