Assistant Lim had finished his work early today. It is because his boss was in a bad mood and left their office early. He doesn't know the reason why. But Assistant Lim can guess that it was because of the sudden visit of Mr. Lavine to his office.

He also heard that Mr. Lavine brought Miss Lulu with him. The people who saw the little girl happily walking with Jackson as they stepped out of the building were all convinced that it was the reason for their boss's sudden changes of mood earlier. They were all thinking that Mr. Klein was upset that his daughter decided to join Mr. Lavine instead of staying with him inside the office.

Well, maybe he doesn't need to complain about that anymore. It's been a while since Assistant Lim stepped out of their company early. To celebrate, he is planning to meet his girlfriend and invite her for a dinner date. Since it's already late and he didn't make a reservation at the restaurant where they usually eat, Assistant Lim's girlfriend decided to cook their dinner tonight.

But in the middle of cooking, her girlfriend discovered they had already run out of meat in their freezer. So Assistant Lim decided to buy the meat and return to their place as fast as he can. The nearest grocery store that is still open at this hour is the one next to the mountain with a racing course around it. Assistant Lim just needs to buy the meat and a bottle of wine before he goes back to his apartment where her girlfriend is waiting for him.

There are only a few people in the grocery store at night. After buying all the things he needs, Assistant Lim paid it at the cashier and walks to the parking lot. He easily finds his car and gets inside it. Then he carefully put the things he bought in the back seat.

After wearing his seatbelt, Assistant Lim gets his car keys in his pocket. But before he can start the engine, Assistant Lim sees a small figure at the window on his passenger seat. He feels like his lifespan is reduced by several years after seeing a small face sticking too much in the window. Scared, Assistant Lim wants to run out of his car but the seatbelt is holding him in his seat.


Goodness! It seems like the ghost stories he always heard around this area are really true. They said a ghost always shows itself to the people driving in this area at night. If that ghost chooses you, there is no way for you to survive.

"I am still young to die! Please not me! I still have to apologize to my boss because it was me who broke the expensive fountain pen he always used at signing his documents! Please spare me tonight and I will surely apologize to him! Ahhh!"

Soon, the ghost taps her hand on the glass window which makes him scream more. But the ghost did not give up. She keeps on tapping her hands to get his attention. When Assistant Lim carefully opens his left eye, he sees the ghost pouting and her little lips are almost kissing the window of his car.

Pouting? Is a ghost capable of doing that? Huh?

When he opens both of his eyes, Assistant Lim finally realized that the small figure he saw just now is not a ghost but a little girl. Not only that, she looks familiar to him. Very familiar. It's because that little girl is none other than Mr. Klein's soon-to-be adopted child!

When Lulu sees Assistant Lim's figure from afar, she did not hesitate to follow him. But she temporarily lost him when he entered the grocery store. Since Lulu cannot push the heavy glass door in the grocery, she sat on the bench outside and waited for the assistant to come out. And when he did, Lulu quickly followed him from behind.

But because of her small legs, Lulu cannot catch up to him. When Assistant Lim has entered his car, Lulu is still outside and waiting for him to notice her. The little girl goes to the other side of the car and steps on the huge rock beside the car so that Assistant Lim can see her. To make sure that he will surely see her, Lulu pressed her chubby face on the window and starts tapping it with her hands.

After confirming that Lulu is not a ghost, Assistant Lim quickly removes the seatbelt around him and gets out of his car. He lifts the little girl in his arms and looks at her. He also looks around to see if Lulu has someone with her right now.

"Miss Lulu, why are you alone in this place? Where is Mr. Jackson? I thought you two are together now."

When Lulu hears the name of her daddy number two, she put a frown on her face and pouts her lips remembering how he abandoned her so easily tonight.

"Daddy Jackshon left me." Lulu said.

"You really have no one with you right now?!

Lulu nods her head in confirmation. Assistant Lim subconsciously hugs the little girl in his arms. Oh, goodness. This cute baby just experienced a scary situation tonight.

How can Mr. Lavine leave this little girl alone in this kind of place?! He didn't expect that there is someone who is eviler than his boss. To leave a small child alone and unattended in this place is something that a human will never do unless they are evil down to their core.

Assistant Lim has to report it to his boss. Mr. Klein needs to know that his friend left Miss Lulu heartlessly in this area alone. Although he knows his boss is not a good person, he can still be called an angel compared to Mr. Lavine.

"Oh, you poor baby. You surely suffered a lot." Assistant Lim said and buries Lulu's head on his chest. "I should send you to Mr. Klein and report to him what happened to you."

Upon hearing her daddy number one's name, Lulu's eyes twinkled in excitement. To be honest, she is starting to miss Nathan a bit. Although Nathan always bickers with her, but he still feeds her with a lot of food.

"Uncle, can you bring Lulu to daddy's house?" the little girl expectantly asked.

"Of course!" Assistant Lim quickly replied.

"Then Lulu is still a cute baby, right?"


"Lulu will also meet daddy soon."

"That's right."

"Then can you buy Lulu a lot of food?"


"Uncle, Lulu is now hungry." the little girl said and touch her tummy. "Daddy Jackshon wasted my snacks earlier too."

Seeing the down expression on her small face, Assistant Lim knows that Miss Lulu has suffered a lot. Just look at her pitiful expression. In his mind, Mr. Lavine starved Miss Lulu and decided to ditch her in this place without any hesitation. In his heart, Jackson instantly replaced his boss in terms of evilness.

Since they are already in the grocery store, Assistant Lim brings Lulu inside and buys her a bag full of snacks, drinks, and candies. After that, Assistant Lim brings Lulu inside the car and put a seatbelt around her. He will now send this little girl to his boss. After starting the engine, the assistant drives his car slowly to avoid any accidents and not to make the little girl feel overwhelmed.

But Lulu doesn't care anything about it. Her eyes are sparkling in joy while staring at her bag of snacks. Her daddy's assistant is really generous. This uncle must be richer than her daddy because he can afford to buy her these snacks. Lulu has already listed Assistant Lim in her heart as someone who can buy her snacks anytime in the future.

After a few minutes, they arrived in front of a huge building. Assistant Lim removes the seatbelt on Lulu's body and carried her in his arms. When they entered the elevator, Assistant Lim pressed the floor button where Mr. Klein's place is located. Soon, the elevator opens and they quickly step out of it.

Standing in front of his boss's place, Assistant Lim pressed the doorbell and patiently waits outside. When they heard a click, the door finally opens and it reveals Nathan who is wearing his casual clothes. He looks at Assistant Lim first before his eyes land on the little girl in his eyes. But before Lulu can even greet him, Nathan quickly closes the door with a bang.
