Appetizers Or Full Meal

"This is your last chance, if you want to save yourself, kill me now." 

Alex ran faster when the words fell in his ears. He wrapped his arms around Oli and covered her body while glaring at Cedric with a tilted face.

"Don't you dare attack her!" he warned when Cedric laughed. 

He raised his hands and the dagger he was holding in them in the air.

"That dagger is not mine. I just came to say hello. But she seems angry!" if anyone would have heard him, it would have felt that he was wronged by the dim eyes and soft voice.

"Ha! I will tell you how to say hello to my enemies." she struggled in the arms of Alex but he held her tightly when she glared at him, "Alex, let me go!" 

"Cedric!" Alex sighed! When Cedric just chuckled but left.

"You are helping him." she accused Alex of shaking his head and holding her tighter.