86- The mask we wear


I spent the rest of the noon with Luke and Alfred while steering clear of Nadia and Damien. Alfred was generous enough to teach me how to make a large pie as I watched with rapt attention.

With the pink napkin folded in my open palm, I asked Alfred several questions. Somehow, he seemed similar to Gordon in several ways except for the fact that he took criticism badly. He mentioned that his father often bashed his baking at almost every time.

"He always said that, baking isn't what a real man should do. " Alfred chuckled lightly as he told me about the several occasions where his father tried to force him into the shoe-making business. With his eyes narrowing in on me, he said that his father was embarrassed of his talent in baking.

"That's ridiculous. You're the best, Alfred." Luke praised with a smile etching on his face.