This means war

I look up at him confused. "Is anything wrong, my Alpha?" I ask mid-stand *that's been bent, but not sitting, and certainly not standing either.*

"You're now the Alpha of the pack. You need to sit at your rightful place." He points to the chair at the head. "That's your rightful place."

"Are you sure about that, Alpha?" I stand straight. 

As the Alpha of the pack, I know the chair at the head is my rightful place to sit on, but not in the presence of another Alpha.

He might be old and retired, but that doesn't mean he's dead. Until he dies, it's his right to sit on the chair at the end. Though not the reigning Alpha, he still is entitled to most of the things in this pack.

" Go, Mek. " Kel claps in Glee, earning disapproving glares from those around him, but Kel being who he is, entirely ignored them. Based on the look he has on his face, it's not too difficult to know he's getting more hyped by their action.

"Go ahead. You deserve that chair more than I. You've earned the right to be the Alpha and not only that, but you've been a true one.

You might not have been an Alpha for long, but you've done more than I ever expected from you. " He gently claps me on my back. " Am very proud of you. " 

Hearing the hearty words he spoke made me want to tear up, but I tamper it down. As an Alpha, showing your emotions is a show of weakness. 

 I am an Alpha. My emotions shouldn't get a hold of me. It's something that needs to be suppressed, it shouldn't be expressed. 

"Thank you, Alpha." 

"You don't need to thank me. You deserve it all." He motions towards the chair. "It's time you complete your initiation." 

Walking towards the chair, I stand in front of it as the entire people in the room all stood up, and like one, they bowed lowly to me. 

"Long live the Alpha!" My beta shouts as I sit on the chair *funny how they're treating an ordinary chair as if it's some sort of throne* 

"Long live the Alpha!" The others chorused, and Kel's voice can be heard above all others. It's as if he's trying to make it that way. 

"Long live the Alpha!" The old Alpha shouts.

"Long live the Alpha." The others respond.

Hearing those words spoken, it took all the willpower in me not to tear up at that. 

Not even my step-up to the Alpha roll *it's some sort of werewolf coronation* that brought this much emotion. 

This one feels much more accepting than the other ones have ever felt. It's as if I'm finally and officially an Alpha. 

It's more like the support of the pack of defenders is all I need to be a complete Alpha.

With the ritual already taken care of, they all sat on their chairs. 

"You might be wondering about the reason for this impromptu meeting." The older Alpha stood from his chair. 

At his words, I nod. 

It's not like the old Alpha to call a meeting for every small matter. He believes in raising alarm only when duty calls for danger. He's not only known to raise an alarm just because he felt like it. It's not something someone of his nature does. 

"The rogues are back." He relayed in a grave tone.

At the tone of his voice, it didn't take me long to decide who the rogues are. Only a particular set of named rogue packs have been able to raise that kind of expression in the older Alpha.

He does not show his emotions, but it's not the same when it comes to a particular set of rogues. 

" The rogues? Which group?" I ask.

"The dark souls," he answered.

"The dark souls?"

The name alone is enough to instil fear in others. The rogue group is one that's rumoured to be exactly as their name implies. As the dark souls, they're a merciless bunch of wolves who follow no rules at all.

They're gods to themselves.

The only time our pack had a clash with them was years ago, and that was during the time of the old Alpha, more like two years before I was born.

The battle between my pack and the dark souls led to too many casualties. In the end, our pack emerged victoriously, and the dark souls crawled back to the shadows they came from.

Since then, there have being no news of the rogue pack. Nothing else has been heard of them, but it seems they're back now, and that's to start another war. 

"They're back." The old Alpha nods, "They've gotten a new Alpha, and it seems he's out to complete the task the old Alpha never completed." 

" They don't seem to learn a lesson, do they?" Kel frowns.

" They don't. "

" Where are they now?" I turn to the old Alpha.

"Sightings have been made of them near the pack's boundary, but none of them has made any attempt of coming in." He stands to his feet, walking towards the table, and he points to the map on it. "This is the places where they've been sighted." He points to five places on the map.

"They're trying to circle the pack." I made an observation when he pointed at those five points on the map. 

The five points on the map are the five most guarded places in the pack, and with those places penetrated, it won't be long until they invade the pack should care not to be taken.

"That's what I thought when I saw it. They're trying to search out the weak points of the pack, that's why they've not made an appearance." He points to a certain dot on the map. " That's the last sighting, and it happened last night during the joining eclipse." 

" This means war." My beta growls.