Waiting for the Worst to happen

As often as such things like something incredible happen, their reverse will also happen. Like if everything is going good, it will go bad too. And if you always see good ghosts, you are bound to see an evil one too.

Ajay was very much thriving in his new career of ghost therapy. He wasn't the one with a license but he explained everything in a forthright way. He didn't withhold any information and didn't strive for petty benefits. He only did it for the better life of the paranormal beings.

This event was very pleasant to Dhvani. She was worried that her host didn't perform well for the system task requirement. She was even prepared for pleading, threatening, and the last resort- begging. But Ajay was involved by himself without any threats from her side.

So much that she wondered if she was lagging behind him. Anyway, she could slowly catch up later.