Prince Agost v/s General Darwin

Alora had an intense urge to run away from there and lock herself in a room. But she wanted to get trained and learn combat skills. If not protecting others, she wanted to be strong enough to protect herself and stop being a burden on somebody.

Agost was perplexed watching Alora disturbed and struggling to stay away from Arihan. There were obviously certain changes between them, according to him, it wasn't hatred. 

Then why was Alora persistent in staying away from Arihan?

Whatever the reason might be, Agost rolled the dice as soon as he found a chance, "Pardon me, Your Majesties for intervening." He lowered his head in a bow and looked back at the two. 

He looked calm, collected and most dependable at the moment, "I might not be a general of the military but I have participated in fair shares of battles and played a pivotal role in acquiring territories. I would like to elect myself to train Princess Alora if Princess Alora has no objection."