Her Innocence Wasn’t Ignorance

After the training, Arihan went to the palace to attend the banquet, leaving Alora to take her time. He was going upstairs when Catherine appeared looking as royal and elegant as she could be.

Catherine nodded at the lady who swiftly left from there to perform the task she was instructed to do.

"Duchess Blewett." Arihan solemnly greeted Catherine as she was royal after all. Then he was leaving, batting her no eye.

Catherine's ladies had waited for him. How could her planned coincidence go to waste?

"General Darwin, I was thinking of sending my lady to arrange a meeting with you tomorrow. Good that we met here." Despite knowing Darwins didn't like Catherine or Blewetts, Catherine would always put on the front. So she did.

If she had followed rules to make an appointment, then Alora's torture would postpone. Thus she had to create this situation.

Arihan halted, accurately knowing why Catherine wanted to speak with him. Rather than going to Catherine's study room to meet her, Arihan didn't stop her from speaking. And he didn't respond either.

It was a bit infuriating that Arihan just stood as if facing a wall. Anyway, Catherine's aim wasn't him, "I am sure you are aware that Princess Alora and Princess Freya have returned to the palace recently. The Spring ball banquet is very close by and we don't have much time to teach the basic etiquette to Princesses.

I got to know today that you are training Princess Alora in self-defense. General Darwin, if I am not wrong, it could wait but they have to learn manners of ladies and dance…"

Arihan just had a disinterested expression while hearing her. He was aware Catherine was just pretending to be courteous when she could have ordered him to give some days off for Alora.

But who said self-defense could wait? More than the etiquettes, Alora needed to get physically strong, then he will have to build her mentality. Or else people like Catherine could take advantage of her easily.

Catherine ended her words with a request, "So I would like to request General Darwin to give the responsibility of Princess Alora to us for a few days." She was indirectly asking him not to appear around Alora.

Arihan could have agreed easily but recalling Orla and Eugenie's worry for Alora, and his responsibility as her mentor, he denied bluntly, "I don't think it appropriate, My Lady."

The expression of the ladies in front of him changed after hearing him. 'My Lady?' He was treating Catherine as a duchess rather than a royal which was higher in status.

"Princess Alora is a quick learner." Thus she wouldn't need a long time to master the mere etiquettes. "Time between breakfast and lunch would be sufficient." She has meditation early in the morning, a few hours wouldn't be problematic.

Catherine gritted her teeth. She wanted complete day and night of Alora so that they could torture her even at the night as a form of punishment. Alora has to become a meek little lamb who listens to Catherine and Blewett's every word. But, Arihan ruined her schemes in a blink of an eye.

Catherine suddenly discerned why Arihan was chosen as Alora's mentor. She could argue with Eugenie in the name of duties or control other professional trainers. However, Arihan was like an unmoving mountain, too strong, and extremely objective. He wouldn't agree to anything baselessly.

If Catherine fails to keep Alora in control, she will keep appearing in front of Agost. Helena might lose the chance and they will lose the alliance.

'Did that witch charm him too?' Catherine doubted seeing Arihan unyielding and fixed to his decision.

Catherine wasn't ready to give up. She had already sent the fierce royal mentor. She has to make him agree. She awkwardly laughed covering her mouth with her hand. "General Darwin, you don't have a sister thus you don't know such little time isn't enough. It takes months to learn everything."

However, Arihan indeed didn't give a damn, "If nothing, I will take my lea…" Arihan paused, looking Catherine in the eyes. Instead of going upstairs to the banquet, he went downstairs.

Catherine clenched her fist and shrugged her hand. Her ladies-in-waiting remarked, "General Darwin gave no respect to Your Highness."

"Her Highness is so courteous, yet he was so rude."

"It's all because he has Her Majesty's support."

Catherine lifted her hand to stop them from infuriating her further. She turned around and went towards the welcome banquet where her husband was planning to put some trade proposals to get close to Agost.

As for Alora? Catherine will come up with an idea to break her leg so that training with Arihan doesn't continue. She scoffed with that thought in her mind.


Meanwhile, downstairs,

Although people couldn't trust Alora due to her appearance. It gives them no right to hurt her. Thus Alora doesn't have to bear the injustice without a reason. She was obedient but her mother never taught her to bear any kind of abuse. May it be physical or emotional abuse.

Alora would have patiently tried to know what was happening but seeing the unknown ladies getting physical with her, she knew she had to stand for herself.

What's there to be scared of when she did nothing wrong?

Alora caught Caroline's hand in the air and frowned at the woman. Her voice had a hint of warning, "Lady Caroline, you are crossing your line."

However, Caroline pushed Alora's hand and stared at the wetness on her wrist. It was freshly crushed herbal leaf juice to reduce the inflammation of Alora's palm.

Caroline looked disgustingly at Alora and commanded her maids, "Hold her, she wouldn't learn with good words."

Alora was bewildered without understanding what was happening. The anger bubbled in her, she was furious.

Caroline's maids grabbed her arms and Caroline pointed her stick at Alora's face, "How dare you to touch me with your dirty hands?" She swung the stick to beat Alora.

Alora clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes in reflex instead of crying or screaming for help. She has no choice but to bear this time. Her fist balled into a fist and waited for the pain.

Arihan who reached the hallway witnessed the scene. Before he could react, somebody else caught his eyes.

"Ahh…" A heart shuddering cry resounded in the hallway.

Alora felt the grip around her arms loosen and she opened her eyes to see Lady Caroline holding her hand and crying on the floor a few steps away from her. In front of her was the prince of Crisal who saved her.

Saved her!?

She was grateful for his appearance to protect her in time but it didn't give her relief. She didn't want anybody to shield her. She didn't want anybody to stand for her. She wished to be strong enough to protect herself.

Agost and Cyrus had lost their way to the banquet in the hall. As soon Agost noticed Alora being treated worse than a national traitor, he didn't care who the lady was. He just grabbed her hand and threw her away or else he might burn her alive.

Caroline's maids trembled at his gaze and moved away from Alora. His hand reached to hold Alora but pulled back. "Princess Alora, are you alright?" He worriedly asked.

'Alright?' She was maltreated in the palace which should be her home, a safe place. How could she be alright? She was frightened. She didn't want to stay in the palace.

However, she wasn't going to cry or run from there. Those three females, the palace maid, and the guards have to face the consequences of their actions.

What if she failed to protect herself physically? She wasn't going to let them continue harassing her. It should also serve as an example to others.

Agost, who always found innocence in her eyes, witnessed determination. He had somehow assumed her as a delicate lady who would cower and cry for support in situations like this. Nevertheless, she proved to him that her innocence wasn't naivety.

If naivety is an unconscious state similar to ignorance, she wasn't naive to ignore or be unaware of how to react to the situation.

His tone changed so as his expression when he offered, "How may I help you, My princess?" She needed help, not support.