72-Visiting my arranged wife


"Another letter for you, my Prince. " Daniel tried to pass me another envelope as we ventured toward my chambers.

"Read it!" I demanded while pushing my spectacles farther into my trousers.

I watched Daniel as I placed my hands behind my back.

"It's a letter from Arendelle. The Duchess is inviting you to a tea party with her acquaintance, this evening."

I let out a frustrated sigh. Wasn't Matilda already tired of me or what was she trying to do? 

"Make up an excuse and fill up my schedule with non-existent kinds of stuff. Send back a letter of apology and I'm sure it would be fine. "I answered while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"If you do that, my Prince. You will be asked to apologize to the King and Queen in particular for breaking their daughter's heart. " Daniel responded with a quick bow of his head.