73- Running into an old ex


"I wasn't expecting to see you. " Matilda rose to her greeted me with a smile, "How did you find Arendelle?" 

I was too fixated on Diana to notice Matilda who wore a polkadot sleeved dress that terminated at her knees.

Matilda noticed where my attention laid and she then turned to look at Diana.

"You know each other that well?" Matilda asked.

"Quite well," I heard Diana respond, "We were together for a while. "

There was a tensed moment between us as the room suddenly felt smaller. I thought that I was never going to hear from her since that incident at the greenhouse party in the palace. 

"That's such a pity, " Matilda chuckled, advancing towards me to link my arms with hers, "He's the man whom I'm bethrothed to. "

I wanted so much to yank my arm away from hers but I was reminded of the fact that I was far away from home. My eyes caught Diana's sad smile as she struggled to widen her lips.