Cannot be punished

At the principal's office.

"What?! You mean she was sent to the detention class?" Mrs. Jefferson asked in surprise.

"Yes, ma'am" answered the janitor.

"Why did no one care to inform me before sending her there?!!!!"

She took the telephone from the table and dialed a number. "Get here immediately!" She said into the phone. After she put the telephone down, she looked at the janitor and said. "you may go".

Mrs. Jefferson, you called for me" Mr. Xu walked into the office with one hand in his trouser pocket and the other holding a little speaker device and a whistle around his neck.

"About Vicky Tang, let her go," said Mrs. Jefferson.

"Why? She fought in school" he frowned. This is the first time the principal is interfering in his matters.

"I have a reason. Let her go"

"Sigh. So what excuse should I give?"

"A self-defense. And that Roland guy, he has been a pain in your ass for so long. You may do as you please with him but don't send him home yet. Give second chances to all the detention students to make up for being biased toward Roulan Tang" She walked behind the desk and sat down.

"Haha. This is your decision principal, not mine so why should I make up for being biased to…what's her name again?"

"Ruolan Tang"

"Oh yes Ruolan…what?!" he stared at Mrs. Jefferson in surprise and Mrs. Jefferson nodded slowly, making Mr. Xu almost fall as his legs turned to jelly. He extended his hands to hold on to the desk in front of him and slowly pulled a sit over to the seat on it.

"Why haven't you told anyone about this?" Asked Mr. Xu after taking in a deep breath.

"It happened too quickly. I don't know who is on our side. I can't just reveal it. What if I told the enemies by mistake?" Mrs. Jefferson rubbed her temple. 'being a principle is too hard a job for a woman.'

"That's true. It will be a great disaster if we bring her out ourselves. What about the students from that place? Won't they find out about her quickly and alert them?" he asked with worry written on his face.

"I asked Su Tang the same question and she told me "The most dangerous place is the safest place". I think I understand why she said so now. No one from there would know she is here, right under their noses. And as for those students, they wouldn't know either because she's different now"

She adjusted her sitting position, putting her right thigh over her left, and readjusted her glasses to rest on her nose as she scrutinized Mr. Xu with her back resting on the rolling chair and index fingers and the thumbs touching each other, forming a triangle.

"I understand. I will do as you say and also keep this secret. But if I let her go like that, others will suspect something" he didn't know how to not appear like he was hiding something from the other teachers whose eyes seem like they could pierce into your soul in search of secrets.

"If you dare to punish her, go ahead. I will start seeing you in a new light from there onwards. And, do not think I will be able to save you when the time comes" she smirked. "If I were you, I will start working on things now before that crazy Montes does something you both and the school will have to pay for I'm the future".

"Ah! Right, I completely forgot about that Psycho Montes." He jumped up and rushed out.


Mr. Xu walked into the detention class to feel the temperature freezing. He shivered when he saw Akira spitting fire and Vicky eating in a calm manner like whatever was happening here has nothing to do with her.

"cough" he coughed on his fist to draw their attention. "what's going on here?"

"That student, what is going on with her? I told her to leave with the staff for her detention but, she insisted on having her full. I just feel like punching her face, but you know I have a weakness to beautiful faces"

"Y-y-you did what?!" Mr. Xu looked at Vicky who didn't even raise her head to Akira and quickly pulled Akira back to the class with him.

"Hey, stop dragging me. This looks like a scene from a movie" she slapped his hand away and took two steps back. In a movie she watched, after the guy pulled the girl out like this, he then pressed her against the wall and forcefully kissed her.

"What nonsense are you cooking up there right now? I wouldn't even come close to you if it wasn't necessary with your face like a packaged doll!" he hissed.

How dare she belittle him so much? Why would he want to have indecent thoughts about an ugly monkey who only gets confidence with a face caked in makeup?

"You- you just said that to me? It broke my heart" she held her heart dramatically and her face turned hurtful.

Mr. Xu panicked and walked closer to her. "No, I didn't mean that i- I was only hurt when you pulled away so I wanted to hurt you too. You look beautiful" She is really beautiful with her heavy bangs today. 'Why haven't I seen her this way before?'

From her eyebrows upwards were covered with heavy bangs you won't know the shape of her forehead. High cheekbone, full lips, and a well-proportioned nose.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat when she saw he was almost drooling. 'disgusting'.

"Ahem," he felt awkward all of a sudden. "Em, that girl. Where did you allocate her for her detention?" he asked.

"To wash the community's clothes" she answered.

"She cannot be sent there. She is a special case. Her breaking of the rule was for self-defense. She has been pardoned by the principal".

"Really? I also didn't want to send her to rough her hands because her kind of beauty is rare, but she was rude to me" She pouted.

"She must have been angry at that time because she didn't have the time to eat before that douchebag approached her. Let her go ok?"

"Hm, she can go and never come back here because the next time she does, I might not let her go Scot-free. Worse case, she might meet Miss Montes who hates people that rival her beauty or are prettier than her."

"Can you do that when you see her face? Speaking of the devil, where is she?

"No, I can't. her face is too beautiful. Miss Montes went to check out the job the students have done so far in the community. "

Everyone knows she shows no mercy to any student sent here but only he and the principal knows her weakness is a pretty face. Shocking right? Her sexuality is still a misery though.

" But that isn't her work though. What about the other guy?" asked Mr. Xu.

"I sent him to the community for hard labor" her face contorted in anger. That idiot challenged her authority earlier. She wanted to beat stupidity out of him, but the rules governing the teachers stopped her.

Teachers were not allowed to beat up a student for whatever reason unless the student caused the annihilation of their family, which by the way has never happened before in the history of Hassride University.

"Ok, I will leave now. The time for breakfast is almost over. I need to go with Teacher Yash to brief the students on the rules and introduce them to the subjects.

"See you around," She said and walked outside of the classroom to Vicky where she was done eating and was about to get off her seat. "Your case has been pardoned. Get out and I don't ever want to see your face here in my class anymore"

"I wouldn't want to see yours either" she walked away.

"Ha, she is so rude. She doesn't know what's waiting for her in this school. Though I like her and don't want her to leave. She reminds me of my sister" her face downcast.


Vicky walked into the big classroom for the freshers after following the map they were given yesterday.

The seats were filled up with students, leaving only one in the middle with a glaring VICKY written on it empty.

She trotted over, ignoring the gazes she felt on her. The moment she took her seat close to her dorm mate who was about to greet her, Four teachers in neat and smart uniforms walked in.

"Is this an army school?" A student whispered to another who only shrugged his shoulder.

"Good morning students and welcome to Hassride university. I am called by the name Li Tan. I am one of your Technology lecturers. You won't be seeing me here in your class for the year because some subjects won't be taught to you until you enter the other classes. Technology class is taught in year two.

This is Mr. Xu, whom I believe most of you are already familiar with. He is in charge of catching you red-handed breaking the rules.

The one beside him is Mr. Yash. He is in charge of taking your calculations. He hates students who can't use their heads, so I wish you good luck with him."