Chapter 10

"Say it!" Logan commanded, pressing the whimpering Governor's face up against the intercom on the large, solid desk. "Miss one word, and I'm hitting you again!"

"O-okay, okay!" Taxmongous stammered, before choking back a sob as the floating skull that was his head grinded its teeth before speaking into the mic that was set to broadcast throughout the realm's cities,

"Attention, citizens of Acidystopia. I, Governor Taxmongous, have a shameful announcement. Over the last few months, I have been working with the infamous Kyroshi Syndicate, who are known throughout the 6 realms for their contraband smuggling and large-scale theft, among other things. I have been using your tax dollars to fund industrialization projects that I planned on giving them, where in return they would provide me substantial compensation while I sold off parts of your places of work and business. I was a very naughty man, and- do I really have to say this?- hope that my immediate resignation will in some way make up for the despicable butthole that I am."

"So most of the people in this realm are going to hear that?" Dwight asked with a chuckle. "That's brutal, dude."

"You idiots have no idea what you've done," Taxmongous groaned, falling back against the wall and burying his face into his hands. "If I'm disposed, then the Syndicate will probably be outlawed in Acidystopia by whoever succeeds me, and that's going to really piss them off. They had a multi-million Upoint operation going on over here, they would have controlled a significant portion of Southopolis' power grid eventually. They're going to be hungry for blood, and you 4 are going to be their prime targets."

"Well it's a good thing that we have Dwight here to blow whoever comes for us next," Logan teased, patting the massive-chested avatar on the back and causing him to blush with embarrassment.

"Actually, we probably should flee the realm as soon as possible," Mister S.A said, watching the window that overlooked the mansion grounds. "I'm sure our actions here have caught the attention of the Kyroshi Syndicate's boss, and he might be a fellow that we don't want to meet."

"Works for me, this place is a little dreary for me anyway," McWanda agreed before turning to the blue dragon. "No offence, Logan."

"MISTER GOVERNOR, AN ANGRY MOB APPROACHES!" a deep, booming voice sounded from outside, which Dwight recognized as belonging to the Coal Counters.

"Shit, that was fast!" Taxmongous growled, looking up at the group in contempt.

"We Acidystopians love to complain and we love to yell, I bet nearly everyone living in Sludgerton jumped at the chance to mob this place," Logan laughed. "Sorry, Governor, you're as good as canned."

Dwight followed McWanda and Mister S.A out one of doors of Taxmongous' office, which was revealed to lead to a balcony that overlooked the north side of the house. Sure enough, a large mob could be seen marching from out of the nearby city and straight up the shallow hill that led to the Governor's mansion. Some of the mismatched people held pitchforks, while others held lit torches. Angrily clamoring as they advanced upon the manor, the army was eventually stopped by a row of around 12 Coal Counters, who spread their arms to form a long wall of solid coal to prevent the protestors from advancing further.

"Get out here, you tax-hiking asshole!" a purple-haired woman with caterpillar treads for legs yelled.

"Down with Taxmongous, liberty for the people!" a black-haired man who had 3 identical heads exclaimed.

"Angry Vending Machine demands justice!" a rather furious snack vending machine with large metal arms and legs beeped in an electronic voice.

"Help, help! Your Governor is being held captive and forced to say terrible things under duress!" Taxmongous attempted to yell from his office, where Logan quickly bonked him on the head to shut him up.

"Should we- should we say something?" Dwight asked as he watched the riled-up crowd continue to hurl insults up at the mansion. It was obvious that the Governor was not a well-liked person to begin with.

"They're more fuming than an ungreased grill," McWanda observed with a sigh, standing on the balcony with the titanic-chested gamer. "Should I offer them free food? That tends to diffuse tense situations like this."

Fortunately, the group wouldn't have to stand around twiddling their thumbs for much longer as eventually, a large shadow flew over the angry mob and landed right in front of the row of carbon golems that were separating them from the mansion.

"Stand down, Coal Counters, the Governor has just admitted to high treason," a woman's raspy voice spoke, where two massive vulture-like wings unfurred from where the shadow had landed to reveal a hunched figure dressed in a lavender business suit with a white tie, and who stood tall on a pair of chicken-like legs. She had long, black hair that partially covered her grey, sunken face. "I'm Cynthia Center, official opposition leader to the Taxmongous administration. Until the governor's trial is over, I'll be acting as interim leader of this realm."

"YES, WE REMEMBER YOU FROM LAST ELECTION," one of the Coal Counters rumbled, before it ordered its fellow golems to move aside. "PLEASE PROCEED, MA'AM."

"N-no, don't let her in, you rock-heads!" Taxmongous growled in frustration, drawing a smirk from the blue dragon.

"Awe what's wrong, I'm guessing you have a lot of documents that show your misuse of tax dollars that you wish you could be shredding about now?" Logan laughed unsympathetically.

Walking past the realm's authorities, Cynthia strode over to the towering mansion and ducked her tall head into the front door. She could be heard climbing the stairs seconds later, where Dwight's group watched as the bird-like woman squeezed into the office.

"So, my old rival, is it really true? Were you really selling us all out for the Kyroshi Syndicate?" she asked through thin, wispy lips.

"C-center, can't you see? These maniacs forced me to say that speech against my will!" Taxmongous argued, his green skull bouncing up and down in place as Logan raised his arms innocently.

"True or not, we'll be searching this office to investigate these serious allegations," Cynthia replied, before looking at each of the group members. "Who are you lot, anyway?"

"Salutations, young lady, I'm a hitman from Southopolis, McWanda here is a case worker for a special victims' center, Mimi with the boobies here is from another reality, and Logan is the foreman of the Fumageddon power plant," Mister S.A said, seamlessly introducing the cast occupying Taxmongous' office.

"Huh, fascinating," Cynthia replied, uninterested. "I don't really care why you all are here, but are you certain that the allegations that you forced him to say are correct?"

"He was willing to let the Kyroshi Syndicate take my plant, lady," Logan grunted, crossing this thick arms over his still-bruised chest. "This group here helped me get to the bottom of who allowed a bunch of gang members to threaten my employees"

"Very well, in that case, you 4 are free to go," the hunched woman said coolly, nodding to the door before looking back towards the Governor. "You'll be coming with me to holding in the meantime, Taxmongous."

"Y-you idiots have ruined everything!" the chubby man whined as he backed away while Cynthia approached him, where Dwight, Logan, Mister S.A, and McWanda silently slipped past the two and made for the office door. The self-proclaimed opposition leader whispered a thanks to the group for doing the "dirty work".

Leaving the governmental manor through the backdoor, the foursome walked past the still-unconscious chief guard and headed back down the tall grass towards the sewer entrance, where they discussed their next course of action.

"Well I'm glad that's over," Dwight said with a sigh, already rubbing his throbbing back as his wobbling breasts threatened evermore to break free from the thin pink tank top that contained them. "I guess it's too bad that Taxmongous didn't tell us anything about other people from Earth. I thought that maybe he was a low-key high ranking official for the Syndicate or something."

"I'd be more worried about what's going to happen to us if we hang around this realm much longer," Mister S.A replied. "I'd say that we head for the gate back to Southopolis now and regroup."

With Governor Taxmongous being disposed of until his trial, of which Logan was certain that he'd be found guilty of treason and imprisoned, Acidystopia's government had severed ties with the Kyroshi Syndicate, where the organization would no longer be allowed to operate as they saw fit in the realm. Being directly responsible for this attack on their profits, Dwight's group sought to flee back to the safety of Southopolis as soon as possible, for they already had a large target painted on them for their actions taken against the Syndicate members.

Walking down the long, dusty road after they'd left the sewers, the party was exhausted by the time that they reached Vilesburg an hour later, the massive-breasted avatar especially so. To their surprise, Logan remained with them despite being presumably free to go whenever since he'd ensured the safety of his power plant and employees, though his presence was welcomed. As it was the middle of the night, the 4 ended up stumbling into the Purple Pipeline hotel that the original trio had stayed at the night prior, where Logan chipped in to get everyone a room.

Stumbling into their accommodations, the big blue dragon yawned before curling up on the floor space between the two queen beds, having no qualms about just crashing in the middle of the room. Keeping up the sleeping arrangements that they had the last time, McWanda took her own bed, while Mister S.A curled up on the far side of the second while Dwight again flopped titty-first into the springy mattress. As much as he wanted to recount the day's adventures in his head, the avid gamer promptly fell asleep, where everyone else in the room followed soon after, their bodies exhausted and even injured from the battle at Fumageddon earlier.

"Crap, crap, crap, Dwight, let's get a move on!" Mister S.A hissed in the gargantuan-chested avatar's ear the next morning. "I can't believe we overslept when we have who knows how many enemies on our tails!"

Groggily lifting his head, his mint-blue hair a mess and all over the place, Dwight wiped some drool from his thick lips as he watched Logan stretching his arms, while McWanda was sleepily cooking several burgers on her impromptu grill.

"It's almost noon, yeah we probably should have just gotten you guys to the gate instead of stopping here," the blue dragon yawned, cracking his back while his hulking figure stood up. "I figured walking you back was the least that I could do for how you guys helped me and all. Toppling the realm's Governor was not something that I planned on doing when I woke up yesterday."

"Are you sure you don't want to just come with us?" Dwight asked as everybody quickly straightened up and prepared to depart. "I mean, I'm sure none of us would mind a heavy-hitter like you sticking around."

"Oh Dwight, you don't need me when you have those face-smothering titties of yours," Logan chuckled. "But I do hope that you find your way back to wherever you're from. If this place really is just a video game in your world, come say 'hi' sometime."

With that, the group left their room and proceeded out of the hotel, where this time, the streets of Vilesburg were full of people celebrating.

"They found it! Evidence that the Governor was colluding with the Kyroshi Syndicate!" a familiar spider-legged toilet cheered as it pranced towards the group on its 8 legs. "His ass is out of office!"

"We know, we were there," Logan said with a smirk.

"Thank the realms, who knows how much more of my paycheck the guy was going to come after," a large, buff woman who had the head of a little girl cheered as she curled a large barbell while walking down the road.

Dwight couldn't help but feel a certain level of pride at realizing what he'd help do. Back on Earth, he was a nobody of a nobody, but here, he'd just helped shift the political climate of an entire realm, dethroning the corrupt official who'd been backing an illegal criminal organization.

"Alright, so where to after we get back to Southopolis?" Wanda asked as she passed out burgers to all who wanted, where Dwight and Logan each took a handful.

"We'll decide on that once we get out of here," the hamster assassin replied as they walked through the town's outskirts and towards the dreary park that housed the gate. "Be on your toes, everyone, we're still wanted."

The towering, glowing door that they'd entered the realm from now in sight, the group advanced towards it, noticing that the nearby area was emptier than it had been the last time they were there. A low fog rolled in, where the dim daylight that managed to pierce the thick clouds overhead failed to illuminate everything that lurked in the shadows.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you guys," Logan said with a smile as they found themselves only 30 feet or so from the portal. "I'd give you all a glomp, but I don't do hugs."

"Awe, you can have one anyway you big softy," McWanada giggled as she gave the large dragon a hug, causing him to noticeably blush.

"W-well, you guys just be safe, okay? Best of luck, Dwight my man," Logan stammered as he backed away with his arms crossed. "Don't be shy about visiting my plant again, if any of you ever need new jobs."

"I won't forget you, dude!" Dwight said as he walked forward with the others, waving goodbye as Mister S.A gave the dragon a respected nod with a smile. Together, the trio left Logan and proceeded towards the gate, where they were just about to walk into the radiant, orange glow until suddenly…"

"What the heck," Wanda said as she found herself frozen in midstride. "I-I can't move!"

"Gah, me neither!" Dwight cried as his legs shook beneath the weight of his gargantuan rack. "W-whats going on?"

"This is bizarre, I can't move a muscle either!" Mister S.A observed, his body paralyzed in mid-scamper.

"What the heck are you guys doing? Go through the dang thing already," Logan chuckled from afar, walking forward.

"N-no, Logan, stay back!" the hamster hitman warned. "There's something going on here!"

It was too late, however, and the large blue dragon soon found himself frozen in place as well as the greyish mist drifted past him.

"The hell? What is this crap?" he groaned in surprise, his bat-like ears twitching slightly as he attempted to move.

"Yeeeehehehe, me Sleazo, me Sleazo!" A high-pitched, goofy voice exclaimed as a shadowy figure emerged from the fog. Their body covered in a dark, black cloak, a hood over their face, the speaker drifted towards the 4, seemingly floating.

"W-who the bloody hell are you?!" Mister S.A spat as the mysterious person pulled back their hood a bit, revealing a ghostly-white face with large, hollow-black eyes and a disturbingly large smile.

"Me Sleazo, Commander in Kyroshi Syndicate!" the strange apparition explained in broken English, hovering around the group as he looked them up and down through his featureless eye sockets. "Mister Slader be so happy that I'm bringing you!"

"Like hell you are, freak!" Logan roared. "Let us go before I turn your face into a crater!"

"Hush, hush, hush and shush, now," the one called Sleazo whispered, placing a burlap sack over the dragons head and causing him to growl in anger. Moving over to the trembling McWanda, the robed figure placed a similar bag over the clown girl's head, resulting in a high pitched squeal of terror from her lips. Stooping down to pick up the immobilized hamster, Sleazo merely tossed the groaning Mister S.A into another sack, before turning his attention to Dwight.

"H-hey now, buddy, can't we talk about this?" the gamer stammered, feeling like he could wet himself any second. "Y-you seem like a nice guy, you don't have to kill us!"

"Me no kill, me just taking you to boss Slader!" Sleazo replied cheerfully, before throwing a sack over Dwight's head as well, rendering his vision dark. In panic, the terrified gamer struggled to move a muscle, any muscle, but his body remained firmly paralyzed by their assailant's unknown power. As he'd mentioned that he was a commander, this 'Sleazo' was presumably quite powerful.

"Alright, nighty night, my ferocious friends!" the Syndicate member sang as Dwight suddenly felt a painful jab in his spine, sending a shockwave of agony throughout his body that made his head go blurry. Even in the darkness of the bag over his head, the gamer could sense the world spinning as he'd evidently been injected with something. Several thumps could be heard, which Dwight guessed was the sound of McWanda and Logan falling unconscious and into the ground. It wasn't long before he too was feeling top-heavy, his titanic breasts dragging him face-first into the dusty dirt below.

With the group soundly defeated in an instant, a group of other assailants worked together to lug off the 4 unconscious victims, not towards the gate to Southopolis, but to another, more secluded gate that wasn't open to the public, and that only the realm's high-paying elite had access to. Where this one led was unknown to the now-slumbering group, but one thing was for certain: by the time that Dwight and his new acquaintances awoke, they would finally be meeting the mysterious man whose organization had shown a strange interest in them since the isekai'd man's first day in Southopolis.

"Sleazo going to get congratulated, Sleazo going to get praised!" the dimwit-sounding, ghost-faced being sang as he directed his shadowy subordinates into the gate, carrying off with him their captives.