A Man, A Woman and A Beast

"What is wrong? What happened?" Theo's uncle Joe asked Theo when he saw his nephew upset with red burning, raging eyes.

"Shit happened Uncle. Ricker needs to pay for this" Theo said angrily. Theo showed the box he received from Ricker.

"Calm down, my boy. We need to decide what should we do now. Guests will start to come anytime soon. Should we cancel?" Uncle Joe asked.

"I will become a joke. What would I say? Everyone knows about this marriage. How will I tell people? How can I? How?" Kol said in panic.

"Then don't" Uncle Joe said.

"What?" Ko said.

"Does Emma know?" Uncle Joe asked.

"No, she doesn't but I have to tell her" Kol said

"You don't have to do anything. Don't tell anyone" Uncle Joe said.

"Uncle, what about Ricker?" Kol said.

"Handle him. This can't be known to anyone. Our reputation can't be stained like that. We are not some jokes. You are not a joke" Uncle Joe said.

"I am not a joke. No one will know anything" Kol said.


"I can't believe they are going through this party" Kol said looking at the invitation card.

"I can. Theo will never accept his defeat" Ricker said.

"In that case, he is like you" Kol said.

"No, my friend, I will never be defeated" Ricker said.

"You look happy" Kol said.

"You look surprised" Ricker said.

"I thought you would be burning the world" Kol said.

"I will burn the world and I will have fun watching it. Why should I be angry and sad when I know what future stores for my dear foe Theodore and my lady love, White" Ricker said.

"That seems like a plan" Kol said.

"A wild plan. A very wild one" Ricker said.

"What did you send Emma? I know about Theo but you can't send same gift to two people" Kol asked.

"I can't tell you that. Its personal" Ricker said while fixing his tie.


Theo, in his expensive suit and shining shoes stand to welcome his guest. Guests were coming and congratulating Theo and Theo with everything in him, tried to smile and accepts the greetings but all he wanted to do was shout, cry and above all, murder the person who was responsible for ruining the best night of his life. Theo expected this night to be the beginning of his happy married life with Emma. His expectations, his plans, his marriage ended even before starting. He was pissed. He was embarrassed. He was fuming.

He turned his head and saw Emma in her beautiful long gown, talking to some other guests. Emma met his eyes and looked away quickly. Theo felt a wincing pain but all his pain turned into anger when he saw who stand on the door.


Ricker was here.

Emma saw Ricker and then she saw Theo. Emma was scared but she kept smiling in the crowd. Watching Ricker so near to her was intimidating but Ricker did not look at Emma. He was looking at Theo and Theo shared the same stare with Ricker. The stare of hatred. The stare of rage.

Ricker and Kol walked to Theodore and stood facing one another. Both of them wear empty blank stare. Ready to kill each other. Ready to strike.

Ricker smiled broadly and hugged Theo, stunning everyone. Emma could not understand any of it. Theo tried to get away from Ricker but Ricker had both his arms around Theo, not letting him go.

"Let me go" Theo whispered.

"I am never letting you go. Never" Ricker said while tightening his grip.

"Leave me you bastard" Theo said.

"Beast. They call me beast and remember there is a reason for that" Ricker said. "Congratulations for what comes next"

"Is that a threat?" Theo asked.

"It is indeed. By the way, what are we celebrating today? Answer carefully" Ricker said as if he was warning Theo.

"You are not invited here" Theo said.

"Actually, I am" Ricker said.

"No, you are not. I never sent any invitation to you" Theo said.

"But I have one with me. Look" Ricker took out an envelope.

Theo looked at the invitation in shock. Ricker was invited but by whom. He did not send any invitation and he was sure Emma did not send one

"Who invited you? It's not Emma. I am sure of it" Theo asked.

"It was me" Ava said.

Ava kissed Ricker on his cheek and welcomed him.

"You invited him. What is wrong with you?" Theo angrily asked.

"What is wrong with you? It is my house. I can invite my friends" Ava said crossing her hands like a child.

"This is my party and he is not your friend. Look at the age difference between your too. How can you be friends?" Theo said.

"I am an adult brother and I can make friends with anyone I want. You better not disregard my friend, otherwise" Ava said.

"Otherwise, what?" Theo asked.

"Otherwise, I will make a scene and you will not like it in front of everyone present here" Ava threatened Theo.

"Ava don't do this" Theo warned Ava.

"Same goes for you brother" Ava said to her brother, Theo. "Shall we go? I would like to dance. Will you join me?" Ava asked Ricker.

"I would love that" Ricker smiled and took Ava's hand to lead to dance floor.

Ricker and Ava left for the dance floor and Theo was left gritting his teeth.

"Hi, Emma" Kol said walking towards her.

"Hello, Kol" Emma responded.

"How are you?" Kol asked.

"What does it matter to you?" Emma asked bitterly.

"Come on, we are friends" Kol said.

"No Kol. We are not friends. We were never friends. Don't say false things" Emma said.

"You are angry. You are angry! After what you did, you are angry" Kol asked.

"Yes, Kol, I am angry because I have the right to be" Emma said.

"No Emma. You don't. You betrayed Ricker. You used Ricker and played with his feelings with Theo" Kol said accusing Emma.

"Well, you started all of it. I know you approached me to take revenge from my father. I know you were using me to get back at my father. What? What's wrong? Are you going to deny all of it? I don't think so" Emma said.

"Emma. You may be right. We were planning to target your father but Ricker's feelings for you are not lies" Kol said.

"Well, I don't believe it. I will never believe it. You and Ricker forced me to take these steps. I had no other option than to marry Theo. You trapped me and you made me weak in front of my father and you know what I lost. My father was adamant and he was cruel but he agreed to support me for Ricker. Yes, Kol. He was ready to accept us but then Ricker's lies and your lies were exposed and I had no support, nothing. Do you have any idea, how you made me look like in front of my father?" Emma told Kol.

"Your father is a liar too" Kol said.

"Don't you dare" Emma warned Kol.

"No. please don't. you are right. We might have an agenda against your father but never for you and that is the truth. We hate your father. Ricker hates your father and if you say your father was ready to accept Ricker, then that is the biggest lie of all. He will never do that. He can never do that. How can he?" Kol said angrily.

"I don't understand what you are speaking about and I don't wish to"

"But you must. You see Emma. We don't hate your father because he is your father or because of some business rivalry" Kol said.

"I know there is some bad blood between the families" Emma said.

"Yes, but what bad blood? Have you ever wondered?" Kol asked.

"I don't care" Emma said.

"But I think you should. Your father is not the person you think he is. He is a murderer" Kol said.

"What did you say?" Emma said.

"I say right. He killed Ricker's parents and he knows that" Kol told Emma.

"That is a lie" Emma said.

"Oh, really. Is it also a lie that he tried to kill Ricker?" Kol said. Emma looked at Kol in shock. She had no idea of anything.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"Your father is always a criminal in this plot and now he has new apprentice. Partner in crime" Kol said with a sly smile.

"Are you talking about Theo? Because" Emma speaks with disbelief.

"Now, don't say. You know him and he won't hurt a fly" Kol said.

"He is not a killer" Emma said.

"Of course. He does not have the guts but that is why he has people to do bad ugly things for him" Kol told Emma.

"What people?" Emma asked.

"Criminals. They are called criminals. Do you see the man in the blue suit standing near Theo" Kol said. Emma looked at the man Kol was pointing out. The man was middle-aged and had an intense look. He wore expensive suit like everyone else but his eagle-like piercing eyes were looking everywhere. Theo seemed comfortable with him. But Emma wonder who that person was?

"No" Emma said.

"Then you must. He is known as Black Dog" Kol told Emma.

"The Black Dog?" Emma asked.

"Yes, and embrace yourself. He is Theo's uncle. You are living in a den full of criminals. I don't think you should call us liars or anything else because Emma, we, Ricker and I are the whitest characters you have under this roof right now" Kol said.

Kol left Emma in bewilderment. She looked around and only found strangers. She was scared. She was fearful and she jumped when she heard her name.

"Are you alright?" a man asked.

"Yeah… yes. I am fine" Emma said.

"You don't seem fine. You look like you have seen a ghost" man said in a concerning tone.

"I am just ti- tired" Emma said.

"Have some water? You should drink water" man said.

"I don't need water or anything. Thank you" Emma said.

"It's okay. I understand. You don't trust me" man said.

"I am…" Emma tried to utter something out but the man continued to speak.

"It's okay. Here, Have my card. Give me a call, if you want someone to talk to" man said.

"Why would I call you if I want someone to talk to? You are not my friend" Emma asked.

"I am a stranger and sometimes, it's better to talk with strangers than with friends" man said.

"You know, I will probably never call you Mr…" Emma said.

"Dean. My name is Dean and I know you will never call me but it does not mean you will never need my help" man, named Dean said.

"What kind of help?" Emma asked curiously.

"Time will tell" Dean said before leaving Emma.

Emma wanted to throw the card but she kept it. She does not know why. Maybe because Dean seemed nice

Emma did not feel well. She felt stuffed and the people made her feel uncomfortable. She decided to return to her room for a bit.

Emma went to her room and searched for some medicine. She turned when she heard the faint voice of door closing.

She thought it was Theo.

She thought wrong.

It was not Theo!

It was Ricker!

Before, Emma could respond or anything. Ricker locked the bedroom from inside.

It was just Emma and Ricker in the bedroom!

All alone!!!

What will happen now???