Serve Justice

Agost was a guest at the palace. He already helped her enough. Alora didn't want to trouble him more. She was about to lower her head to apologize, and somehow Edur's words repeated in her mind, 'Don't lower your head, Princess.'

She gave a faint nod at Agost, "I am grateful for your help, I owe you one." She continued with the apology as a host of the palace, "I apologize you had to witness something like this in the palace. I will take care from here."

Although she was sincere with her words, her expression was complex. Agost wasn't sure what she was up to, or if she needed something. He wanted to erase her reservation so that speak freely with him.

Alora looked behind Agost and turned behind to check the hallway. She wanted somebody of higher status than palace guards in the hallway as those people didn't seem to listen to her.

Well, she was going to make everyone listen to her very soon. These people will be thrown out of the palace.

Her eyes fell on Arihan, a military general. Even though he had control over the military, he didn't have much power in the royal palace. Yet, she chose him as he was a respected and fearful official in the Anka.

"General Darwin." Her voice was smooth and firm, loud enough to reach Arihan's ears.

Arihan didn't leave from there despite knowing there was somebody to give her a hand. He just saw Royal Tutor Lady Caroline raising her hand at Alora who was being held by her maids. He didn't doubt Alora once, but Caroline who must be influenced by Catherine.

He didn't expect Catherine to disregard his words and send her people to Alora without his approval. Once the training ends, Alora returns to her chamber, bathes, eats, and sleeps. He could read Catherine was planning to torture Alora in her chambers without letting anybody know.

Unfortunately, they were caught. He could handle Caroline and Catherine but held himself back by looking at Alora.

She was the same girl who was in tears because he shredded the flowers, yet she stood there, unlike a naive frightened girl, there was a command in her tone calling him to her without actually using words.

He proceeded unhurriedly, watching her. He started feeling the pressure from her as if forcing him to reach her immediately. For a moment he doubted it was Agost but Agost was just watching Alora.

When he quickly reached in front of her, Alora instructed him in a clear, crisp tone of her mellow voice, "I need you to bring these guards and those four women to the banquet hall."

Agost and Arihan understood what she was up to. What actually impressed Arihan was that she was finally behaving like the royal that she was. She wasn't foolishly smiling, was arrogant, or asking for help. Although she still needed to learn how to control people, her beginning was excellent.

Alora didn't give time for Arihan to accept or reject. She passed by him to head towards the small banquet hall where she will find the Crown Princess. "Use your powers if required. I will take the responsibility for it." Those people could refuse to follow him too, hence she instructed him.

Arihan's lips curled to a lopsided smirk, he was curious to see how she was going to teach those cunning women who will lie through their teeth.

His magical powers? Looks like Princess Alora wasn't aware of him yet.

His piercing gaze brushed around, the guards lowered their heads and the women quivered in the corner, Caroline looked everywhere but him.

Catherine had assured Caroline that Arihan wouldn't go to see Alora after they parted ways. Then why did he return?

When did he return?

Did he watch everything?

Arihan fears no punishment, so he could kill them there and face everyone without fear of the outcome. She hurried on her feet with her back crunched and her body quivering like a withering leaf in the autumn wind.

Arihan's cold and intimidating voice echoed in their ears, "Follow Princess Alora." The ladies hurried to follow Alora, unable to stand in Arihan's presence.

Arihan looked at the guard close by and commanded him, "Bring the commander of the Royal Guards."

No one dared to go against Arihan. The guard bowed and ran towards the soldier's practice ground where the commander of royal guards would be training the guards.

"And the rest, follow the princess." They quickly formed two lines behind the ladies and followed them. Their hearts were beating erratically, knowing the possible consequences.

Arihan followed in the last, his eyes brushing over Agost and Cyrus who walked beside Alora. He could see Agost was very much interested in Alora.

Arihan paused without understanding how the two foreigners appeared there. They will be accompanied by a royal guard or two to guide them around. Why were they alone?

They might be guests but knowing the palace hallways and learning the palace architecture would put the royals in danger if they ambushed the palace.

Looks like, without the crown princess and prince's presence in the past year, the majority of the people were under the control of the Duchess of Blewett, Catherine. No doubt the crown princess and prince were busy with reinforcement at every corner of the palace.


At the banquet hall,

A guard by the door entered the banquet and approached Eugenie who was speaking with Zander related to the palace. He went on his one knee and reported, "Your Royal Highness, Crown Princess, Princess Alora is requesting your audience."

Catherine clenched the wine flute in her hand. What was going on? She had instructed Caroline to get Alora to her chambers. Her heart was uneasy right after hearing Alora's name, especially when she was formally meeting Eugenie, unlike a daughter.

Zander and Eugenie knew Alora too well. She would run up to them if she had anything to tell them. Sensing the trouble, Eugenie immediately responded. "Bring her."

Duke Edward Blewett watched his wife stiffen and nervous. He went up to her and asked in a low voice, "What did you do?"

Catherine didn't want to assume anything so she stared at the door. Other Royal members were curious and waited for the drama. Zander's aide ushered the Foreign trade minister out of the banquet hall through another door.

Rules? Alora knew them too well. She entered the hall followed by Agost and Cyrus. The expression on Alora's face was enough to tell something serious had happened.

Helena frowned looking at Agost following Alora. Catherine quivered when she saw Lady Caroline and the maids following Alora. She was angry at Alora for not doing her duty properly and nervous about the situation.

Catherine was aware Eugenie was looking for a chance to send her out of the palace by snatching her royal title. She couldn't let that happen.

Worried, Zander involuntarily took a step but Eugenie held him back. Alora was approaching them as a princess of the Anka, not as their daughter.

Even though she could see Alora was again covered in wounds from training, they could treat it later like they did every night. Now, their attention should be on the reason Alora arrived.

Alora greeted the two, "Your Royal Highness, Crown Princess, Crown Prince." The people behind her followed to bow.

However, before Alora could speak, Caroline rushed to the front and fell on her knees, "Your highness, serve us justice. Princess Alora and the man next to her was beating us." She had no idea he was a prince of Crisal when she continued to lie

Unsurprisingly, Alora had learned how people lie without flinching. What was in her mind was, didn't Caroline say Crown Princess has to give her respect? Then why was she on her knees?

The banquet hall buzzed with murmur while Catherine felt her heart drop to her stomach. She could hope Caroline would manage to get out of the mess smoothly.

As if her wish wasn't granted, Arihan stepped inside the hall, his chilling gaze brushing over everyone, and halted at Catherine. He glanced at Eugenie and Zander who didn't believe a word uttered by Caroline. Just by knowing Alora the past few days, he could say she wasn't kind to be violent.

How could her parents believe such nonsense?

He offered a silent bow of greeting and signaled a guard to bring the other six guards who failed in their job. The royal guards went on their knees and kept their heads low.

The royal members couldn't believe Alora was putting on such a big show. "Does she think she wasn't grabbing enough attention with her hair?"

"The drama starts where she goes."

"Did she burn something today?"

Helena shot them a deadly glare and shut their mouths.

Alora didn't utter a word and watched Caroline who didn't even stammer when lying. She appeared as if she was watching a fool trying to make herself a fool in front of everyone.

"I was instructed to teach Princess Alora. I wanted to get acquainted with her but looking at her state, I just asked her to take a bath, she didn't care about my age and experience and started hurling offensive words."

Zander cut her off, "And what offensive words?" His daughter would take forever to think and abuse somebody verbally. Was that woman expecting them to believe her words? Zander scoffed.

However, as a Crown Princess who has to handle the inner royal palace matters, she was obliged to listen to both sides. Although she hated it, she tolerated Caroline's lies.

Caroline was taken by surprise without knowing Zander was helping his daughter to dig the grave deeper. Catherine glared at Caroline to keep her mouth shut but Caroline continued her act by shedding tears.

"As a noble lady, how could I utter such words in front of royal highness." She pretended as if it was a great sin.

Zander sneered, "Try it, how could our crown princess decide the punishment without knowing anything."

Caroline misunderstood Zander's intention and became bold enough to use the words from her dictionary, "She called me a stinking old woman, shrew, mannerless…"

A soft voice interrupted. "Now I think... You are what you said."

Caroline: "..."

Zander held back his smile by pressing his lips to a thin line. Eugenie couldn't believe Alora actually gave a savage reply in front of everyone.