Back Up? #238

I frowned as I regained my balance in the air and quickly inspected my body, finding no external or internal injuries. The Incubus attack hit me like a truck, but it would take much more than that to get through my skin.

'Looks like he's not as powerful as he claims...' I mused as I charged the demon and swung my axe, only for the same barrier to appear and block the attack.

The Incubus snorted in derision as he waved his hand and sent me flying back again. 'Not in terms of firepower at least... that barrier is tough...' I concluded as I channeled my energy into the Leviathan's Axe and released a concentrated beam of cold energy at the demon.

The barrier appeared and protected the Incubus once more, and I responded by retrieving Ebony and firing one energy projectile after the other, attempting to break the energy shield.

'Resistant to frost and pure energy...' I deduced, frowning at the surprising durability of the Incubus' barrier. 'But I refuse to believe the damned thing is indestructible...' I gritted my teeth and increased the energy input into my axe and Ebony.

If the Incubus were as powerful as he claimed due to possessing Larry's body, he wouldn't need to scheme or plot against us to get what he wanted, which was apparently Nightshade.

Demons were more likely to take what they wanted instead of bargaining for it if they could. So why would an omnipotent demon bother to bargain with my mortal self? Because he couldn't.

In the first place, why would he even want Nightshade? The Incubus clearly had an agenda and a goal to achieve by conquering this dimension, and he probably couldn't do it without the heroine.

I was sure of my conclusions. And even the sight of Incubus' barrier taking the full brunt of my energy attacks without suffering a scratch couldn't convince me otherwise.

'Not just resistant, but immune...' I frowned as I cut off the energy flow to my weapons. 'What about the range then...?' I raised the Leviathan's Axe and channeled, and the air instantly turned chilly.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, blocking the black sun above as freezing winds howled, carrying specks of snow that instantly morphed into a blizzard and engulfed the Incubus' barrier.

The ice storm was so thick that I lost sight of the Incubus and only found him when I dismissed it, still unscathed inside his barrier with the same condescending look he had since he arrived.

Still, I couldn't help but grin as I noticed a speck of snow that somehow made it inside the barrier, gently floating down as it dissipated. 'There's a weak spot, after all...' I concluded and quickly hid my smile before the demon could notice.

'Now I just need to find it...' I concluded as I dismissed my weapons and began flying around The Incubus, barraging his barrier with diluted energy attacks and fireballs.

The attacks were weak, needlessly flashy, and ample in diameter, as the flames would engulf the barrier and try to snake their way inside instead of using brute force.

It was a way for me to subtly find the barrier's weakness while giving the Incubus the illusion of being in control by using weak, diluted attacks that would never get through his energy shield.

After all, I didn't want him to realize something was off and run with his tail between his legs. I believe I've made my philosophy of dealing with immortal demons apparent by now, so it goes without saying.

Still, a little more misdirection wouldn't hurt, either. 'Nightshade, this guy is too powerful here. I might not be able to deal with him...' I spoke directly into the heroine's mind, to which she shot me a weird look, likely remembering my warning about using telepathy.

Still, she didn't say anything, and I went on. 'We might have to move the Incubus to another dimension where he isn't omnipotent, so prepare to create a portal...' I concluded and received the equivalent of a mental nod from the heroine.

It wasn't the worst plan to deal with the demon, but it had one glaring flaw. Nightshade couldn't control her power perfectly, especially under stressful situations.

If we go through with it, we might end up anywhere, and I didn't want to take the risk. I still went through the trouble hoping that Incubus could intercept telepathy, as I theorized, as it would give him an even greater sense of complacency.

The portal would also make for a great distraction when I was ready to end the fight. Was I doing too much? Probably yeah, but I didn't care. I'm not one to take chances, and it saved me a lot of trouble too many times, so I'm not about to do it now.

In any case, I finally found what I was looking for as a tiny ember of flame, dissipating before the Incubus could even notice it. "Now," I exclaimed, to which Nightshade immediately jumped away and created a portal next to the demon.

"Parlor tricks will not help you," The Incubus said, immediately teleporting away from the portal. "Give up, and I--" The demon said as he appeared a distance away, stopping midsentence as he found himself surrounded by a golden barrier.

I grinned as I closed my outstretched palm, and my energy closed in on the Incubus' barrier, locking him in place. I didn't waste any words on the demon and quickly directed my energy into the weak spot, shaping into a spike that immediately impaled his chest.

"You... what have you done...?" The Incubus remarked, watching me fly towards him with wide eyes as blood leaked out his mouth as the black barrier dissipated around him.

"So much for being a god," I said, crossing my arms as I levitated in front of the demon. "I'd like to see you whim your way out of this one..." I added, chuckling as I shook my head.

I didn't wait for the demon to reply as I turned to the few remaining demons on the ground and quickly sniped them with the Ace of Winchesters before shifting my attention back to him.

"You know what this thing is, don't you?" I said, giving the demon a blank look as I raised the rifle and put it in front of his face. "I suggest you fuck off and give Larry back if you don't want to try it firsthand," I added, loading a bullet as I pointed the rifle into his face.

"You would only receive a corpse, human," The Incubus said with a brazen chuckle. "But I've grown rather fond of this body," He said as a magical circle appeared behind him.

"Mark my words, we will meet again, and you shall pay for your actions..." The demon said as the magical circle turned into a portal and moved towards him.

I couldn't help but frown at the sight. The demon had no way of casting magic or using energy in any form through my barrier surrounding him, or so should have been the case.

Still, my surprise didn't stop me from reacting in time as I raised my hand, prepared to disrupt the magic circle with an energy blast, but it was unnecessary as someone else did the work for me.

Suddenly a blue beam of concentrated magical energy came flying from nowhere and destroyed the portal, causing me to frown as I followed its trajectory and spotted a woman in a green and golden tight-fitting costume flying toward us.

'Enchantress... how did she get here...?' I mused, my frown growing more intense as the sorceress approached us, but I quickly shook my head and put on a neutral expression.

"It looks like I arrived in the nick of time..." Enchantress calmly remarked, smiling as she briefly glanced at Poison Ivy and Enchantress before turning to me.

"Though I didn't think you'd manage to subdue the demon even without my help..." She added, tilting her head as she turned to the Incubus, who could only grit his teeth in silence and glare at her.

"What are you doing here? And how did you get to this place?" I asked without bothering to hide my suspicion as I looked Enchantress in the eye, and she didn't even flinch.

"I'm here to help, of course," The sorceress said, shrugging her shoulders as she spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "I am familiar with this demon and its immense power. It's why I refused to accompany you all..." She said with a sigh.

"I thought I might need to ambush him while he was distracted with you to capture him..." Enchantress said, bitterly smiling as she trailed off at the end of her sentence.

"But it appears I have underestimated you," She said, her smile turning genuine. "As for how I got here... I trailed the residue energy from Nightshade's portal," She explained as she gestured toward the heroine on the ground.

"Now, if you will allow me... I have a method to separate the Incubus from his host.."


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