Jamal wanted to paint him

Sleep melted from Xaloc slowly. He moved his body a little and slowly opened his eyes.

All he saw before him was a blur, as his vision gradually returned, he saw a white ceiling. 

A light wind blew and from the corner of his eyes, the light blue curtain slowly swayed, making him feel like he was in a dream or an illusion.

This bed was large and soft. A cotton blanket that was blue on the bottom with white rims was covering his body.

He looked around and found himself in a large bedroom. 

If he remembered correctly, he had fallen asleep after his fight with Monica when Lord Hovodan was guiding him out. His badge was placed on the table and he picked it.

His eyes widened in surprise. His rank was still the same. Rank 143 but the amount of stars has changed. He now had four stars, one from both Frank and Charles and two from Monica.