Am I Alive?

Ten thousand years were given for the gods to plan and recover from the Ragaronk. After the given time, every Pantheon would be abolished, they would be nothing like the Greek or Norse Pantheon, and all that remained would be thrones.

Three Thousand thrones, each one held dominion over a divinity. It means that among each divinity, there would be a slaughter for which god would sit on the throne and the remaining gods would be delegated to be minor gods. How could these chief gods who had spent millions of years in power and worship accept to surrender to another god, many of them would rather fade than accept a defeat.

Then among the three thousand gods, there would be another battle for which of the throne would be supreme throne and the remaining twelve court thrones.

It would be a bloodbath, golden blood would pour from the sky like rain. A real twilight of the gods.