
The auctioneer was stunned out of character at what was presented before her. The audience was also surprised as to why the jovial and calm auctioneer would lose composure because of the item she saw. ' It must be a very expensive item' they all thought.

"Ahem, sorry for my behavior earlier. I was carried away at the ehm..unique? The item I saw" she frowned a little. 'This was more than just unique'

"For the last item for today, I present you a… unique ring…" her voice trailed off at the end. She didn't even know how to start describing the ring. However, she has to do her job.

"The story behind this unique ring is very touching. There was a man who loved this woman at first sight. He was not attracted to her beauty nor noble air, but the calm aura radiating from her. When he got to know this woman, he found out she was a daughter of a rich businessman.

Despite being brought up in riches, the woman never looked down on those below her. Even though her family was against her caring for the poor, she still disobeys her family and cared for them.

This man who couldn't tell this girl how he felt because he was a poor orphan just looked at her from afar until one day when it rained heavily. Both of them ran into each other in an uncompleted building where they took shelter from the rain.

After many encounters, they became friends and finally fell in love.

He didn't know what to propose with, so he handmade this ring for her.

The man's love, sweat, and blood were used in carving this ring for a year. The bidding starts now!"

Nobody raised a placard to bid. What would they need such a thing for? So what if it was a product of a bitter/sweet love story? Who cares about that? Will it add profit to their businesses?

Just when the auctioneer was about to give up, someone raised a placard at the front seat. "six hundred thousand dollars," the calm voice said.

Everyone opened their mouths and eyes in shock except Su Tang who already knew what was going on the moment she saw that ring.

The ring was an ordinary silver ring without worth. It could be bought for two to three dollars in a local jewelry shop. It was the ring her father gave her mother years ago.

She glared at Lu Feng who had won the bid so dramatically.

"My assistant will go with you to pay for the ring. I need to use your space for a moment" he said.

Who was the auctioneer to reject the man with a mysterious background who became the second richest businessman in china? She immediately stepped aside for him.

When Su Tang saw this, she stood up and pulled Vicky with her as she made to leave. Just then the dreaded voice sounded.

"Where are you going Su'er? The auction is not over yet. It will be rude of you to just leave"

Su Tang didn't mind him. 'Let them talk all they want to'. She continued walking with Vicky who was a little reluctant.

"Su Tang, I have admired, loved, and remained faithful to you even though you never reciprocated it. Now I am standing here with the ring your father used to propose to your mother. With a thick skin, I say this. Will you be my wife?" he knelt on one knee on the stage.

"Wow! So romantic!"

"Ceo Tang is a winner in life"

"I can't even find it in me to be jealous"

"They make a good couple"

While comments of such nature were flying around, Su Tang was staring daggers at the man kneeling on stage.

His plan was foolproof. If she wants to take back the symbol of her parent's love, she has to agree and be unhappy under his clutches. And if she walks away, she would never be able to get back the symbol of her parent's love and her reputation, which he will ruin with words of mouth.

Just the same way he was acting innocently on stage like he wasn't just emotionally blackmailing her.

Since it was being broadcasted live, she only hoped her friend who disappointed her at the last minute would just maybe call her or send a text for her to use as an excuse.

Vicky was just standing there in deep thought with her face frowning. She didn't like what was happening. She raised her eyes to stare at the man half kneeling on stage and bit her lower lip with a hand balled fist as her long nail dug into her palm.


"Ah! Diana, what happened? Wake up. Diana!"

A panicked voice sounded in the audience seat as everyone turned to look at what was causing the commotion to find the award-winning actress had fainted.

Lu Feng got on his feet with a sly smile on his lips. He walked down the stage and sat down with no emotions on his face.

Su Tang looked at the girl who fainted and noticed her wink at her before she hurriedly acted like a dead person again. Unbeknown to them Lu Feng saw the little gesture and smiled faintly.

"Have her sent to the hospital. Since today's event is over, I will take my leave. Please excuse me" said Su Tang as she walked away with Vicky without sparing Lu Feng another glance.

However the same cannot be said about Vicky who immediately turned her head back to look at him, unwillingness to leave was clearly written on her beautiful face.

Lu Feng nodded a little at her before turning his gaze back to the girl who fainted. A light flashed through his eyes and disappeared in seconds.

Because of the commotion and CEO Tang leaving, the event rounded up and called it a day.


Inside the car which was now speeding on the road, Su Tang asked without Turning her gaze from the road. "What was that earlier?" she got no response after a minute and pulled the car off the road.

The rough way she pulled over jolted Vicky from her thoughts and fantasy.

"S-Sister? What happened?"

"You have also lost your mind I can see"

"I'm sorry CEO Tang" Vicky turned her head down, fidgeting with her fingers.

"He is not someone you can love. Kill all the romantic feelings you have for him while it's just spouting. I won't warn you again next time. "I can use someone better than you without breaking a sweat"

"I'm sorry CEO Tang. I will immediately do as you said" can she do that? She was already deep into the web of love and has lost her way out.

Su Tang looked at her and signed in her heart. She hopes this plan buys her a little more time for things to be set for her sister. She kick-started the engine and drove back into the road, unaware that a black car was following them.

Su Tang drove home and helped Vicky into her room before leaving. The moment she left, Vicky started browsing through the room and touching almost everything.

"Why are there no important things here? I can't even find anything with her little secrets, like a diary, recorder, or something. At least I saw those on TV" she said as she rummaged through the room but found nothing.

Even the clothes in the room were brand new. Su Tang would never allow an outsider to touch her sister's things, let alone her clothes. She had long since taken away all of her sister's things from the room before bringing this girl in.

After searching the whole room for hours without finding a single thing, she stopped searching and went to lie on the bed. Remembering something, she jolted and she sat up, then said:

"Well, it's good that I'm finally out of that facility. It was like a prison. Now that I'm here, I should just do what brought me here and get my reward. Ah, these people are rich. Four years from now, I will become as rich as Miss Tang. hahahaha." She laughed boisterously.

"Ah, that brother Lu Feng is so handsome, I pray Miss Tang doesn't agree to be with him so I can seduce him. Marrying a man like him will be my greatest achievement" she said happily, unbeknown to her, everything she had been doing or saying was being watched by Su Tang in her study room.

"Did I train the wrong person?" she sighed and rubbed her temple.


"Boss, they went home" reported Movy.

"Hm, you saw nothing out of place?" Lu Feng asked.

"I did, she pulled over on the way for one minute and twelve seconds," Movy said. He was Lu Feng's trusted and most loyal aid.

"Hm." he twirled the wine glass in his hand and took a sip "Diana Wang, kill her," he said nonchalantly.

"Yes, boss."