At exactly seven in the evening, Jackson and his little companion arrive at their destination. When people see his familiar customized red and black sports car, some of the people around them cheer in excitement while the others are watching them in silence. When Jackson steps out of his car, a lot of people cheer louder while calling his name. Jackson ignores them and approaches the man standing on the side and waiting for him to be noticed by him.

"Anton!" Jackson calls his name. "So what's up?"

"Boss, someone wants to challenge you tonight." Anton, his secretary, reported. "Can you see the man wearing a black jacket and leaning on a gray car? That's him."

Jackson moves his head and sees the person Anton is referring to. A man with a skinhead is giving him a smug look on his face. Jackson raised a brow and did not say anything. He noticed that more people like this one keeps on popping out of nowhere just to challenge him.

Well, maybe Jackson doesn't need to complain that much. Although they are all lacking, at least people like them can still ease his boredom. And to repay their kindness, Jackson needs to beat them to ashes so their efforts and dreams of beating him in his own games will not go to waste.

They are now at the mountainside where people who want to race are gathering here every night. Some people who have a strong will and guts are participating in the race while the others will just bet a lot of money on their chosen racer. For two years straight, Jackson is still the undefeated champion in this illegal competition. Many people attempted to steal his crown, but no one has succeeded yet.

And tonight, another gutsy racer is dreaming to defeat him and steal the top place from Jackson Lavine.

"So how much did he bet tonight?" Jackson lazily asked.

"One hundred fifty million."

Jackson snorted when he heard that.

"That's all he can give tonight? What a lame person."

"Then what should we do?"

"Tell him I will triple that amount if he can beat me tonight."

"Okay. So boss..."

Jackson glances in Anton's direction and shakes his head.

"If I win tonight, which is of course will obviously happen later, I give you thirty percent of my cash prize."

When Anton hears that, he quickly gives his boss a broad smile. While staring at his secretary, Jackson feels like he can see a pair of pointy ears on his head and a wagging tail behind him.

Anton is Jackson's former classmate back in college who comes from an average family. If people view him as an eccentric person, then Anton is weirder than him. Anton always mentioned he wanted to work for him. Every time he asked him why, Anton will easily reply that Jackson has something he really wants to have.

And it is money.

Well, at least he was just being honest with him. After they graduated, Jackson casually asked if Anton wants to be his secretary and he instantly say yes. Although he is not taking their family business seriously and Jackson is just visiting the company whenever he feels like doing it, who says he cannot get his own secretary? So he hired Anton and ordered him to do his biddings now and then.

In exchange, Jackson is paying him five times the amount a normal secretary working in a company can get every month. Whenever Jackson is in a good mood, he will give his secretary a huge bonus for his hard work. It can be said that Anton is getting more benefits for following Jackson for years compared to a person working in a company.

"Then boss, I will prepare your..."

Anton stops talking after he finally noticed something. When he lowers his gaze, Anton sees a little girl standing beside his boss. She is wearing a pink outfit from head to toe. The little bun is also holding Jackson's pants so she will not get lost in this place.

Lulu is not easy to find if she really gets lost in this rowdy place. Her height is smaller compared to the other children and the way she walks is too slow because of her short legs. When her daddy gets out of the car, Lulu quickly follows him and refuses to be left behind. She can still remember her mommy's words saying her fathers are always playing tag so she needs to latch on to them as tight as she can and prevent them from escaping.

"Boss, who's that little girl?" Anton asked without tearing his gaze from Lulu.

Noticing that the uncle in front of them is looking at her, Lulu stares at him and tilts her head. Then she lifts her chubby arms and forms a finger gun with her small hand. Smacking her lips, Lulu points her hand to Anton's chest.

"Bang!" Lulu said in a happy voice. "Lulu is now your favorite baby!"


Jackson can see the blush on Anton's face. He knows that his secretary's weaknesses are small and adorable animals or children. Although his secretary can be compared to the bouncers working in a club because of his huge body, he still has a soft spot in his heart for the cute things that can be seen in this world. Jackson still cannot forget the fact that Anton's wallpaper on his phone is a photo of a fluffy white puppy wearing a customized fairy costume.

"Boss, who is she? Why did you kidnap this precious child?" Anton asked in a worried voice.

When Anton decided to follow Jackson as his secretary, he already knows that his boss is not normal to begin with. He has a lot of evilness in his body and bad intentions toward the others. But only a few people can see it because Jackson is so good at hiding his dark personality behind the smiles he always shows to people. But seeing the cute little girl in this kind of place is making Anton to think that his boss is finally letting go of the little morals that he has and leveling up his evilness.

"Boss, how can you kidnap a child?!" Anton asked in an accusing voice. "Are you holding her as a hostage? Are her parents offended you and you are now getting revenge on them by bringing a weak child like her into this place?"


"Boss, I know that you are not a good person. But this is too much!"

Without looking at his boss, Anton walks toward Lulu and carries her in his arm. The little girl obediently wraps her arms around his neck so she will not fall. Anton feels like he's now hugging a huge marshmallow because she is too soft to touch.

"Baby, don't worry. We will bring you back to your parents. Just tell me who your parents are and I will bring you home later."

"Okay! But Lulu doesn't know where is mommy. I also don't know where is daddy's house."

"I see." Anton said. It is normal for a small child like her not to remember their address. "Then can you tell me the names of your parents?"

"Lulu's mommy is Lusa."


The little girl happily nods her head.

"What about your father?"

"Jackshon Labin!"

"Stupid dumpling." Jackson intervened before clicking his tongue. "It's Jackson Lavine."

"Oh. Okay, daddy!"

Then Lulu looks at Anton again and slowly mentions her daddy's name.

"My daddy's name is Jackshon Labin!"

"You're really stupid, chibi."

Anton feels like his brain is short-circuiting right now. Did he hear it right? Jackson Lavine? His boss?

He is this little girl's father?!

"Boss, she..."

"Yes. She's my stupid chibi daughter. Is there a problem with that?"


"Or do you have any complaints about it?"
