

Leaning against the door, Pegasus looked over at his friends who were sitting or standing around the room. Rafiz sits on the other side of the bed while Virgo and Aries are on the end. Libra, Cygnus and Eridanus were standing by the other side of the bed, where it was opposite Rafiz.

"It is really amazing. His healing power can enhance your ability... Enable you guys to fight almost equally with Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut." Libra was amazed.

"Tsked, you could just erase that 'almost', you know." Aries rebuked. "But, the experiment did work. Virgo, Pegasus, how do you guys feel?"

If she did not tell Kairi to use them as experiments, she would not know that the healing power can enhance them.

"I feel my stamina increase. My speed is much faster and my sight looks sharper... I could even see a tiny ant over that tree which would unlikely happen normally. And it's already dark..." Virgo explained while his eyes were looking outside the window behind Rafiz.

Pegasus just nodded his head.

"Enhancement... While using healing ability?" Cygnus was shocked. It has never happened before.

Can someone enhance other people's abilities just by healing? That was so incredible... Even Agi the chants master among them could not do that.

"I think you guys were wrong about this. His healing power may perhaps heal the damage to our emblem spirit... It could make your stamina and other abilities increase." Eridanus guessed.

"If that is true, how come Rafiz also increases his ability? His power is from a dark emblem. Although he is no longer one of them he still uses the power that belongs to them." Asked Pegasus. "Light and Dark would have to cancel each other out."

Everyone was astonished at his question. Rafiz balled his hand. He too just noticed this issue. It was a mystery for Kairi able to let him get stronger. He was almost on par with Dark Spincer.

"Kairi..." He gazes worriedly at Kairi.

Does using the power would endanger Kairi's life?

There was no definite answer. They could only decide that it was one of Kairi's stellar powers.

"It's been a few days... Maybe the fatigue of using his power is harmful to his body and therefore causes him to need a long rest? But, these take too much time. Do we need to carry him there? It would be much faster." Aries looked at them.

Four days had already passed and Kairi still did not wake up. It was like he had fallen into comatose which worried them. Rafiz and Virgo look depressing. They have been waiting and thought Kairi would wake up within two days but he did not. They want to hear Kairi's cheerful voice again.

"This is like three years ago... Does Kairi have a problem with his body after Dark Ries attacks his head?" Rafiz was reminiscing.

At that time, he didn't know that Kairi had fallen from a tree. He was startled to find Kairi lying on the ground while blood flowed out from his back. He tried many times to wake Kairi but Kairi did not respond.

After he took Kairi to the doctor, the doctor said there was a strong impact on the back of Kairi's head. Rafiz thought it was Dark Ries again, appearing there without him knowing it. But, he didn't sense Dark Ries nearby. Because of that, he was waiting for Kairi to wake up and tell him who had attacked him.

"I waited and waited almost a week. I finally decided to see Dark Ries. It's just that I didn't leave yet because you woke up shortly. I can imagine how angry I was after you told me that you fell from a tall tree and didn't have time to hold anything." He pushed his hair back while looking at Kairi.

"You really like to make me worry. How can I get too attached to you when we just met and have known each other for a year? What exactly have you done to me, Kairi? I'm hopeless without you... So hurry up and wake up. Don't let me go crazy like this. My patience won't last..."

Rafiz muttered in his heart even though he could wait for another week but, if Kairi doesn't wake up, he might go find Dark Spincer and Dark Reammut for another fight. He wanted to hit them so hard that they won't be able to live again.

Suddenly his mind appears with an image of someone unknown. He took a deep breath.

"Who was that...? Someone with long red hair and I can't see his expression but... I felt that he was smiling at me. From his physique, he looks like a man. Who is he? Have we met before? Strange... Why did it appear in my mind?" He was confused.

"Rafiz... Rafiz, what's wrong?" Asked Aries because she could feel Rafiz's mood change suddenly.

"Hm? It's nothing. Why did you call?" Rafiz replied.

"She said Agi on his way here," Virgo told him.

"Agi? Can he check Kairi's body? He is a healer too, right?" Rafiz remembered that Agi can heal.

Virgo nodded. "That's what he is coming for. Maybe he can look at something we don't know. After all, both Kairi and Dark Reammut fainted at that time. Who knows what Dark Reammut had done to Kairi."

"I see..." Rafiz looks down at his feet.

Although Kairi is in good health, if he doesn't wake up for a long time he could get a health problem. Rafiz held one of Kairi's hands and rubbed it with his thumb. He paused for a moment when he felt the movement from Kairi's hand. Immediately, he turns toward Kairi's face.

"Kairi?" His call caught the attention of Virgo and their friends.

Kairi's closed eyes moved a bit before his eyes opened slowly. He looked at the ceiling before he saw Rafiz move into his sight.

"Hey, brother." He greeted Rafiz with a small smile. His voice was a little hoarse because he has not used it in a long time.

"Kairi!" Everyone shouted happily.

Kairi was stunned. He saw new faces in the room. His eyes widened because he seemed to see something flying around everyone. When he blinks, all of them disappear.

What was that...?

"Kairi, are you feeling okay?" Aries went near the bed, looking worried.

Kairi stared at her.

"Aries look lovely as always." He suddenly thought.

He was shocked when he saw Aries blushed red.

"I'm sorry! It's just, yes, you do look beautiful, Aries." Kairi said in his mind.

He forgot Aries could read his thinking. His body was sweating a little, thinking his words felt like a pervert. To not make it more awkward, he changed the topic.

"Cough… How long have I been unconscious?" He asked all of them.

"Four days. You almost drive us crazy with worry when you take so long to regain consciousness." Told Virgo.

"I'm sorry..." Kairi apologised. He didn't know his circumstances make them so anxious.

"Future leader, we are pleased to meet you. I am called Libra. This here, Cygnus and Eridanus. From our name, you should know who we are." Libra approached Kairi and stood beside Aries.

Kairi nodded with a smile. "I'm Kairi."

Libra smiled back. "Agi should be arriving by now. Since you have already woken up, do you feel you can move with us towards Syarantonia today? We have brought a carriage, ready for take-off."

Libra needed to make sure Kairi's body was alright for long-distance travel. They may take a few days more before arriving in Syarantonia's main city, Antonia.

Kairi moves up before he flinched. The wound on his shoulder and stomach make him breathless. Rafiz pushes him back to lie down.

"Stay. I'll carry you later. No need for you to walk in this condition." Rafiz was concerned after seeing Kairi's painful expression.

"Rafiz, I think I can walk by myself to the carriage. I just need to get used to this pain." Kairi felt guilty. He did not want to burden them even more.

"No, stay there." Rafiz glared at him.

He walks to their clothing bag and fills it up with their things. For four days straight, he was the one who handled all Kairi's needs. Bathing, changing bandages and Kairi's clothes, all was done by him alone. He already got used to it because of the two times Kairi got himself unconscious.

His care astounded all the Bright Star members there. Rafiz was more like a servant and nanny to Kairi than just a brother. This reassured them that Rafiz would not harm Kairi.

But... Didn't Rafiz overdo it?

They stare at him. In a blink of an eye, he finishes packing all their belongings. Including Kairi's bag, he has three big hiking bags. He pulled all of them over his shoulder and back. After carrying the heavy bags, he walked to Kairi.

Kairi gaped at him. Doesn't that look so heavy?

"Rafiz, let us take the bags. You can carry Kairi without them." Cygnus's mouth twitched.

Is this guy trying to show off or something?

Virgo, Cygnus and Eridanus took the bags. The weight almost toppled them. They secretly plan to exercise more after this. Also, they were confused. They did not see Rafiz put anything heavy inside. What makes it so heavy?

Pegasus, who was at the door, hid his smirk.


The bag itself was heavy because there was a weight spell on it. Pegasus guessed it must be Rafiz daily training using the bags. He found out because he used to hear the bag sound after Rafiz put it down. It thumped softly but almost cracked the ground.

No one other than him realised it during their journey. Kairi's bag was also the same but looking at Kairi's expression, the weight was probably not as heavy as Rafiz's bags.

The question is... How is Rafiz able to use such a spell? He does not seem to see Rafiz chant anything or take out any spell. So, where did it come from?

So mysterious...