[Bonus chapter]

Looking at their pale faces as if they have seen a ghost, George felt his chest tightened. 

"Thank you for visiting me. Since you have signed the papers, I will not worry about the war anymore." they wanted to smack that smirk off Alex's face but they didn't dare to.

They were always afraid of his military power, the thought that he held both military and political power was unsettling but now that he had financial power, Alex was invincible.

If all the money was invested as he had said, they wonder how many businesses would go bankrupt if he took the investment back. More than that, who would be those unlucky ones?

A look of despair and uncertainty shrouded their faces as they stared at each other, hoping 

If he took out all his wealth from their empire, they could not fathom how the empire would run.

No! They have to make sure to improve connections with him. 

"Your majesty." Count Saleby was the first to approach.