

I scrubbed the dishes with a sponge, the latter of the dish-washing soap spreading to each and every corner of the plates. Luke engaged me in a conversation about his sisters but my mind was far far away thinking of something else rather than listening to Luke. 

She just had to call me attractive, rude and condescending. I scrubbed harder while recollecting her words in the rest-room.

She called it a mistake. How could it be a mistake when she had her arms around my sides and my chest?

How could she make me feel so excited for her touch and she discarded my feelings as if it never mattered?

She hurt me and sobbed when I did the same to her. 

"Are you not listening to me, man?" Luke's hand bumped against my arm, reeling me back into reality. 

I dropped the dishes I was cleaning impulsively and whipped my head to the side, "I just have a lot on my mind. "