Chapter 267 | Hugs for Drugs

The articles started circulating the internet rapidly as Ian could ever think.

He kept his phone aside hearing Brad's voice.

"Interesting! Interesting!" For the seventh time, Ian heard Brad yell across the set for something he saw.

The fat old man quite got the knack of yelling whenever he found something interesting. At first, it was hilarious, but with time, it became rather something Ian would avoid.

"Ian, how are you doing? Are you ready for today? "

A woman in her middle age with beautiful hair and a face covered in make-up walked closer. She was wearing jeans and a top, which made it obvious that she must be an actress in a costume.

"Yes, Natalie. Can't wait to see how things go," Ian said in a duh tone.

The first time they met was when the screentest happened. Although Ian did his role alone, later he was again tested with Natalie to see their chemistry.

It should also be mentioned that Brad was more than happy seeing Ian's acting skills perfectly in sync with Natalie's acting skills.

"Ah, I bet they'd go great. We're having a team dinner to celebrate the beginning of shooting, you wanna join us?" She asked.

"Yeah, send me the details."

"Heard you're quite the party boy," Natalie said. At this moment Ian realised that, from her words to her actions, she was flirting with him.

'This could be a bad sign, but also a good chance to increase chemistry between us' Ian thought.

Yet at the back of his head, he didn't want to take any wrong step knowing the woman of his dreams must be waiting and cheering him from wherever she is.

"Alright, I'll text you the details," she said and walked away from him.

After she was gone out of his sight, he looked around just to notice how different things are when he was on the other end of the shooting process. Especially as he was directing and thinking a lot about the movie's direction, and it was an entirely different perspective from acting.

Ian walked inside the set, and he saw two women walking towards him.

"Mr. Renner, we've to do a fitting test. According to the measures we received, I don't think there'd be too much to adjust, still, let's see!

The older-looking women among the two women said and waited for Ian to reply. Ian nodded and followed her after.

While walking after her, he took a look around. Different departments were doing their own thing.

The sound department was checking microphones and speakers. While some other men were working on the lights. Other departments including the art department, makeup and costumes were on their own jobs.

Simply, everyone was trying their best to do the tasks.

The rush, and the busy vibes the workers gave, made Ian almost miss handling and working around the set. But he also knew that this opportunity will open so many gates.

As Ian walked in, in the rack of clothes, there were so many clothes hung. Most of them were casual clothes. Jeans, t-shirts, and button-ups were there. In the corner of the rack, there were also three suits.

"Let's see if they fit you okay," Another woman walked towards Ian and started helping him to get into clothes.


Day twelve.

Ian walked inside the set feeling more comfortable with everything. From the crew to the cast, and the script, he was feeling familiar with every passing day.

"So, today, it's going to be the first meeting between Kiara, our female lead and Sean. The coffee shop meeting needs to be perfect, to be honest. It'd be a tight take, are you ready?" Brad asked, looking at both Ian and Natalie.

The name of the movie was 'Kiara', named after the female lead, although the entire story was based on actions and the journey of the lead, the movie was named after Kiara; the character because of how the main character was created.

During Sean's journey with the end goal of becoming a person with freedom, he found his reason; which was peace, after seeing one person, and that was Kiara.

As cheesy as the storyline Ian thought, Brad wanted to deliver something to the Australian audience just so that they'd take something from the movie.

When Ian asked, "Why are you going with something cliché? There are many unused tropes-"

Brad stopped him midway and replied, "It's not the thing, Ian. In the past year, I did research with a group of directors. We looked towards relationships of people between 19-25 years. You'd be surprised to see what we found."

"I don't even know why you're surprised," Ian chuckled.

"This is going to be a movie that'd leave people wondering if real love exists. And, the depth of love by one or another will dive right into their hearts. I've no doubt it. As so many people who already admire my work are youngsters, I'm going to leave them a good message."

Ian understood what he said, and that made him more interested in being a part of the movie.

But since there were too many romance-based movies that existed in that world, he was curious to see how this would go.


Sean walked inside the coffee shop with his head down, his expression completely not visible to anyone in front of him. He walked inside and took a brief glance around the room.

"Cut!!" Brad's voice echoed through the hall.

Ian stopped his act together and looked at him.

"Ian, don't look too defeated. Your head, raise it a little, and keep it tight, okay? If you need a break, let us know!"

Brad said and walked away. Ian shook his head and smiled. "Let's try again," he said.

"Quiet on the set, please! Can I have all the attention?"


"Sound rolling!


"Camera rolling



As soon as Brad gave the command, Ian walked inside the coffee shop just as he had asked him to. He was looking at the floor, but then his eyes wandered around the room just to stop at the woman behind the counter.

"Cut! That was it! Perfect! Let me check!"

Brad said and went to check how the shot was.

Ian immediately released a sigh he was holding in. Natalie walked around the counter and sat next to Ian.

"It seems like you're being too hard on yourself. It's okay, Ian."

She said and looked at Ian.

"If I was the director, I'd want the actors to take the entire shooting process seriously just as how I'd."

Ian didn't say anything but smiled back and walked towards Brad.

"How was it?" he asked.

"It was good, no kidding. I'd have loved it if your emotions were caught though. Should we add another camera? Jay, what do you say?" Brad asked the cinematographer and waited till Jay replied.

"Let's take it again? This time, we'll add two more angles, left and right. We'll take one from behind too. This shot is important, right? Let's take in multiple angles. Leo, adjust the 3 and 4, five minutes?" Jay asked the latter looking at Brad, to which he nodded.



The news of Ian getting to acting already reached online, and for people all around the world.

One thing the marketing department did as soon as Ian gave permission and signed the contract was to promote the fact that Ian would be the lead of Kiara, the next big movie done by Brad Crutchfield.

Hearing that many people were over-amused.


What? What the f? Ian is going to act?! I thought the legend would just stick to… Directing?! Is it true?? #shocked #need proof Guys…?!??


#shocked this must be the first time in my life that I'm actually shocked by this reveal! I never thought Ian would get into acting! Wow! Brad Crutchfield…? This is going to be amazing! #cantwait


When I saw #shocked trending, I didn't know why! But I do know now! Ian Renner:? Action? Guys, with a handsome face like that, it shouldn't even become a question! You go, Ian! #cantwait #omg


I must be hallucinating! But can't be all my fellow humans in the world! Good luck guys! Congrats #shocked



Ah! Ian to acting! This is going to get more interesting XD

Next chapters: Acting, acting, acting. Inception release...?

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