Stuck in a nightmare

Ajay was listless after knowing about the trial. Who wouldn't be? It was like getting called to the principal's office when you were the topper in the class. 

Ajay repeatedly asked himself if he did anything wrong. He just wanted to help the paranormal creatures who were good. Because some of them were guardians of places, such beings, though monsters are to be worshipped. 

But because of the removal of the paranormal unit from the supernatural academy, many of the good monsters were cut off. They lived the life of the hermits, a kind of one without any exposure to the outside world along with no information input too.

It was also good, in a different way. But this also led to their preying by the sinister forces. Because they weren't monitored, no one knew if they were hurt, dying, or missing.

These things are not known on the bright side. But anyone can guess the reality hiding in the pretense.