"So let me get this straight. You are crying because your candies are gone?"


Still, Lulu nods her head while crying.

"You are not crying because our car was bumped from behind?"

Lulu nods her head again.

Well, fuck.

Jackson feels like this little girl betrayed him for no reason at all. He regrets it. He really does. He shouldn't have become soft with this heartless little thing even for a second.

Jackson wants to get back the time he spent worrying about Lulu earlier. She is not worthy of it. Next time, Jackson is not going to feel pity for her even if she cries a river in front of him.

"Daddy... My candies..."

Jackson looks at Lulu with a scowl before he loudly closes the car door at the back. For a moment, he is thinking to return Lulu back to Nathan's side. It seems like that person can discipline her the best. Jackson is thinking that Lulu will definitely be the cause of his hospitalization in the future due to high blood and heart failure if she stays longer with him.

Lulu is stunned when her daddy slammed the door and it makes her stop crying. Although there are tears in her eyes, Lulu's small lips still form a pout to express her dissatisfaction. Her daddy number two is such a bad person. He did not even release her from this chair and helps her gather the fallen candies inside the car.

Huu... Her candies...

Now there are only two packs of candies inside her bag. Lulu feels a huge crisis is going to fall on her because of it. The little girl needs to fill her bag with snacks again or else, she will starve to death in the future. And Lulu doesn't want to feel hungry even for a second.

Soon, the door opens again and Lulu sees the buff assistant of her daddy number two. Although he looks big and scary, Anton is still approachable in Lulu's eyes. She gives him a pitiful look which makes Anton's heart melt into a pile of goo. After he removes the straps around her body, Anton carefully lifts the baby in his arms and steps out of the car.

He already knows that Lulu is crying inside the car. But his boss is really cruel. He didn't even console this baby at all. After bringing Lulu with him while racing, Jackson just left her alone inside the car. Anton let out a sigh and feels pity for this little girl. How can she have his boss as her father?

Her father, Jackson Lavine, is now showing his perfect smile to the audience. Although Anton is loyal to his boss, he can't help but scrutinize him in his heart. He really wants to warn those people that his boss is the type of person who will probably stab them to death with a smile on his face.

Someone shouts at Jackson to treat them tonight since he won the race. Jackson has no problem with it. Bar hopping is one of the things he normally does after a match. So he looks at his secretary and tells him to reserve the usual bar they use for celebration after his match.

"But boss, what about this little girl..."

"I don't care." Jackson carelessly said. "If you want, bring that brat with you since I can see how much you care for her."

Jackson is starting to fix his mood tonight. How can he let that little girl ruin it again? After she made him worry for nothing, Jackson's treatment of that girl changed in an instant. That little girl can cry all she wants for her candies and Jackson will not care about it anymore.

"Boss..." Anton hesitatingly calls him. "Are you fighting with this little girl?"

"Who in their right mind will fight with that chibi?" Jackson asked him back before rolling his eyes.


'Boss, with all due respect, but I know you are the type of person who will not hesitate to argue with a child.'

Alright. Anton knows when to shut his mouth in front of his boss. He still wants to stay beside his unreasonable boss and keep this high-paying job. Staying with him brings a lot of benefits for Anton that he cannot have if he's working for another person.

Jackson glance at Lulu who is leaning her body lazily in Anton's arms. She finally stopped crying. Her eyes are a little red and she's pouting her lips like a duck. Aside from her looks, Lulu also got her annoying mannerism from Louisa.

Well, whatever.

Jackson has no time to think about her. He face the people around him and told them they will have a celebration tonight at one of the best nightclubs in their city. Everyone cheers loudly and calls his name in excitement. With a pleasant smile, Jackson invites them to go to the club so they can start partying.

Jackson leaves first and the people who want to party tonight immediately follow him. Anton had already called the club manager so he doesn't need to worry about him. He will just follow his boss later. For now, Anton has to find a good place where he can bring this little girl for tonight.

"Lulu, do you where we can find your mother?" Anton softly said.

"Mommy is not here." Lulu replied with a pout.

"Then where should I bring you?"

Anton knows bringing this little girl to the club is not a good idea. There are a lot of bad things happening inside of it. Not only that, but the club where his boss is usually staying is full of drunk people. No one can tell what are they going to do with Lulu in their drunken state.

"Uncle, bring me to Mr. Kite's house!"

"Mr. Kite?"

"Yes! Mr. Kite is Lulu's daddy number one."

Since Lulu didn't follow Jackson tonight, then she will just go back to Nathan's house. Although her daddy number one has a bad temper, at least he is still feeding her with a lot of food. Lulu also promised herself that she will share her fried chicken with him. It is her way to show that she's no longer angry at him.

Before Anton can ask more questions to Lulu, his phone suddenly rings. It is an important call and he cannot ignore it. So he puts Lulu down first and tells her to behave before Anton moves away and answers the call.

While waiting for Anton to come back, Lulu is squatting on the ground and watching the ants walk in a straight line. But she becomes quickly bored and rests her chubby head on her hand. When she turns her head, Lulu sees someone familiar with her from afar.

Without waiting for Anton to come back, Lulu stands up and moves her little feet to follow that person.