
In a private manor near the palace,

Lying on the bed, having no motivation to do anything, Arihan stared at the ceiling. There was never a day he wasted. There was never a morning he stayed in bed.

He knew he had to make a decision. He couldn't stay in bed and overthink. He either has to leave or stay. Whatever he decides, he should be ready to accept the consequences. It could turn into the most terrible or the best decision in his life.

However, he just couldn't make that choice. 

His brows tugged tightly when he sensed the arrival of the person. He itched to say, 'there is a door.' But he didn't bother sparing a word.

"Arihan…" It was Vidor from the living hall of the manor.

Vidor arrived in the capital due to the coronation the next day. He was responsible for security in and around the palace. He wanted to have a talk with Arihan regarding the efficient plan for palace guarding.