

"Rafiz..." Kairi called in a trembling voice.

"Yes?" Replied Rafiz who was next to him.

Suddenly the sound of something loud startled them both.

"Why choose this dark road?!"

Rafiz turns to him with one raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean? Aren't you the one who chose to go through here?" Rafiz was confused.

A few hours ago...

"Guys, why are we stopping here? By the way, which road goes to Antonia?"

Kairi and his friends stop suddenly in front of two roads.

"Any road can. How about you choose which one you want, Kairi," replied Agi.

He kept something from Kairi and Rafiz. The same goes for the others. The roads in front of them have differences. The road on their right shows that people normally use it while the second road has grasses all over it.

Kairi looked at Rafiz who was staring at the grassy road. Then, he looked at the other.

"Is this a trap or... A test? What will happen if we choose one of them? Although Agi says both roads lead to Antonia, what if it's a trap for Rafiz? Wait! Why do I think like this? I shouldn't doubt them but... Weird, why is Rafiz staring there so long? Could it be that the road there is safe? Okay, fine!" He made a decision.

"I choose that grassy one."

"Rafiz?" Agi wants to know Rafiz's choice.

"I follow Kairi," Rafiz replied without caring which road they took as long as they reached Antonia.

"In that case, we will take another road. Let's see who gets there first. The distance between the two roads is the same. Fifteen kilometres. Want to compete?" Virgo asked with a cynical smile.

"Okay!" Kairi replied happily unaware that the path they were taking would bring many obstacles to them.

Rafiz could feel they were being tested but didn't expose it to Kairi. If there were dangers he was enough to protect Kairi.

"Maybe they want to see Kairi's abilities without help." He thought about the upper echelons of Antonia.

Now, they were in a place that was getting darker and darker.

"What? But, you were looking at this road!"

"Of course! Because I don't feel good about it." Rafiz shrugged.

Kairi thinks he was foolish. He should have asked for Rafiz's opinion first. Meanwhile, Virgo and his friends have arrived at the entrance to Antonia. Two large gates opened as they arrived, giving them a view of a majestic city with a beautiful palace far behind the city.

Surrounding it was a stone wall thirty feet high. The walls had been reinforced with magic and spells to protect it from other magical powers evasion. Magical gemstones also were planted in the walls to enhance its defence.

Antonia's soldiers were seen lining up at every corner of the wall and kept a close eye on it. Above the wall also has cannons with magic bullets ready to strike at the enemy.

Virgo and his friends entered the city and were welcomed by the residents. Everyone recognised the members of Bright Star because of their stunning appearance.

"Pegasus, look here!" Screamed some young ladies at him.

They loved him because of his attractive face and his cold expression that made their hearts beat fast. Agi cursed him for being able to seduce women easily.

"Virgo, Cygnus, Eridanus, you're back! Don't forget to visit us, okay?!"

Informed some people towards them. These people mostly come from the restaurants and taverns around Antonia. Virgo, Cygnus and Eridanus normally patrol around while visiting these places for leisure. The three replied with a wave of their hand to them with a smile.

Agi sighed at their easy-going lifestyle. He turned around to see Aries and Libra. As he guessed, both were surrounded by handsome and wealthy young men. Some even flirt with them while giving gifts.

In a blink of an eye, their hands were full of a variety of fragrant flowers and all wanted to be the lucky man to marry them. After all, anyone who married a member of the Bright Star has a definite future while getting a high status. They also would be respected by all if they manage to give birth to the next generation of Bright Star users.

Agi rolled his eyes to see all of them being given attention. Suddenly, a girl looking like six years old came toward him with a bouquet of jasmine flowers.

"This is for you, Lord Sagittarius," the girl said with a shy smile.

"Thank you, my dear," Agi replied and took the flowers.

He also rubbed the girl's head. The girl returned to her mother's side who was outside their shop.

"I give Lord Sagittarius flowers today, mom!" The girl was so happy.

Her mother patted her head while smiling and then bowed towards Agi. Agi nodded in exchange.

"Heh! Agi, you know you can't touch minors, right?" Pegasus suddenly appeared beside him.

Agi's face turns dark. Such words tarnished his dignity. He spoke a spell while emitting a force field under Pegasus's feet. Pegasus realized too late and was unable to dodge it. Now, his body was out of control and Agi gave him an evil grin.

"Have fun, Pegasus."

He moved Pegasus to get down from his horse, then moved him towards the excited ladies. Pegasus tried to escape from the control but was unsuccessful. He was forced to kiss a lady's cheek. The lady screamed in excitement and passed out immediately while other ladies were jealous of her. The rest immediately want Pegasus to kiss them too.

"Agi!" Pegasus roared inwardly as Agi left him like that.

Agi was very satisfied after his revenge. Virgo and his friends who saw the situation pity Pegasus. Although, they all agreed that Pegasus did deserve it.

They continued to ride their horses to the palace leaving Pegasus behind. Arriving in front of the main building of the palace, they all got down on their knees, showing their respect towards a man who was waiting for them. While doing that, their horses were pulled away by the palace servants.

That man was wearing a gold black armour with a lion's head sculpture on his shoulders. His blonde hair was short and wild. A row of hair even crept out into his cold gold gazes but did not interfere with his keening sight.

His mouth and nose were covered behind a black mask. The face behind it shows that he was very handsome but the coldness kept everyone around him away. Even so, everyone respected him since he was the supreme general of Antonia and also the substitute leader for Bright Star.

Behind him stood his advisors. One from the military side and the other from the palace administration.

"Lift your head." His deep and hoarse voice came out from behind the mask.

Virgo and his friends bowed before they stood.

"General Leo, we have returned," Agi said on behalf of all of them.

Leo nodded his head. "I assume that the heir is doing Perseus' test?"

He meant Kairi since he received Perseus's report before they reached Antonia's area. She also wants to test Kairi and see his attitude and power.

"Yes, sir."

They found out about it after they almost arrived in Antonia. Perseus told them to leave Kairi for her to test his ability through Aries. Aries now was able to perceive other people's intentions if they were calling her name from afar.

At that time she was stunned to hear Perseus's voice. After that, she told all the Bright Stars around her about the Pursues test. That was why Kairi and Rafiz were confused about the two roads.

"I see. I'll ask my wife for more information about 'them' later." Leo left them because he had other important things to do.

He was a busy man. His two strict advisors follow him from behind.

"Looks like he knows we left Kairi with Rafiz," Aries was concerned about Rafiz.

"Yeah... Let's go see Madam Perseus. I want to know where they are now." Virgo feels nervous about leaving Kairi and Rafiz.

"But, shouldn't we ask General Leo's permission before meeting his wife?" Libra asked.

"You can go see her," Leo's voice was heard but he was not nearby. His voice alone reached and startled them.

"Sigh... It's not fair that General Leo has distant hearing and high sensitivity." Told Aries through their mind.

She doesn't want Leo to hear their conversation again.

"He was so possessive with Madam Perseus that no one was allowed to approach her. Unless he accompanied them or he trusted we did not hurt his wife. We're not going to do anything to her. Why can't he trust us more." Agi complained.

"True. But their relationship is very romantic, isn't it? Even though they're both like heaven and earth, they support each other equally. Who would have thought that General Leo, who is as cold as an iceberg, would smile lovingly when he saw Madam Perseus."

Aries thought if she wedded such a husband, it would be so sweet. Suddenly, her mind went to Kairi. She even remembers that Kairi praised her for being so lovely. Her cheeks and ears reddened instantly.

"Aries? Are you sick?" Libra asked because she saw Aries's reddened complexion.

Virgo turns to Aries and guesses something. He grinned.

"She probably remembers someone she likes. Who do you think he is...?" He teases Aries.

"You have? Who is it?!" Everyone wants to know.

Their teasing embarrassed Aries more so she left quickly.

"Aries, wait! Ah, she's gone..." Cygnus laughed.

"I wonder who's that lucky guy?" Eridanus folded his hands on his chest.

Virgo shrugged. "Actually, I don't know either, but from her reaction, she does have someone."

"You're evil, Virgo." Libra shook her head while smiling.

Then, they all walk toward the path Aries had run earlier because it led to Perseus's location.