After Nathan closed the door, Assistant Lim and the little girl in his arms are both surprised and stunned at their positions. Why did he suddenly close the door like that? They are not ghosts or debt collectors. They are just here to see him and send the little girl back to his place.

When Lulu finally recovers from her surprise, she asked Assistant Lim to put her down. Maybe her daddy didn't see her. Although her daddy is bad, he is not blind. It will be impossible for Lulu's daddy number one not to see her cute baby face.

"Daddy!" Lulu shouted while slapping the door with her chubby hands. "Lulu is here to see you!"

Just like what she did earlier in Assistant Lim's car, the little girl stick her face on the door while tapping both of her hands on it. She also did not forget to call her daddy several times in a loud voice.

"Lulu is back! Can you hear me? Daddy, are you there?" Lulu shouted and stick her ears on the door.

"No!" Lulu heard Nathan's voice behind the door.


Then Lulu turns around to look at Assistant Lim with a pout on her lips.

"Daddy said here's not inside his house."


The little girl looks so disappointed right now. But she is also looking cute and stupid at the same time. Assistant Lim didn't know what to say for a moment and just watch Lulu as she fidgets with her chubby fingers.

"Uncle, give me my snacks."

Without waiting for Assistant Lim's reply, Lulu quickly snatches the bag of snacks in his hands and holds it as if she's holding a treasure. The assistant can only look at his empty hand before returning his gaze back to the little girl. Assistant Lim feels like a clumsy thief suddenly steals the things he's holding just now.

"Uncle, can you bring me to daddy?" Lulu ignores the weird expression on Assistant Lim's face as she gently pulls his pants.

'But we're already here.'

Assistant Lim didn't know what to do with this adorable little girl. He really wonders how can Mr. Klein deny such a cute kid? Doesn't he feel happy while looking at this real-life stuffed doll?


Yeah. How can he forget? Mr. Nathan Klein is not an ordinary person. He is Assistant Lim's evil boss who celebrates the demise and bad luck of other people.

Pitying the little girl, Assistant Lim pushes the doorbell once again. He cannot just leave Lulu here like this. The little girl was already abandoned in the streets by Mr. Lavine earlier. He cannot let Lulu experience more suffering today. Taking a deep breath, Assistant Lim pushes the doorbell once again and waits for his boss to open the door.

Seeing that the kind uncle is helping her, Lulu returns to her task of knocking on the door while calling her dad. Although her daddy said he is not inside the house, maybe he will magically appear again if they continue knocking on the door. Lulu continues doing it until the door finally opens. But it is so sudden that the little girl loses her balance and falls flat on the floor.

Nathan is about to scold these annoying people after opening his door when a lumpy little girl falls on the floor and her head lands on his left foot. He lost his momentum to shout and scold them because of this annoying brat. Nathan glares at Lulu who is still acting like a dead starfish on his doorstep and refused to move even a bit. When he moves his left foot that Lulu is using to cushion her head, she finally reveals her chubby face.

"Daddy..." the little girl said and slowly dragged her word. "Lulu is now back."

Instead of helping the little girl, Nathan sneers at her and moves away from Lulu. Taking this as a chance, the little girl rolls her small body to get inside the house before sitting up. Nathan tries to catch Lulu but she quickly runs inside and hides under the table. To make sure that her daddy will not send her away again, Lulu hugs the table leg with her arms and legs as if her life is dependent on it.

"Annoying brat." Nathan calls her in an angry voice. "Go back here!"

"No!" Lulu answered firmly. "Lulu will stay here."


"B-Boss, control your temper. S-She's just a kid."

Nathan turn his glare back to his assistant who returned this annoying brat to his place. Nathan thought he can finally enjoy a peaceful time tonight. Since he has already gotten rid of Louisa's daughter, Nathan can now have a relaxing time until he falls asleep.

But when someone rang the doorbell and he opened the door, Nathan quickly regretted his decision. He shouldn't have opened the door without checking who is ringing the doorbell. If he knows, Nathan will just stay quiet and pretends he left his house so they will walk away and stop disturbing him. Because he put his guard down for a few moments, his peaceful time is now gone.

"Why did you bring that kid back to my place?" Nathan asked his assistant in a menacing voice. "If you cannot give me a proper question, consider yourself jobless the moment you leave this building."

Assistant Lim swallows loudly and looks at his boss. If a glare can be considered a deadly weapon, then Assistant Lim is probably dead by now. His boss looks like he will choke him to death anytime soon. Still, he takes a deep breath and shows his boss a brave stance. And without looking at his boss, Assistant Lim quickly gives him a good answer.

"Mr. Lavine abandoned Miss Lulu on the road and I accidentally saw her wandering around so I decided to bring her here." Assistant Lim said without a pause.

"...What?" Nathan asked with furrowed brows. "Explain everything to me."

Since his boss looks like he's now willing to listen, Assistant Lim let out a relieved sigh in his heart. It seems like he saved his job on time too. Composing himself, Assistant Lim tells Nathan all the details he needs to know. The assistant simply explained that he saw Lulu wandering alone near the grocery store and decided to bring her here.

When Nathan heard about it, he glances at the little girl who is still acting like a bloated koala bear while hugging the table leg before he scoffs. It seems to him that Jackson didn't like this brat either. Clicking his tongue, Nathan pulls his phone from his pocket and dials Jackson's number. After several rings, Jackson finally answers his call.

(Hello? Who's this?)

Nathan frowns when he hears the loud blasting music on the other line. It looks like Jackson is in a bar and enjoying his life. What a typical lifestyle for him.

"Jackson." Nathan calls him. "Did you abandon this brat on the road?"

(Nathan... I can't hear you properly... Hey, I want to do more tequila shots... I'll call you back later. Bye!)

Before he can speak again, Jackson has already ended the call. Nathan tries to dial his number again but he cannot reach Jackson's phone again. Nathan clicks his tongue in irritation before he put the phone back inside his pocket.

"Boss, about Miss Lulu—"

Before Assistant Lim can finish his words, Nathan closes his door again with a bang. His assistant can only swallow his words and stare at the door with dull eyes. Working for his boss is surely not for a person with a weak heart.