Giving him a chance to ask**

Mature scenes ahead*

Jamal was still in shock, his bitten lips throbbed with pain stating clearly that he was not fantasizing about all that just happened.

Xaloc's words flowed about in his ears but Jamal was not sure if he could hear him properly as he took several breaths to calm himself down. "What did you say?"

From leaning on his chest, Xaloc leaned forward before sitting properly across Jamal's lap, facing him directly.

Jamal's cheeks flushed. Bold! He never knew that Xaloc was this bold. Seduction! What on earth did he mean by that?

Xaloc leaned forward and pressed his lips against Jamals briefly, enjoying the taste of the warm lips against him. He had no idea that kissing could be so addicting."I have been seducing you. Can't you tell since this morning?"