Memorable birthday celebration.

Meanwhile, at the detention center, Vicky stared at the cakes and ice creams in front of her with a "happy 18th birthday from Vim" written on it. Sadness clouded her face and her eyes stung. Memories of her birthdays with her sister gushed out in full force. 

Every 18th of August, her sister comes to her room with all the servants and wakes her up with Vanilla Ice Cream painted on her lips while she sings a happy birthday song to her ears. If she won't open her eyes because of her melodic voice, then certainly the ice cream on her lips would wake her up. 

Even though her sleep was disturbed on her birthdays, she never gets angry because it was the day her parents died.

She was told by her sister that she should never be angry on her birthdays even though it was supposed to be the saddest day of her life due to the fact that her parents died because they wanted to get her a surprise gift.