Pack Of Defenders

"That's what it means. We're not going to fold our hands and watch them invade our territories without doing anything. Like a pack of evaders, we must protect the pack." I stand from the chair.

" Well-said Alpha. This is the spirit. " The old Alpha nods. " This is undoubtedly what our pack needs now, and that's an Alpha like you. " 

" When should we commence?"

" It needs to be done by the latest tonight. Based on their last sighting, it won't be long until they attack. We need to be prepared for that." The old Alpha spoke, admitting the low murmurs coming from those sitting around the table.

Like a pack of defenders, hearing out the border is about to be invaded by a notorious rogue pack isn't something we must keep calm about.

"I'll get the others ready then. We'll all converge here at the first howl of the night." I point to a certain point on the map. 

Why I wanted us to assemble a bit farther from the packhouse is, so we can be able to successfully carry out the operation without alerting the people. It won't be to our advantage if the entire people of the pack get to know of this mission.

They might thwart our plans without knowing it. 

"That's better." My beta nods. "The time gap will give us enough time to prepare. This is a battle against the dark souls, and we need to be fully prepared for them." 

" I'll go with you." The old Alpha says in a determined tone. From the hardness of his eyes, I can tell he's pissed off about this. 

"No. It's my duty as the new Alpha to take care of things like this." I smile at him.

The old Alpha isn't my father. He's a friend of my father who was the Beta when he was alive.

As a born Alpha, it was his duty to train me, and he did so as if I were his son, a son he didn't have a chance of having as he had no mate.

He's one of the few who weren't gifted with a mate, something I know I'll be unlucky not to have.

As a twenty-year-old Alpha, I'm yet to find a mate, but that isn't something am bothered about. Having a mate is something that's far from my thoughts, it's not something I have the time to dwell on.

After all, my duty as the Alpha of the pack is to protect my people. I don't have the time to start searching for a mate who does likely not exist. 

Strong Alphas, I've learned, aren't so lucky when it comes to having a mate, so am not counting on that.

"Am still the old Alpha young man." He forced a smile. "You don't have to act as if am an old wrinkled man who can't lift a pen." He gives me a look. " You know, I can still throttle you, just like I normally do." He says in a challenging tone.

His words caused smiles on our faces, it lightened the atmosphere a little.

"We know what you're capable of doing. I just want you to have the rest you so deserved. You've been a good Alpha to the pack for as long as I've known you, I think it's time for you to step back, and allow me to do my task as a new Alpha." 

He might not be my Father, but he sure is like a father to me. 

"I'll take your words." He slowly sits back on the chair. "Now, let's get down to the business of how things need to be done." He points to the map.


Taking a much-needed deep in the warm pool * one of the many perks of being an Alpha* at the back of our building, I relaxed my taut muscles. 

With the battle that's to take place later this evening, there's no way I'm going to enjoy this privilege until we're through with the rogues.

It took all my willpower to finally get out of the warm bath, but I did so. 

Stretching my muscles, I walk back to my room to get ready. I can't allow this tempting warm pool to deceive me. 

 Should I stay back a bit, I highly doubt I'll be ready before the others. As an Alpha, I should be the first to call the others, the first howl should be mine.

Waiting to be called by the others is more like a slap to my face.

Walking down the silent corridor, I climb the stairs to the last floor, a place that have being my home ever since my Alpha gene got awakened. It was in this very house that I sent out my first howl to the pack.

Climbing the stairs, I tried not to make any sound at all. The old Alpha is known to always nap whenever the sun is high up in the sky, and I would rather not wake him up. That old man gets cranky whenever his nap is disturbed.

"How was your bath?" The voice I was hoping to evade asked.

Turning, I faced the Alpha, who wasn't sleeping as I initially thought. 

He has something that suspiciously looks like a map in his hand.

"It was as warm as it has always been." I nod at the map. "You're still studying the map? Thinking of following us to the border?" I raise a brow.

"Nope. Just searching for loopholes." He raised the map. "You won't know, I might likely find a good hiding place for you chaps." 

"Good luck with it, then. I'll go sought some things out." I point towards my room. " I need to do some things before I finally leave." 

" It's okay. You can leave. Just called to tell you I saw you, and you have no reason to tiptoe." He smirks.

" Can't believe I was caught." 

" You sure seem to forget whom you're dealing with." With a smirk, he returns to his scouting.

"I'll leave you to your task then."