
When Arihan was considered to be calm, Agost was a fierce fighter. He swung the sword, attacking Arihan relentlessly. Arihan kept dodging the attacking stepping back.

Alora could feel the anxiety in her heart that was picking speed faster than the movements of the sword. If Arihan fails to one strike, he would bleed brutally.

Arihan finally blocked Agost's strike and gave him a push that threw Agost several steps behind. Both attacked, cursing the swords to clatter harder and Alora's heart to jump to her throat.

To everyone, it was just the beginning. For Alora, she could envision the end that she didn't want to happen.

She almost stammered when she hurriedly asked. However, she wasn't able to peel her eyes away from the two. As if the second she looks away, one of them would get hurt.

"How to determine the winner?" She hoped it was just one small wound.