
Vicky put her phone on the table waiting for her food to arrive when a voice spoke behind her.

"Hello beauty, can I?"

Vicky ignored whoever it was and continued staring forward.

"Hey, can I sit?" he asked again a little awkwardly.

"I didn't bring the sit from home" Came her reply.

"Thank you" the guy walked to the front and sat down.

"You look beautiful." said the guy.

"Is your food not here yet?" he asked the obvious and received silence for an answer.

"Babe, can we be friends?"

She ignored him. Just then her order came and she placed them on the table. She was just about to eat when she heard.

"It's fine if you don't want to be friends. Fun friends are what I wanted, Like having cozy s*x now and then. I promise you will find me better than all your flings or should I say, boyfriends. You will beg me for more, that I assure you. Just then..."

"Bang" the sound of both palms hitting the table and Vicky standing up surprised and drew everyone's attention.

She pushed her chair back and stood up. The force made the chair tumble over and fall to the side. She walked up to him and gave the surprised guy a blow on the nose, breaking the bridge of his nose and blood trickling down.

She took the plate of his food and was about downing it on him then paused. She dropped the plate of food on the table "Food should not be wasted" she dragged him by the collar to an empty table and banged his head on it.

Not feeling satisfied, she pulled him to the wall and banged his head twice before letting him go.

"Vicky Tang and Roland Robert head to the detention class!!" A vice boomed from the public address system hidden on the ceiling.

She looked around and realized there were CCTV cameras everywhere. Of course, they should be.

"Fuck!" The guy ruffled his hair as he cursed.

He never wanted to go to that detention class anymore. He was tired of having to live like a pauper. I mean come on, he was a very rich guy!.

"Just in time. Do you have a container for storing food?" Vicky asked the robot that just sent food to a table she was standing close to.

"Sorry, I'm only meant to serve you and not answer queries." the robot said, turned, and left.

Vicky walked over to the counter to ask the salesperson.

"Yes, we do." The lady answered.

"I need a flask with six layers"

"Ok, hold on a minute" She whispered a command to another salesperson and that one hurried off.

"Vicky Tang and Roland Robert report to the detention class!!"

The voice kept repeating itself like it was on repeat.

"What are you doing standing there? Do you want to disobey the orders?" asked Roland as his face has frustration and anger mixed with blood on it. He watched Vicky standing by the floor-to-ceiling glass, talking to the lady inside through the small holes on it.

Vicky ignored him and continued standing there. She frowned when she felt her legs cramping. 'Very good, I can't even stand anymore. Where the hell is my container?!. I might die of hunger here!' her mind kept doing the talking while her face held a deep frown.

Did her sister send her here to be killed by these people?

"Sorry for the delay, here is your flask" the errand lady stood by the glass which immediately divided itself when the lady pressed her palm to the glass.

Vicky took the flask from her and returned to her seat with some students looking at her to know what she wanted to do.

To their surprise, Vicky poured the different food into different layers of the flask. She ordered five dishes and the flask had six layers. She poured water on the last one, closed the flask, and walked out.

Leaving students and the salesperson staring after her with her lips parted.

On a table not far away sat a boy and a girl with a black little hijab tucked in her blazer.

They both had features similar to the Arabs. The guy snickered with his gaze trailing behind Vicky.

The hijabi girl looked from the boy in front of her to Vicky whose silhouette just happened to disappear out the door.

The hijabi lady put her spoon down and asked with a distant tone "You like her?"

"Who wouldn't?" Asked Junaid.

The hijabi girl continued eating her food sulking.

"Ameenah, don't tell me you are...Jealous?" Asked Junaid.

"Why won't I? you never looked at me with those eyes before." She answered.

"Why should I? we are cousins who grew up together. I am used to seeing you every day doing nothing but stick to me. So seeing a girl with such an attitude towards douchebags for the first time is interesting, don't you think?"

He smiled, but Ameenah wasn't looking at it from his angle.

Junaid saw her face wrapped in sadness and kept quiet. Sometimes, he doesn't understand this cousin of his.

One minute, she is happy and laughing with him. Another minute she is angry and sad when a girl approached them or when he compliments a girl. Since he was already used to seeing her this way, he didn't bother asking her anymore, because his answer will always be "I'm fine".


"You said that was your dorm mate?" Asked Ayaan.

"Yes. Weird right?" Jiya asked as she dipped a piece of Masala Dosa with a fork into the sauce and took it to her mouth. "hmmm…so yummy. Much better than the ones at home. The chef here is really good. Don't you think?"

''They should be. I can see there are different food for different countries here. Look at that one, he is eating something like ours. But I think that's shawarma bread, I see spring onion, and...what's that? It looks creamy." Ayaan said with uncertainty.

" I heard him mention Fajitas earlier and he looks like those actors from the Telemundo channel. He must be from Mexico" She said while pulling up her glasses with the back of her free hand.

"I wish to try out those continental food one day. I like the different aroma I am perceiving" He took in the air with eyes closed.

"After that, you will end up in the toilet because your system cannot digest them"

"Whatever. Ah, your uniform looks good on you." He praised.

"Does it? I thought I looked weird in it as a lot of people were staring at me as I walked out of the dormitory"

"Hmm? maybe they were staring at you for something else, but not because you look 'weird'. Be fast with that, we only have thirty minutes left....And that dorm mate of yours, I like her" He smiled.

"Brother. I can see you want to end up like that guy she beat up a while ago. Please don't approach her, she is not Shritty" She warned.

"I'm not stupid"

"Of course you are".


"Stay right there. What are you doing with that? In my class?" Asked Akira Kimiko a Japanese female teacher. Disciplinarian to be precise. As she pointed at Vicky's food flask.

"Fashion accessory" she answered.

"I mean what is that?"

"What does it look like?" she asked.

"I see why you are here. You are very rude. Go sit there and that thing has no place in my class" she raised her chin at a seat at the back.

"If I can't come in with it then I'd better not step in" She's already dying of hunger and this woman is still making things hard for her.

'You can as well do me the favor of reporting to the principal and have me expelled.' her mind hissed.

"If you don't want to come in alone, that's fine too. Stay outside the door. Those who will take you for your detention service will be here soon. I only wanted to make you have a seat before being sent away." She said.

"And I thought the school's rule was something. Shouldn't you expel disobedient students? Miss Akira Kimiko. Are you being lax with her because Miss Montes isn't here?" Asked Roland Robert who was a second-year student.

"Roland Robert right? why do you still bother about these things when you will be sent home after your two weeks detention? you have already served three months and two weeks of detention since last semester all for harassing ladies.

And just when I thought you would have learned your lesson, you bring yourself here again and I believe it's for harassing a woman again.

Can't you put that thing in between your legs to sleep? Why do I even care? you will soon be free, then you can go use it on the unknown creature inside the forest." Akira Kimiko said.

Vicky who has found a place to sit and eat looked up from her meal to the guy whose face had blood on them and smirked. Her hate for men who abuse or force women against their will rivals her annoyance over being woken from sleep.