A pact between friends

Mynoth gritted his teeth. He felt so humiliated but if it was Lux, he could not win the other. He turned to leave but heard a voice behind him.

"Wait!" Xaloc said and walked to Mynoth. He stretched his right hand and clasped the other's left hand in a handshake.

"I did not introduce myself. My name is Xaloc." The moment the dream thread between them formed in his mind, he let go of the other's hand.

Lux smiled mischievously, and said, "Forgiveness is a virtue."

Xaloc did not return the smile, he just mentioned to Uriel to follow him as they left.

Forgiveness, Xaloc had never heard of that word.

They had not even gone a mile when he noticed that Uriel had looked back worriedly again for the second time.

"What is it?" Xaloc asked while he listened for the sound of water or something similar.

He held Uriel's arm and watched the wound carefully. It has started to change colour and scab around the area.