Last item

After making sure he was gone, assistant Feifei walked to Su Tang and helped her pour a glass of water.

"Ma'am, your friend Ms. Xuelu just arrived" She received a call from her office a while back but couldn't interrupt.

"Let her in" She sighed.

"Su. Oh My God, why do you look so tired? if the work is stressful, why don't you take a day or two off work and rest?" came the loud voice of her only best friend Xuelu.

"If I take a break who would do the work? the workload would increase instead. Fei go get her favorite coffee" she said.

"Take it easy, you are stressing yourself too much. Your line couldn't be reached for five days. Thank God you informed me of your return. I was planning to go seek help in finding you from Lu Feng. I was scared you might have been kidnapped again." She said once assistant Fei's silhouette disappeared through the door.

"Thank God you didn't. It would have been a disaster. All my effort over the years would have been ruined. Xuelu, there's not much time left. I need to make her stand on her own before she gets to know the truth. As she is right now, she won't be able to face off with those people even if we combine forces" She said after gulping down the water her assistant poured her in a go.

"I know that. Look at you, you haven't rested at all. How could you drive to Povich country all by yourself for three days, morning and night? Do you want to kill yourself? How did you even manage it that observant Ruolan didn't find out?"

"I drugged her with heavy doze. She woke up when we got close to Hassride university. She thought we only spend a few hours on the way" she sighed. She hoped her sister will see the reasons why she did all that and not be angry at her in the future.

"If I didn't drive like that, Lu Feng would have tracked me down. Don't ask me about the CCTVs on the way."

"Ah! Su'er so you were the culprit who destroyed the city's CCTV cameras? damn, that was wicked. I should have thought it was you the moment you couldn't be found In the city. And about Ruolan, isn't that too much? like making her sleep for three days straight?"

"I know right? She should be fine right?" she asked even though she knows the answer.

"Not the Ruolan I know though. You should be praying she hadn't done something to get expelled for. Even though you and the principal are familiar, there are some things she cannot turn a blind eye to"

"Sigh, I know that too. I will try to communicate with her again. We chatted some minutes back and she didn't sound like she was unhappy, though she was frustrated for being woken up early" Su Tang got a headache, she rubbed her temple with her index and middle finger. Should she have not raised her into being a lazy person? but that was what their parents asked of her. She sighed.

"You know her yourself. Even if she is lazy, once she suspects something is wrong with you, she must try all her possible best to find out. Like when you were kidnapped by Lu Feng. At that time she also behaved nonchalantly like she knew nothing until she surprised everyone when she came to your rescue. Why don't you tell her everything and let her know the dangers ahead and why she should be serious in the university?"

"It will be too much for her to handle. I plan on distancing myself from her for a while. Maybe when she comes back next year and she's becoming a person I want her to be, I might start telling her"

"Hm that's good too, but please be careful of Lu Feng and his spies. He should have spies in the mansion and the office as well"

Just then Assistant FeiFei walked in with the coffee.

"I will. Get prepared, you are coming with me to the event. With you around, he should be able to control himself" so she thought, but the reality was different.


The charity organization was held in the grandest hotel in China. Many prominent figures attended. From veteran celebrities to Businessmen and politicians.

Su Tang's car was the last to enter the venue. The moment her car was sighted, the reporters were already pushing themselves with everyone wanting to be the first to take a good shot.

Her cars are always unique with the same birthday plate number. She was asked in an interview what her plate number signified. She had said "It is my little sister's birthday" ever since, and everyone who cared enough to know her knew she loved her little sister very much.

The moment her McLaren P1 stopped in front of the red carpet, her bodyguards ran forward To get the door for her while the others stood around the car taking a tight protection stance.

She stepped out with her two legs revealing her black heels, then she stood up gracefully from her black McLaren P1 with doors flipped up.

The celebrity ladies who hasn't gone in yet screamed in excitement. This was their idol, their inspiration, their motivation, the woman they envied. A woman they look up to who was only twenty-eight sitting on top of the business world.

Camera lights from the reporters almost blinded her eyes. She shielded her eyes with the nude purse she held. A bracelet dangled at her reaction.

"Wow! Isn't that the latest purse from hormés? I saw it on the news two nights ago. I liked it but it will take all my savings and selling a few of my properties to buy it And it was only that one made".

"Look at the bracelet, so beautiful. It's from Gucci"

"And her white dress is so fabulous. I have pulled strings to get her designer to dress me up once, but I couldn't get her".

Su Tang who wasn't aware of the celebrities' discussion turned around to face her car.

The other side of the door was opened, and a lady stepped out and walked towards Su Tang.

The lady wore a black and white gown, she left her hair falling on her shoulder, With her purple colored eyes, she walked step by step toward Su Tang who held out her hand to her. The girl took the outstretched hand as they both smiled at each other. The lady turned out to be the Seventeen years old Vicky Tang.

Because of the too many camera lights, Vicky Tang became nervous. When Su Tang noticed, she hugged her for reassurance. The gesture made the people there go wild.

"I wish I had a sister like this"

"CEO Tang is just too loving to her sister"

"CEO Tang has just awoken the sisterly love in me."

Amid the enthusiastic fans and camera lights, Su Tang walked her sister into the hotel. When she got to where the signature wall was, she guided her sister there and they signed on the wall together.

The fanatic celebrities were still following behind them and seeing all these displays of affection, they felt a pang of jealousy. They wished they were Vicky.

They all strode into the charity hall to see people already seated. A hostess walked up to her and guided her to her seat reserved at the front. Her seat was next to Lu Feng's. She couldn't imagine herself seating close to him, but she wouldn't let Vicky seat with him either. Having no other choice, she sat close to him which ended up being her greatest mistake.

"You look beautiful," he said. "When did Ruolan come back? I know she wasn't at the mansion last night," he asked with his gaze shifted from her to the auctioneer on the podium giving an opening speech.

After not receiving an answer from her for a while, he returned his gaze to her. "You used to skip around me and smile at me whenever you saw me. What changed?" he stared at her for a while before his gaze traveled to Vicky who has been discreetly checking him out for a while now. He raised an eyebrow at her and she immediately lowered her head and fiddled with her finger.

His lips curled up a little and murmured "Interesting" before turning his gaze back to Su Tang who was looking at him.

"What are you up to?" She asked.

"That should be my line" he returned his gaze to the stage. "Ruolan is acting weird today," he said in passing.

"Is anything wrong with that?" She knew he has become suspicious. He was never a person who trusts anyone.

"Where is your friend? I thought she's coming with you?" he asked.

Just then the auctioneer's voice boomed on the mic.

"The first item for this auction today is a diamond necklace from our award-winning model and actress Miss Dianna Wang!. It is the diamond necklace crafted by her father who we all know to be the best craftsman in China. We all know the story behind the necklace, but for formalities sake let us revisit the old story.

Old man Wang crafted that necklace for his beloved daughter for her eighteenth birthday. The media has stressed over the years how much Ms. Dianna Wang loves and cherishes this necklace because it was the last thing her father made for her before he died.

Here today, miss Dianna is expressing how much she loves the children in the orphanage by selflessly auctioning her favorite necklace.

No wonder she is the heartthrob of both men and women, young and old around the world.

The bid starts from ten thousand dollars. The bid starts now!"

Those who found the diamond necklace to their liking immediately started bidding and the diamond necklace was won by Diana Wang's fiance, Chen Qin at five hundred thousand dollars"

The auctioneer who by the way was a lady felt warmth in her heart for the display of love. She wanted to spice it up a litter so she asked the question that a lot of young ladies there would like to know.

"CEO Chen, why did you win the bid for her necklace with so much money?" The bidders didn't bid more than three hundred thousand dollars before he shot the price so high that the other bidders dropped their placards.

"I cannot allow her to sell off her father's masterpiece and the last thing she had to always remind her of her father," he said.

The oldies nodded in approval, the rich heiresses and some celebrities felt their hearts melted at the show of love and some ladies glared in envy and jealousy.

Su Tang felt bored and sleepy but she was not like her sister who would sleep on her shoulder at events when she was tired or bored.

The auction continued until the last item was brought out.