To Athens

"Young man, would you like some meat pies?" A hawker asked as she passed by Xaloc with her wares on her head.

Xaloc nodded, giving her one silver and getting five meat pies in return. He ate one with relish feeling a little strength return to his body. He finished the five of them and to the woman's shock, he gave her another dollar and bought another set of snacks.

He finished all ten before downing them with a sugary pineapple drink he found at the port before getting up.

He could still feel some pangs of hunger to his greatest surprise. It was as if the aftereffect of the healing was catching up to him. He would solve that once he left this city.

Xaloc walked to the nearest clothing shop, he would get a new set of clothes and a hat and sunglasses if he could.

"Good day!" The shop owner was a middle-aged woman in a rough brown habbock. "We have some Celtic stock today, would you like to take a look." She asked as she indicated to a side in the store filled with….