Blonde Man

Waiting for her parents and Arihan, Alora had dozed off on the chair behind the desk. Ensnared in a strange dream, Alora hadn't woken up when Zander shifted her to the bed and tucked her in.

Shortly after, she gasped awake in the middle of the night when she felt cold fingers graze over her bare arm and her hair rose by sensing the obsidian eyes. 

Her eyes desperately looked around and fell on the silhouette standing against the window. Jerking up on the bed due to the intruder, Alora squinted her eyes in the faint light to identify the man. 

Did the obsidian eyes man finally appear before her eyes?

The man in a navy blue cloak stepped away from the window as he turned to her. The deep tone of man sounded in silence, "My apologies." And he bowed.