Emma visited the doctor

"Where is Emma?" Uncle Joe asked.

"She went out," Theo told Uncle Joe.

"Where?" Uncle Joe asked. "You are her husband. You should know"

Theo stared at the wall in front of him with frustration. He knocked down a few items on the table he was sitting on.

"This anger, you feel will help you," said Uncle Joe.

"To go crazy" Theo retorted.

"To win her" Uncle Joe said. Theo gave Uncle Joe a glance and said seriously, "She is already mine"

"Is she?" Uncle Joe asked.

"I don't know her whereabouts but she will come back here," Theo said.

"Theo, you should know where she is and I hope this is the only place she knows to come back," Uncle Joe said.

"What are you inferring?" Theo asked.

"You are smart enough to understand," Uncle Joe said.

"She is not the problem. Ricker is" Theo said.

"I believe you if you say so. Ricker is not an easy business but it must be handled fast" Uncle Joe said.

"I want to kill him," Theo said.

"Can you my dear boy?" Uncle Joe said in a taunting manner.

"I tried at least," Theo said.

"And failed. You don't fail in killing Ricker Davidson" Uncle Joe said.

"What should I now?" Theo said.

"I will suggest don't fail in killing him but you have done that," Uncle Joe said.

"How can we attack a beast? How can we defeat him?" Theo said in frustration.

"We must attack where he is most vulnerable," Uncle Joe said looking out from the window. He saw Emma talking with Sophia.

"Are you suggesting using her?" Theo asked.

"She is his soft point," Uncle Joe said.

"She is my wife," Theo said.

"Make sure Ricker realizes that too. He did not seem to care last night" Uncle Joe said.

"I think he learned," Theo said.

"Theo…" Uncle Joe was stopped in middle.

"No. Not Emma. Emma is not going anywhere near Ricker" Theo said.

"What are you most afraid of? Ricker or Emma. Do you worry Emma will go to Ricker?" Uncle Joe asked.

"I worry nothing like that. She has no reason to go to Ricker. For anything. She has me" Theo said with confidence. Uncle Joe smirked.

"You should be very careful" Uncle Joe suggested.

"I am," Theo said.

"I will look into Ricker. Don't worry. Leave him to me" Uncle Joe said.


Emma was walking along the corridor of the 'City Hospital' when she heard her cellphone ring. She checked her phone. There was a message from Theo

Message stated:

Theo: Where are you?

Emma: I have a doctor's appointment

Theo: When will you be back?

Emma: Maybe in an hour

Theo: Okay. Keep me posted if anything happens. Love you

Emma: Okay, I will meet you at Relish Villa

Emma put her cell phone away. She exhaled loudly. As she turned, she saw a familiar figure. It was Ava. Ava looked like she was sobbing and someone was comforting her. But who? Emma wondered. She was distant and the other person was hidden behind the pillar. But what was Ava doing here? And why was she crying? Numerous thoughts were running through Emma's mind. Should she check on her? Should she interfere? Is Ava in trouble? But why was she here?

'No' Emma thought. Ava did not like her at all and she too was not a big fan. 'Let her be Emma' Emma thought.

But as Emma was about to turn and leave her heart drop. She had a hunch about the person behind the pillar. A hunch she wished to go wrong. Emma took a few steps closer to the person only to peek at his face and here he was.

The beast, as people call him. Ricker was with Ava, wiping Ava's tears as Ava cried.

Emma quickly turned her back and left. Ricker and Ava together!!!! In a hospital!!!!!!! What did Emma see? Why did she see something like that? What does that mean?

"Are you Emma White?" a nurse asked.

"Yes, I am," Emma said.

"Your reports are ready ma'am. Here they are. The doctor is waiting for you this way" the nurse said.

"Oh... okay. Thank you" Emma said.


"Hello, Doctor" Emma greeted the female doctor.

"Do you have your reports?" Doctor asked.

"Yes, here they are," Emma said.

The doctor read the reports for a minute. She put her glass down and the paper she was holding and stared at Emma.

"Did you see these reports?" Doctor asked.

"No doctor. I did not get the chance. Is there some problem?" Emma asked.

"Not really. Have you been accompanied by your husband here?" The doctor asked again. Emma started to worry.

"What does that have to do with anything? What do my reports say?" Emma asked again.

"Well, Emma. I believe you are pregnant" Doctor broke the news.

Emma was stunned by the news. "Pregnant? Pregnant! Pregnant!!!!" Emma lost her words.

"You seem shocked. Seems like it was not planned. I believe you are just married right? I hope your husband will be okay with that" Doctor asked.

"My husband?" Emma said remembering Theo.

"Yes, your baby's father," Doctor said.

"Yeah… yes… my husband… baby's father…" Emma felt that her head was spinning. This was bad… very very bad. She realized she was in some deep shit. She could not believe it was happening to her.

"Are you okay?" Doctor asked.

"Am I pregnant? Are you sure I am really with a child?" Emma asked again.

"Yes. It seems like you are in the early months of pregnancy so you need to take care of yourself. You must talk to your husband about it" Doctor said.

"Why do you keep insisting on speaking with my husband?" Emma said.

"Well, I don't mean to interfere with your life. It is just that I have been working for the Relish family for quite some years" Doctor said.

"You work for Relish family!" Emma said in realization.

"I am their family doctor," Doctor said.

"You know Theo!!!" Emma asked.

"Yes, very well. That is why I am suggesting you talk to him soon" Doctor said.

"Doctor, please… I mean… can you keep it to yourself for some time. As you know we just married and now this pregnancy… it is too much too soon. I need time to process… and I just need time" Emma requested.

"That's all right. You can have all the time you want. But don't take long" Doctor said.

"I won't. I will take care. Thank you" Emma said in relief.

"You can tell Ava to come now," Doctor said.

"Ava?" Emma asked.

"Yes… umm… Ava came with you right" the doctor gave Emma a puzzled look.

"Yes, she did. May I know how is she?" Emma asked.

"As if you care?" Ava said, standing at the door.

"Ava, what are you doing here?" Emma asked.

"I don't know Emma. You tell me. You just said you came with me. You must have all the answers" Ava mocked Emma.

"I was just checking on you" Emma defended herself.

"No, you were prying your nose in my business. Mind your darling, I am warning you. By the way, what are you doing here?" Ava asked. Soon Emma regretted interfering in Ava's business when her life was a mess.

"I came for a routine check-up and now I am leaving. I am sorry for asking about you. It will not happen again" Emma said.

"Good," Ava said.

Emma left quickly Ava with the doctor, wishing for the doctor to keep her mouth shut. If this news comes out, it will be the end of her. Emma took large steps and walked towards her car. In a panic, she dropped her keys while taking them out of her purse. As she bent to pick up her keys, someone else grabbed the keys from her hands.

Ricker stood close to Emma. Emma strongly grabbed her purse closer to herself and her hand unknowingly went to her stomach

"Does your stomach hurt?" Ricker asked.

Emma quickly removed her hand from her stomach.

"NO… no. it is none of your concern," Emma said.

"What are these?" Ricker said snatching the papers from Emma's hands.

Emma shouted and jumped to reclaim the report but it only tore them in half.

"What is wrong with you?" Ricker asked.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? Why can't you mind your own business? Just stay away from me" Emma screamed.

Emma left after tearing her reports in front of Ricker and dumping it in the garbage.

Ricker watched Emma dumbfounded. 'She is losing her mind' Ricker thought.

'But why was she here? I have to find out.'


Emma ran to her room and locked the door behind her. She clutched her bag closer and closed her eyes while breathing heavily. Emma wiped her tears she did not realize were flowing. She opened her bag and stared at the pack, she received earlier.

"I thought it is safe to have you just in case but I might need you after all. I wish I never had to use you. I wish"

Emma pulled out a gun.