Chapter 11

Dwight opened his eyes through heavy eyelids, groggily blinking as his sight adjusted to the dim light around him. His head pounding and body trembling, the massive-chested avatar coughed and to his surprise, could see his breath in the cold, dry air. Trying to stand up, Dwight noticed that he was sitting on a small, wooden, and very uncomfortable chair, where his heart began to race as he suddenly became aware that his hands were tied tightly behind his back. A single lightbulb dangled from an exposed wire that was hanging from the tall, wide ceiling overhead, where the uneven, grey walls of stone dripped with cold moisture as it was apparent that the confused man was in some sort of cave.

"H-hello?" Dwight mumbled, his breathe fogging up in front of his face. In the corner of the cave's high ceiling was what looked like an old security camera, a red light on the side blinking as the lens slowly turned towards the pink-shirted bombshell with a mechanical whirr.

Shivering in the freezing room, ill dressed for the temperature, the avid gamer wracked his brain as to where he might have been His heart thumping in his overgrown chest, the last thing that he could remember was encountering the strange entity called "Sleazo", who was supposedly a commander for the Kyroshi Syndicate. Thinking about the bag that'd been thrown over his head, Dwight felt even more nervous as he realized that he was likely in the custody of the mysterious criminal gang. Worse yet, none of his companions from earlier were anywhere in sight.

A metal door that'd blended in with the grey, rocky walls suddenly flung open, causing the skimpy-outfitted gamer to bolt upright in the chair, fighting the weight of his immense bosom as a lone figure casually strolled into the room.

"You're awake, finally!" a young man with blue eyes and brown, spiky hair exclaimed as he stepped forward, a notable streak of blue in his bangs as a smile spread across his toned, strong face. Dressed in a long, black trench coat that heavily resembled those worn by the German Nazis during the Second World War, the figure had matching dark-brown army boots, and most peculiar of all, had what looked like a solid-gold katana sword hilted in a sheath of the same color hanging from his hip.

"W-where am I?" Dwight replied, still dazed as he took in his surroundings.

"I'm getting to that, just relax and let me do my intro," the odd man answered, the confident smile still broadly spread across his face. "In the meantime, how's Earth these days? I'm sure I've missed a crap-ton since I got here."

The second part to the stranger's bizarre statement left Dwight stunned, though he now had a pretty good idea as to who he was speaking to.

"A-Are you-"

"-let me guess," the man interrupted, looking at the body of the tied-up gamer slyly. "Back in the 'real world', you're some fat guy with your dick hanging out, am I right?"

"Uhhh…well, kind of. My real name is Dwight Hock," Dwight began, shaking his mint-hair and unsure of what to say in response. "And what were you on Earth? Judging from the edgy trench coat and shonen-anime character hair, you were a teenager or some child-minded person who thought that your skin looked cool.

The giant-breasted avatar had not intended to say all that, where the stranger looked stunned for a moment, but he eventually burst into laughter.

"Ahahahah, I didn't see that coming, touché" he snorted, before putting his hands into the front pockets of his coat and regaining his wide smirk. "My name is Kyroshi Slader, and it's a pleasure to meet another person from my home reality."

"K-Kyroshi? Does that mean…" Dwight began, a chill running down the spine at hearing the name.

"…that I'm the head honcho of the 'Kyroshi Syndicate'? Guilty as charged!" the trench coat-wearing man replied cheerfully. "Isn't this place just wonderful, Dwight? ULife was already the best game ever, yet here we are, sucked into a dimension where everything is identical to the game, but real! Better yet, we get to be our characters, we can be anything that we want to be!"

"It has been interesting so far, but dude, I have so many questions," Dwight said with a weak smile, beginning to relax a little. "Do you have any idea how we ended up here? And is there a way back?"

"If there was a way back, then I'm not aware of it yet," Kyorshi continued, now pacing about the cave room. "But anyway, Dwight, I do have a theory. They say that what is created cannot be destroyed, right? Well, what if when ULife's servers eventually get shut down in the future, the virtual world doesn't go away completely. What if it manifested into a reality of its own? I mean think about it! Notice how the people that live here are sort of like NPCs? They just trudge through life without question, I mean there are 6 whole realms that make up this world, and some of them get really big. Yet, how many nations are there among them? These people are so disorganized, that all they have is a basic political system with a loose troop of law enforcement in each different realm. So…basic!"

"I mean I get what you're saying, but I figured that's just how society adapted here, I don't know, I'm not a people person," Dwight argued, beginning to fidget in place as he shivered in the cold room.

"And that's why I created this Syndicate of mine!" Kyroshi exclaimed, seemingly enjoying talking. "When I first got here, I freaked the fuck out. I was living on the streets of Southopolis, until some thug took pity on me and had me run contraband for money. Well, I kept up selling drugs, weapons, all other contraband and worked up the ranks, where I eventually took over his business and rebranded it as my own. The people here seem to naturally want to be led. I have individuals that despite being crazy strong and powerful, they still want to follow me! It was a cakewalk. Unlike on Earth, I'm somebody that matters in this world. I have power! People eat out of the palm of my hand. I have great plans for this place too, huge plans!"

With that, Kyroshi's hand then slid to the handle of his golden katana, where it hovered there for a moment.

"So as you can imagine, I'm a little pissed off that this very annoying group of people seem to be undermining me at every turn," the trench-coated man went on, the smile dropping from his face. "It took me forever to get to the point of controlling entire power plants in Acidystopia…but nope, some giant-titty idiot and her friends have pop in to fuck things up and get the governor kicked out of office."

"N-now you guys came for us first!" Dwight stammered in reply, eyeing Kyroshi's sword as he struggled in his binds. "I was just minding my own business, when one of your people in Southopolis came for me! Everything after that was just self-defense."

"Wanna know why I have people hunted down if I hear that they're from Earth?" Kyroshi continued, unsheathing his sword and holding it in his right hand. "What happened in Acidystopia, that's why. People like you, people from our world. They're the only ones that pose a threat to me and my future here. That tiger guy started talking too, wanted me to drop the criminal underworld leader role and work together with him to better this society. I said 'fuck no' and got a lovely rug out of him."

"Got a…rug, from him? You're a murderer…" Dwight said quietly, his knees shaking as his captor began to point his radiant katana towards him. "W-what are you going to do with me, then? P-please, I don't want to die…I'll fuck off, I'll leave you alone. Just please, please don't hurt me."

"Luckily for you, I'm a generous man," Kyroshi smirked as he unexpectedly pointed his sword forward, where the thin blade poked into Dwight's pink tanktop and stopped millimeters away from the busty avatar's actual skin. In one swift upwards slice, the black-coated man severed the thin pink fabric into two pieces, where the halved garment dropped to the floor as Dwight's gargantuan, naked boobs spilled out and flopped down in front of him, their weighty heft resting on his lap as his nipples were rock-solid from the dreadfully cold room.

"Fuck, they're even hotter than I expected," Kyroshi said as he licked his lips, before dropping to the stony floor on his knees and moving forward until his head was level with his captive's giant breasts.

"W-what are you- GAHH!! What the hell?!" Dwight screeched as the Syndicate leader suddenly shoved his face between his massive mammaries, where Kyorshi began to roughly fondle and rub the immense pale mounds as a jolt of pleasure rocked the female avatar's body.

"Mmmm so good, these big tits were just begging to be played with," the anime-haired man moaned creepily. "Join me, be one of my concubines, and we can forget all this nasty business in Acidystopia ever happened."

"Y-you know I'm actually a guy, right? I'm a 35-year-old man on Earth!" Dwight yelled in protest, squirming as he felt his assailant kiss one of his nipples.

"So? Who gives a fuck what you were, all that matters is what you are now!" Kyroshi insisted, continuing to grope the panicking, mint-haired avatar's chest. "And I say that you're a hot chick, so be my hot chick."

"Dude, that's sick! Get the fuck off of me!" Dwight continued to protest, feeling quite violated as he was rocked by a wave of disgust. "Hell no! Just leave me alone!"

Kyroshi suddenly stood up straight, towering over the top-naked gamer as he glared down at him through his striking blue eyes. His arm twitching, the Syndicate leader again raised his katana.

"No? Fine, have it your way. Maybe I'll untie you just that that I can bend you over and have my way with you before I chop you up with my sword here," the sadistic man chuckled as he suddenly punched the wailing Dwight in the face, drawing blood from his lip.

"P-please, don't do this!" the horrified gamer begged as blood and tears trickled down his face, before he was abruptly hit again. Coughing back a sob, Dwight looked up with pleading eyes.

"Mmmm you're so hot looking all beaten and bloody like that," Kyroshi sneered as he bit his lip, seemingly reaching for the belt buckle of the black trousers that he wore beneath his heavy trench coat.

Before either of them could say anything else, the metal door that the Syndicate boss had entered from suddenly flung open again, slamming against the solid cave wall and creating an echo that caused both occupants to jump.

"Dwight! Are you in here, man?" Logan yelled as he large body stood just outside the door frame. "What the hell is going on in here?"

"Logan! Logan thank God, help me!!" Dwight shrieked in his girly voice.

"What the fuck? How did you get free?!" Kyroshi growled as he turned to face the large blue dragon, his katana at the ready.

"I don't know who you are, little punk, but if you don't step away from the stacked broad behind you…" Logan hissed as he balled up his scaly fists, squeezing into the door and waddling over to the black-coated man.

"Dwight! Hold on, dear boy!" Mister S.A exclaimed as he suddenly appeared on Logan's shoulder, where he hopped to the floor and scampered between a perplexed Kyroshi's legs, making it to the tied-up gamer.

"Screw you, I'll just kill you both!" the Syndicate leader sneered as he lunged his sword at the wide blue dragon, delivering a diagonal upper slash to Logan's paler-blue stomach as sparks flew out of the golden blade while it sliced into the hard scales. Blood began to trickle down from a thin wound, though the heavy-set reptile appeared more annoyed than anything.

"That stung, you little runt!" Logan roared as he raised one of his thick arms and proceeded to bring his fist down over the young man's head with a crack, sending Kyroshi crashing to the floor with his sword landing with a clang next to him. Stunned from the sudden blow, the brunette-haired man looked up at the dragon towering over him, his bright blue eyes now wide with fear.

"Gotcha, you're free!" Mister S.A exclaimed as he finished slicing the rope that bound Dwight's hands, who shook his friction-burned wrists with relief as the then attempted to stand up. The hamster hitman almost seemed to be looked away from the top-naked avatar in embarrassment. "We'll uh- find you something to put on when we get out of there."

"I've never been happier to see your furry little face," Dwight sighed with relief as he managed to fight the weight of his gargantuan, exposed breasts as they hung down in front of him as he stood up, before looking towards the trench coat-wearing man on the floor. "That guy…that's Kyroshi, that's the leader of the friggin Kyroshi Syndicate!"

"Who, this punk?" Logan asked as he hoisted the humiliated Kyroshi into the air by the collar of his coat. "I mean he managed to get a good slice into my chest, but his blade was pretty dull so it's more or less just a scratch."

"He's from where I'm from," the huge-chested gamer replied as he and Mister S.A stepped towards the door. "He was probably just a regular person before he came here, maybe even a kid. I doubt he's anywhere near as strong as the people who work for him."

"I will stab you through the roof of your pretty little mouth!" Kyroshi cackled, desperately trying to reach his sword from where Logan was holding him, tears of frustration in his eyes as his blue-streaked bangs hung down in front of them. "You guys have no idea what I'm capable of, or what I plan on doing with this world! And if you think that you'll be able to escape this realm alive, well…"

"Guys! I found an exit!" McWanda's voice could be heard from outside the doorway that the wide dragon stood in, causing everyone to look in that direction. "Also…I think I hear people are coming!

"Crap, we'd better get a move on, boys, lets hurry," the rodent assassin urged as he leapt onto Dwight's shoulder. Shrugging, Logan reared his arm back and proceeded to throw Kyroshi across the cave room, where he was sent crashing into the chair that'd he'd had the mint-haired gamer tied to, grumbling as he curled into a defensive fetal position.

Dwight followed Logan out of the room, leaving the Syndicate boss behind as he looked down the hall outside. It was a long, tight hallway that was also composed of rough, grey rock, where Wanda could be seen already at the other end in the dim light. Squeezing through the narrow walkway, claustrophobia set in for the avid gamer as he navigated the tight cave, where Logan too was having trouble following the clown girl.

"We were tied up in a room further back that way," Mister S.A explained as he advanced. "Logan was able to burn the ropes up with his fire. I guess we found you just in time, eh?"

"You have no idea," Dwight said with a light smile. Suddenly, the sound of thundering footsteps could be heard coming from behind, causing the bare-chested, top-heavy avatar to struggle on forward.

"I can hear the wind on the other side of here!" Wanda exclaimed as she was found standing in front of a large, metal door. "I can't get it open though, it's stuck!"

"On it," Logan said as he reached the door handle and with a mighty push of his bulk, was able to fling the solid metal open as light flooded into the dim cave, followed by a howling wind as the already-cool inside was hit with a rush of cold. As the group piled outside, Dwight could already tell which of the 6 realms that they were in.

Upon leaving the cave, the 4 were revealed to be standing on top of a massive, snow-covered mountain amidst a howling blizzard. Towering high above a seemingly bottom-less chasm below, everybody had bewildered looks on their faces as the icy wind and thick snow sliced through them like a cold knife. The sky above was filled with light-colored clouds, where a seemingly infinite rain of the fluffy, white flakes bore down upon the group while the horizon was filled with dozens of snowy mountains of similar size to the one that they were on. This was the realm of The Jal Mountains, a world that was made up of 1 giant mountain range whose peaks rose to the height of the Himalayas that they were based off of.

"Frig, figures we'd be in a place like this!" Mister S.A yelled over the bellowing wind. The cave that they'd emerged from seemed to be some sort of secret base that'd been tunneled into the mountain itself, where the foursome next attempted to get as far away from it as possible to avoid pursuers.

"D-dammit its cold!" Wanda trembled as she began to stumble down the steep summit, where everybody else was feeling the cold given their ill preparedness for the climate. "Oh my gosh, poor Dwight, you must be freezing with your girls out like that! Why are you naked?"

"Can we just get off this mountain first?" Dwight replied as his teeth chattered in the frigid cold, wrapping his arms around his titanic chest as he struggled through the deep snow in his flip flops, his entire feminine body already getting quite numb from the elements. "I don't suppose anyone knows how to get to the nearest town?"

Thanks to the avid gamer's thorough knowledge of the game of ULife, he knew that The Jal Mountains had towns and villages nestled between the valleys that lay at the foot of the towering peaks. The buildings of these towns were heavily-inspired by Edo period Japan, leading many of the players who visited the realm to be otakus who'd always have avatars based on anime characters.

"Ugh, I'm cold blooded, so I'm getting pretty damn sleepy in all this snow," Logan complained with a yawn, forging a path in the deep snow bank as the rest of the group followed close behind the larger creature. Cautiously, they began to descend the steep escarpment, the blistering wind mercilessly cutting through everyone as hypothermia threatened Dwight in particular as his petite body struggled to heat his enormous boobs. His pale skin turning pink, the mint-haired beauty had Mister S.A looking on with concern as the two Humans of the group struggled in the cold, while the lumbering Logan was growing increasingly weak due to him being a coldblooded reptile. If they didn't get off the mountain soon, they'd likely die up there.

"Mister Slader, sir, are you okay?!" a voice asked as a groaning Kyroshi rose to his feet, clutching his throbbing head from where the obese dragon had hit him. Standing in the doorway was one of his captains, a man with light-blue skin and smooth, ice-like hair that resembled frozen water atop his head. He was dressed in a bright, sky-blue leotard, and had pointed, white shoes over his feet.

"White Christmas, our prisoners have all escaped," Kyroshi Slader growled, walking over to retrieve his golden katana. "You have my permission to kill them all. Make sure that they all suffer."

"Yes sir, you can count on me!" the pointy-nosed captain replied, before hoisting up what looked like a large rocket launcher over his shoulder. "My snow-zooka ought to make short work of them! I love the cold, and these mountains are my playground! They won't escape me."

Watching the light-blue man disappear around the corner to exit the Syndicate's secret mountain base, Kyroshi sheathed his sword as he nervously tapped on the hilt.

"Morons, I won't let that Dwight guy ruin what I've built," the unhinged leader muttered to himself. "I'll call Samson and tell him to get his ass over here. I have a bad feeling that dumbass White Christmas isn't going to do what he's supposed to. Maybe I'll give that new guy a call, too."

It had been around 10 minutes since the group of 4 left the Syndicate's hideout, and they were making slow progress down the face of the mountain. Their bodies assaulted by the nonstop wind and snow, their movements had slowed to crawl as they trudged through the deep snowbanks, where the rocky outcropping where the cave was could still be seen from where they were.

"I-I-I'd give anything for a piping hot burger right now," McWanada sighed, her teeth chattering as she hugged her body through her thin dress in an attempt to find warmth. "A nice, sizzling, juicy patty topped with pickled jalapenos and banana peppers to warm you up…"

"You're making me hungrier more than anything," Logan chuckled sleepily as he continued to carve a path in the snow ahead of them using his large body. "You guys see any sign of shelter yet? I mean shoot, even another cave would be nice about now."

The dragon's small wings flapped to keep the snow off of them as he and the clown turned their heads to check on Dwight, whose shivering legs looked like they could give out on him at any moment as the gargantuan-boobed avatar struggled to keep upright.

"Hang in there, Dwight, we need to push on," Mister S.A attempted to encourage from the topless gamer's slender shoulders. "Just keep moving forward, the further we get away from the Kyroshi Syndicate's lair, the better. Who knows who they've sent after us…"

"I-I-I c-can't f-feel any-t-thing," Dwight mumbled, shivering wildly as his lips had gone blue from the prolonged exposure to extreme cold. He'd lost feeling in his feet and legs, and could barely keep his large exposed breasts covered any longer as his arms too felt weak. Normally, the cowardly gamer would be horrified, but the onset of hypothermia had left his heart beating gently and slowly, which at the very least kept the near-frozen avatar calm.

Suddenly, something fast smashed into the deep snow nearby, causing an explosion of white to cloud the group in a smokescreen of snow. Turning to look up at the mountain face that they were descending from, the foursome could make out a figure sliding towards them from the cave where they'd emerged.

"Whoops, missed," the pale-blue figure cackled, seemingly gliding over on a pair of pointed shoes as he aimed a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher towards the group. "Oh well, fire two!"

An enormous snowball fired out of the bazooka at great speed, pelting Logan right in the face and hitting him with such force that the lumbering dragon fell onto his spiked back.

"Awe c'mon, dude, what the hell!" he roared, standing back up quickly as he wiped the snow from his face.

"The name is White Christmas, and I'm one of Mister Slader's elite mountain troopers," the odd man explained, his skin-tight leotard unfortunately leaving little to the imagination as he effortlessly slid over the snow that the group was having so much trouble trudging through. "Now he's tasked me with eliminating you all, so be good and hold still for me!"

"Wake up, you blathering moron, you're taking orders whom someone who's probably a teenager," Mister S.A yelled over the wind. "My word, that was such a letdown…"

"We follow Mister Slader because of his vision, silly," the one called White Christmas replied, stuffing a handful of snow into the back of his weapon and aiming it back at the 4 targets. "Now shush while I bury you all alive in wonderfullll snoowwwww"

His fingertips freezing, Dwight was forced to let his massive mammaries flop out of his grasp and he collapsed to his knees, unable to go on. This made him an easy target for the pursuing Kyroshi captain, who promptly took aim and fired a shot of his bazooka at the overly-busty avatar.

In a red blur, McWanada stepped in front of Dwight just in time to swat the snowball into oblivion with her spatula-sword, her orange-red hair untied and blowing wildly in the icy wind.

"Looks like we have no choice, guys," the clown girl muttered over the howling blizzard. "We're going to have to fight if we want to move on."

"Sounds fun, but I feel like I'm about to drop any second," Logan said before letting out another loud yawn.

"Worry not, lady and gentlemen," Mister S.A said reassuringly, looking at the deep snow in front of him and back to the blue man who was skating around above. "I have a plan."