38-A string of doubt


"I know I should have called but I was in a rush, coming back here and I'm sorry. I should have done better and called, " I heard Mason say, "—But look on the bright side, we are alone. "

I watched as his eyes searched the diner with a smile spread across his lips.

"Have you eaten anything?" Mason asked, breaking me out of my reverie.

I shook my head and a loud rumbling sound made the air awkward as my hands reached out to touch my stomach.

"I'll order roasted chicken, do you like that?" I heard him say while chuckling.

I nodded, my cheeks still burning from slight embarrassment. I watched as he hollered for someone to take our order and the woman who asked if I wanted wine, stepped forward with a bright smile on her face.

She listened to Mason's words, her eyes blinded by his handsome features as she blushed occasionally.