The inappropriate gift!!!

"Did you see that?" Kol said walking towards the desk Ricker was sitting on.

"Someone bought this land we wanted and for a much higher price" Kol passed down the papers to Ricker.

"Who would make such a deal? It does not have any profit in it," Kol remarked.

"But it does have a loss for us. Losses if my math is accurate," Ricker said.

"You mean to say someone did this on purpose only to fuck us!" Kol said.

"Try to fuck us," Ricker said.

"Who?" Kol asked.

"Who else," Ricker said.

"Theo? Theo! Theo… I am going to kill him," Kol said angrily.

"No need. He made a mistake. He will rectify it," Ricker said.

"How and why would he do that?" Kol asked.

"Because I am going to ask him nicely," Ricker said.

Ricker called someone over the phone and said, "Has the gift arrived?"

"Good. Bring it in the office."

"Gift! What gift?" Kol asked.

"Oh, they are cufflinks for Theo. We went to his party but did not get him anything," Ricker said.

"You are giving gifts to him. Why?" Kol asked.

"Relax. It's just a trade," Ricker said with a sly smile.

"You are going to burn him. Right?" Kol said.

Ricker left without saying a word.


"Excuse me, sir," a young woman said knocking on Theo's office door.

"What is it?" Theo asked.

"Mr. Davidson is here to meet you, but he does not have an appointment. He says you are expecting him," the young woman said.

"He said that. Hmm, yes, I am willing to meet him. Bring him inside," Theo said.

Ricker entered the room, and Theo sat on his chair looking at Ricker making an entrance.

"I was not expecting you," Theo said.

"You were, and you know that," Ricker said and sat on the seat opposite Theo, facing him.

"You are here because of that land, right," Theo asked.

"Yes and no," Ricker said. "I have something for you," Ricker said.

Ricker presents Theo with a gift.

"Is it for me?" Theo asked.

"Yes. Please open it" Ricker said.

Theo opened and found a perfect diamond studded cufflinks in the gift box. Theo smiled and put them aside.

"They look expensive but not expensive enough to give you that land," Theo said.

"I know. I have another gift for Emma," Ricker said.

"For my wife?" Theo said.

Ricker put forward another gift.

"You did not wrap this," Theo said.

"It does not need to be wrapped," Ricker said.

"May I see it?" Theo asked.

"Oh, I insist. But maybe you don't like it." Ricker said. "But that won't stop you."

Theo opened the box and snapped.

"What is this? It is highly inappropriate!!!" Theo screamed.

"I am not gifting it. I am just returning," Ricker said.

"I have some other stuff too. Might be more inappropriate for you and highly inappropriate for others!!! Right?" Ricker said.

"You are threatening me," Theo asked.

"Now we are talking," Ricker smiled.

NOTE- Dear Readers, some of the content is sexual, and some of you might not be comfortable reading it. So, I request you skip it when asterisks start and end.


Emma comes out of the bathroom after washing her hair. She was wearing a white bathrobe, and water was dripping from it. Emma took a towel to absorb excess water from her wet hair. She stood in front of the mirror, gazing at her reflection while she wiped her hair and blow dry them.

The room's door opens, and Theo walks in. Emma continues to blow dry her hair. Theo loosens his top shirt button and puts both of his hands in his pants pockets. Theo stared at Emma.

Emma stopped the blow-dyer and looked at Theo through the mirror.

"What?" Emma asked.

"What did the doctor say?" Theo asked and started walking towards Emma.

"Doctor told me to rest," Emma said. Theo came closer to Emma and stood behind her.

"Did she?" Theo said. Emma felt uncomfortable finding Theo so close to her. Theo wrapped his arms around Emma's waist and pulled her closer. Theo buried his face in Emma's half-wet hair.

Emma felt Theo's warm breath on her shoulder. Her heart raced. She feared. She feared the proximity, and she feared she cannot stop it. She cannot stop Theo.

"You did not tell me," Theo whispered.

Emma jumped on Theo's words. 'What was Theo talking about? What does he know? What did I not tell him?' Emma thought.

"I am sorry," Emma said.

Theo turned Emma to face her. "You should be," Theo said.

Theo brought his lips closer to Emma and touched them against her lightly. "You went out saying nothing," Theo asked.

"Went out? I went to the hospital." Emma said.

"Without telling me," Theo said.

"I can't go out," Emma asked.

"Not without telling me," Theo warned Emma.

Theo pressed his lips against Emma as he pulls down Emma's bathrobe from one side to reveal her black lace bra. Theo put his warm palm over one of the exposed breasts. Emma pulled away her lips quickly in shock. She looked at Theo in fear and confusion. Her heart raced, and she breathes heavily. Emma grabbed Theo's hand touching her but she could not gather the courage to remove it.

"I need rest," Emma said softly in a shaking voice.

Theo pinned Emma against the cold mirror and pulled her closer by wrapping her arm around her waist. His other hand cupping her breast went to touch the fine fabric of her bra, feeling the softness and design against his fingers.

Emma felt helpless as Theo kissed her neckline and kept going lower slowly. Theo slowly lowered one of the straps as Emma let out a low cry.

Theo stopped and looked at her and she cried. "Please" Emma pleaded. "For now," said Theo.

Theo moved away and left the room.

Emma sat on the floor as she covered her face, crying in silence.


"You know what you need to do, right," Ricker said to the man.

"yes," the man said.

"Make sure you do exactly as I plan this," Ricker said.

"I will," the man said.

"Good. Go now. I want to hear some screams!!!" Ricker said. "Make sure they are loud enough."