Leftovers from heaven

General Vim sighed. "Thank you, princess."

"Call me Mebony. I don't like it when you keep calling me Princess." She said meekly and lowered her voice.

"Princess Mebony, you shouldn't forget your status. You are the Princess of Povich and should hold yourself in high esteem..."

"I don't want to be a princess anymore! I want to be your wife! Look at me, am I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? you call me princess yet you keep breaking my heart every time. I am no longer a child, I clocked eighteen today, I came here to celebrate it with you but look at what you did to me, you ruined everything and shattered my heart again and again! Vim Visham, if I could love anyone else I would have stopped loving you by now after you broke me so many times. It has been seventeen years since you kept rejecting me! what do I do without you!!" She broke down in tears.