39-The return of Rose


I looked at the large mirror while wearing my black three-piece lounge suit. My hands reached to button it up, I had blantly refused a maid's help even when she kept asking for several minutes.

"I can do it myself. " I told her with finality and she stepped out of my chambers.

I touched the black tie, knotting it to perfection. I then let my hands fall to my sides, admiring how I looked in the mirror.

Today was a crucial day for me and the royal family. It was also the first time I would be seeing Matilda's face for the first time.

A sad smile spread across my lips, remembering our last encounter and I looked at the window which bore the reflection of the moon. My eyes then darted across to my fairly amber lit room.

I sat on my bed and sighed deeply. I was about to move when I heard the door slightly open.

My eyes met with my mother and I knew what she wanted to say.