King Ozias of Duat

"Destroying the veil of Duat, forceful entry into a closed-off realm, sneaking about the realm without registering with the authorities, all of these are crimes worthy of death. Please tell this king, How do you want to die?"

Xaloc looked up at the figure who was lazing on a throne made of jewels. He wore a tank top and white silk trousers, not at all the semblance of royalty. He had an imposing aura no doubt and yet with the aura of majesty, his eyes were filled with amusement and laziness. The crown of the top of his head tilted ever so slightly like it was about to fall off.

"Ozias!" Xaloc called, a smile playing on his lips. He could feel the frowns of the guards that surrounded the room but he did not particularly care.