Greed #239

Hearing Enchantress' words, Nightshade's expression instantly turned bright, but Grayson promptly cut her off before she could turn her excitement into words.

"And how do you plan to do that, exactly?" Grayson calmly asked, giving the heroine a brief look before turning back to Enchantress, frowning as he did.

"The Incubus is a foreign presence inside this man's body," Enchantress replied as she gestured toward the demon. "The body is constantly rejecting the demon's presence, which is why he can't use it to its full potential," She added, and Grayson detected no lies through reading her body language.

He attempted to read Enchantress's mind, but it was protected, prompting him to give up. Though suspicious, he didn't want to rush to conclusions and cause problems where there were none.

"We only need to empower the body to help it kick out the foreign presence," She concluded, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone as she shrugged her shoulders.

"And how do we do that? We might end up empowering the Incubus instead," Grayson asked as he crossed his arms, evidently unconvinced by Enchantress' method.

"You're the energy expert..." Enchantress said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure you can match whatever remains of Lawrence Eden's soul with his sister here and channel the power to the right destination," She added, shrugging her shoulders.

Again, Grayson found no signs of lies in her body language, and he found reason in her words, causing him to sigh after a brief pause as he turned towards Nightshade.

He was still suspicious, but ultimately the decision was up to Nightshade, as it was her brother's body. "What do you want--" Grayson said, halting his words halfway through as he froze and looked down at his chest.

His eyes widened as he saw a metal blade poking out of his chest cavity, vibrating intensely. In shock, he slowly turned around and saw Enchantress grinning as she held the sword's handle.

"You talk too much, mortal..." Enchantress said, her eyes glowing red as she pulled the sword from Grayson's back. "This ought to shut you up," She added, her grin growing more pronounced as she watched Grayson fall to his knees, then head first into the ground.

"Long time no see, brother," Enchantress said, maintaining her smile as she turned to the Incubus and causally waved her hand, trapping Nightshade, Poison Ivy, and Static before they could even scream.

"Long time indeed, sister," The Incubus said as the energy barrier surrounding him dissipated, and he freed himself. "It seems Dzamor's magics were more potent than we anticipated," He said, giving Enchantress a once over as he looked her up and down.

"To my great shame, I could not free myself sooner. Dzamor fused me with a rather willful host..." Enchantress, no the Succubus, said her tone growing icy as she mentioned the name of the Nightshade Dimenion's ruler who cast her into the mortal world.

"There's a reason even our great father is cautious of Dzamor, but all is well," The Incubus said, nodding his head. "You freed yourself, warned me of this mortal in time, and now we have the other heir to the Land of Nightshades," He added, smiling as he alternated his gaze between Grayson's unmoving body and the three captives under his sister's spell.

"I suppose it doesn't matter now," The Succubus said, solemnly nodding her head. "I will take the second inheritor's body for my own, and we will be able to produce a fitting host for father," She said, her tone turning suggestive as she turned to Nightshade, who was screaming at the top of her lungs inside the magical prison.

"Not yet," The Incubus said, firmly shaking his head. "If we are to produce a host, then this body will not do. Despite his lineage, this one's power is not potent enough..." He said, trailing off as he stared at Grayson's unmoving body with barely hidden greed.

"But the host we produce must contain our essence and the Nightshade royal family's blood..." The Succubus said, frowning as she gave her brother a confused look. "Father's instructions were clear..." The Succubus added, shaking her head, hesitant to disobey their father's orders.

"Yes. However, only one parent needs to be from the Nightshade royal lineage," The Incubus said with a faint smile. "This mortal's body is more fit to sire our father's new host than this weakling," He added, his eyes glinting greedily.

"I'm sure our father would appreciate the gesture," He concluded, his smile splitting his grin. He didn't wait for a reply and immediately departed his current host, revealing his original form.

Despite his name, The Incubus didn't resemble his subordinates as he lacked horns and leathery wings. He was an exquisitely handsome man with golden skin and smooth long hair that gently floated in the air.

"Now hurry up and take the inheritor's body," The Incubus said as he began approaching Grayson's body, to which his sister hesitated before nodding and abandoning her current host.

"Consider yourself lucky, mortal. Not only shall you carry my soul, but your progeny shall host the greatest of demon lords," The Incubus said, sounding smug as he stopped in front of Grayson.

He kneeled next to the young man and reached for his head, only to halt as Grayson's hand suddenly moved and caught his wrist. "Thanks, but I'll pass," Grayson said as he slowly got up, the wound on his chest and blood fading away like an illusion.

Before The Incubus could even react, he found himself staring into the muzzle of an antique rifle. The demon could only let out a scream of agony as the rifle's barrel flashed, releasing a bullet straight into his head.

Grayson didn't stand idle and immediately lunged at The Succubus without waiting for her brother's body to turn into goop, to which the latter immediately snapped out of her daze and bounced toward her former host.

In her panic, The Succubus didn't maintain the barrier holding the three captives, and it proved to be her undoing as vines emerged from the ground, binding her, and a bolt of electricity hit her in the back.

"How did you... I was sure I stabbed you and destroyed your heart..." The Succubus asked, incredulously staring into Grayson's eyes as she watched him close the distance and stand before her.

"It was just an illusion. I might not be able to access your mind easily, but I had help..." Grayson said, raising his fist to showcase the green ring resting on his finger.

"But how did you know to be on guard against me...?" The Succubus said, frowning as she gave Grayson a confused look, causing him to chuckle and shrug his shoulders.

"It doesn't work like that. I told you something, and now it's your turn to tell me something," Grayson said, putting on a calm smile as he shook his head.

"Fine. I have lost, and if I were to die, then I should at least understand how I failed," The Succubus said after a brief silence she used to think, letting out a sigh as she nodded.

"What is this thing, and where did you get it?" Grayson said as he raised his hand, to which the discarded sword The Succubus used flew straight into his waiting palm.

"The metal is called vibrating steel. The scientists from task force X created it to kill metahumans with tough skins like yours," The Succubus replied without hesitation, to which Grayson nodded, gesturing for her to ask. "You didn't simply react to my attack. You knew to be on guard against me. How?" She asked after a brief pause.

"Your brother seemed to know about us and our plan," Grayson replied with a shrug. "Other than these two, only you could have alerted him," He went on, gesturing towards Nightshade and Poison Ivy.

"You've mentioned your father. Who is he? And why does he wants to take over this place so badly?" Grayson asked as he watched the Succubus connect the dots and realize the reason behind her failure.

"I don't know, but my father's desire to conquer this plane likely has something to do with the locals' ability to travel dimensions," The Succubus replied, her tone still decisive and lacking in hesitation.

"I have no more questions, but my curiosity is satiated," The demoness said after a bout of silence as Grayson waited for her next question. "You may keep asking me, however, as thanks for humoring me," She concluded, causing the young man to raise an eyebrow.

"You're surprisingly generous for a demon..." Grayson mockingly said, but he shook his head and asked anyway. "This Dzamor you mentioned, what or who is he?" He asked, frowning as he did.

"He is the guardian overlord of the Land of Nightshades and many other such planes," The Succubus replied. "I don't know much about him, but he was the one to subdue me and cast me into June Moone's mortal body," She added.

Grayson paused at her words, seemingly deep in thought. However, he quickly dropped the subject and went straight to the point.

"Lawrence Eden and June Moone, what will happen to them now that you and your brother are no longer possessing them?"


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