After Nathan closed the door, he turns around and sees the little girl still hugging the table leg. She looks so funny and stupid in his eyes. With a sneer, he walks toward her and gently kicks her butt. Lulu gives him a dissatisfied look but Nathan ignores it.

"Let go." Nathan said.

"No." Lulu replied in a dragging voice.

"I said let go."

"Daddy, Lulu is hungry."

"So what? I don't care."

Lulu pouts her lips and thinks missing this daddy is not worth it at all. He doesn't even want to feed her. She should have stayed with the kind uncle who brought her here. Lulu must be the most pitiful baby in the whole world.

When Nathan hears the beeping sound coming from the oven, he swears under his breath and temporarily leaves Lulu in the dining room. Soon, the little girl can smell something delicious in the kitchen. She quickly follows Nathan to see where is that wonderful smell coming from.

"Chicken!" Lulu happily exclaimed.

Lulu claps her hands in delight when she sees the tray in Nathan's hand is filled with roasted chicken legs and meat slices. Although Nathan rarely gets home early, he still knows how to cook for himself. Nathan thinks it is already a hassle for him to go to the nearest restaurant to have dinner and he also didn't fancy any takeout foods. It is good that his housekeeper always keeps his cupboards and refrigerator full of ingredients, foods, and drinks.

"Daddy, that smells really delicious!" Lulu said and licks her lips.

Nathan ignores the little girl who is like a little monster eyeing her prey. He transferred the chicken and meat to a big serving plate and put it on the dining table. After that, Nathan also gets the bowl of mashed potatoes that he made earlier. Then he opens his fridge to get a can of beer before he goes to the dining area.

Lulu is already in the dining area and waiting for her daddy to come back. That chicken looks so good! Her stomach is already growling in hunger but she still needs to wait for Nathan. Her mommy said when the food is served on the table, she should wait for the others so they can all eat together.

When Nathan returns, his eyes land on the little girl who is standing on tiptoe while looking at the food on the table. He paused for a moment and consider his options. While thinking, Nathan can't help but frown seeing the hideous outfit Lulu is wearing today. The onesies she wore earlier are obviously better than her pink jumpsuit now.

"Brat, what are you doing there?" Nathan asked.

"I'm waiting for daddy so we can eat together." Lulu replied.

"Tch. I told you not to call me that."


As if remembering something, Lulu nods her head and looks at Nathan again.

"I'm waiting for Mr. Kite so we can eat together." Lulu repeated her words and just replaced how she addressed Nathan.


"Mr. Kite, Lulu is now hungry."

Nathan clicks his tongue and turns around to get that brat her own plate and utensils. After that, Nathan grabs Lulu and brings her to the sink. Then he told her to wash her hands if she still wants to eat her dinner. This time, Lulu obediently follows his words and did not try to resist him.

After that, he sprays alcohol on her chubby hands and they return to the dining table. He sits her on the chair next to him and told her not to move a lot if she doesn't want to fall on the floor. While Nathan is busy putting food on his plate, he noticed Lulu is looking at Nathan with expectant eyes.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"I'm waiting for my food!" Lulu exclaimed and push her plates toward him.


He knew it. This one is a walking trouble. What does she take him for? Her servant? This brat surely has the courage of a tiger just like her mother.

Still, Nathan decided to give her the biggest chicken leg and he also put a huge scoop of mashed potato on her plate. Based on his horrible experience with this kid, she will not stop pestering him if he doesn't give her any food.

Lulu's eyes sparkled in joy when she sees the food on her plate. She quickly forgets her dissatisfaction with Nathan and he becomes her favorite daddy again. Lulu blows on the chicken with her small lips since it is still hot and white steam is coming out from it. Nathan can't help but scoff seeing that Lulu looks like a stupid pufferfish just now.

"Brat, did Jackson really leave you alone on the road?" Nathan asked.

Lulu stops blowing her food and nods her head.

"Oh? What did you do to make him mad?"

"Lulu is a good baby." the little girl defended herself. "Daddy Jackshon threw my snacks and did not bring me with him."

It seems like Lulu is not lying to him. Well, her words are not impossible to happen anyway. With Jackson's unpredictable mood, he can possibly leave this brat alone on the road. Nathan just didn't expect Jackson can do that to Louisa's daughter considering that he was closer with that woman years ago.

"Daddy, the chicken is still hot." Lulu complained with a pout.


Fine. Nathan will become lenient with this annoying brat for a while considering her experiences today. With a sigh, Nathan chops the chicken meat into smaller pieces to cool it down and make it easier for her to eat. He is about it eat when his phone suddenly chimes.

Checking his phone, Nathan receives the latest graph chart of his latest project. He put down his fork in the meantime and quietly reviews the chart. So far, the total sales of his company are still at the top and their competitors cannot reach half of their sales this week. But Nathan will not easily relax just because their performance this week is good.

While reading the report chart, Nathan reached for his fork and blindly stabs the chicken meat on his plate. And without looking at it, he put the chicken in his mouth. But Nathan quickly spits the chicken meat and looks on his plate.

Instead of his freshly cooked chicken, the ones he sees on his plate are soggy, oily, and ugly-looking fried chicken. Nathan has to drink a mouthful of water to remove the taste of oily starch in his mouth. When he looks at Lulu, Nathan sees that there are now two chicken legs on her plate.

"Daddy, that's my gift for you!"

"Lulu!" Nathan shouted which makes the little girl jumps on her seat in surprise.

When Nathan was busy looking at his phone, Lulu suddenly remembered the fried chicken she brought with her. Since her daddy prepared a delicious chicken tonight, she should also show her consideration to him. So the little girl quietly opened her bag, pulled the tupperware with her fried chicken in it, and put it on her daddy's plate. Then she grabbed his roasted chicken and put it on her plate.

Lulu praised herself a lot. She is such a good baby. She even shares that fried chicken with her daddy. She is not stingy at all.


Nathan feels regretful for the second time. He should not show any kindness to this brat! Instead, he should teach her a lesson so she will not become so naughty in the future. Gritting his teeth, Nathan glares at Lulu as if he will tear her into pieces.

Noticing that her daddy is mad again, Lulu swallows the chicken meat in her mouth and smacks her oily lips. Lulu has no idea why he's still mad although she has already given her precious fried chicken to him. This daddy is really bad. He doesn't even appreciate her kindness.

"Daddy, you cannot hit me." Lulu said with a pout. "My mommy said the people who want to hit a cute baby like me will become a small worm at midnight."

Before Nathan can answer her, Lulu quickly negotiates with him.

"Don't be mad at Lulu, daddy. If you want, I can sing you a song again. Lulu is really good at singing."

Putting down her fork, Lulu starts singing the first song that comes to her mind.

"The three bad mice, the three bad mice~ See they are one—"

"Shut up!"