In the end, Nathan failed to hit Lulu with a slipper on her little butt. Every time the little girl sees him getting a slipper, she will quickly grab his arm and sing him those gibberish children's songs. He was forced to make a deal with Lulu that if she stop singing those children's songs again, Nathan will never hit her butt.

At first, the little girl was reluctant to agree with it. Lulu really likes singing those children's songs and she just wants to share her joy with her daddies. But the two daddies she found are both bad and ungrateful. They don't appreciate her singing those songs for them.

Before Lulu can speak on her own terms, Nathan forced her to agree by showing his slippers to the little girl. Soon, Lulu quickly nodded her head and agreed to his term. And to seal the deal, the little girl asked him for a pinky promise. But instead of showing her little finger, Lulu gave Nathan a thumbs up.

He tried teaching her the right way how to do a pinky promise. But the stupid little girl kept on showing her thumb. In the end, it was Nathan who compromised once again and linked his pinky finger to her little thumb. Lulu was so happy that she looks like a stupid and bloated baby bear in Nathan's eyes.

After their dinner, Lulu put all of the snacks Assistant Lim bought inside her bag until she had a hard time closing its zipper. As for the remaining snacks that cannot be forced inside her bag, she put them in Nathan's fridge. The little girl also told her daddy not to eat her snacks. She said Nathan will turn into an ugly frog if he try to eat those snacks without asking permission from her.

Nathan did not bother arguing with Lulu. She is just full of nonsensical ideas and childish thoughts. Nathan will just stress himself if he tries to understand the little girl's mind.

At exactly nine in the evening, Lulu entered Nathan's room to climb on his bed. She had a hard time climbing the bed because it is too high for her. Nathan saw the little girl but he did not offer his help. Instead, he only watched Lulu as she struggled to climb up his bed.

After several minutes, Lulu finally succeeded with her little mission. Lulu's chubby face was very red and she was obviously tired after exhausting all parts of her body just to climb the bed. Minutes later, Lulu curls her body on the bed and closed her eyes. After a few minutes, Nathan heard a soft snore indicating that the little menace was finally asleep.

Nathan can finally let out a relieved sigh. At least the rest of his evening will become peaceful and quiet. Without that chatterbox baby, Nathan can finally relax his mind without thinking about anything.

Or so he thought.

When Nathan's phone rings, he can tell that whoever is calling him will surely ruin his night. And it turns out he is right. The one who is calling him at this hour is none other than his birth mother, Madam Cynthia.

Letting out a sigh, Nathan has no other choice but to pick up the call. Or else, his mother will never stop calling him unless he answers his call. The moment Nathan clicks the answer button, he quickly heard his mother's loud voice on the speaker.

(Why aren't you quickly answering my call?!)

Nathan let out a quiet sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. Here they go again. Isn't she aware her son is busy running a company now? He should be busy maintaining the good status of his company.

"I am just busy finishing the documents on my desk." Nathan smoothly lied. "But why are you calling me?"

(All you do these days is work! When are you going to get a wife and give me a grandchild? You are no longer a child, Nathan. You should start building your own family now.)

Nathan knows his mother's thoughts. Before answering her call, he already knows his mother will bring up this issue again. She started pestering him two years ago and keep on pushing him to go on different blind dates just to get a wife and a child. Although he attended a few blind dates to see any potential marriage partners, Nathan was never satisfied with those women he met.

(I am not getting younger, Nathan. I don't have any desire to get into your work. But the only thing I am asking from you is to give me a grandchild that I can take care of and spoil a lot.)

"I know, mom. You already told me that a hundred times already. But I am—"


Frowning, Nathan turns around and sees Lulu sitting on the bed with a sleepy look on her face. She is also rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Her sleep is probably disturbed by Nathan's voice while he is talking to his mother. He didn't know she is just a light sleeper.

"Why are you still awake, daddy?" Lulu asked in a loud voice before letting out a long yawn.

"It's none of your business. Go to sleep—"

(Did I hear it right?! There is a child in your place?!)

Madam Cynthia knows her son very well. He is someone who doesn't like children. But that is not the most important thing right now. She heard it loud and clear.

That child called him daddy!

(Nathan, who is that child?! It is a girl, right? Is she your daughter?!)

Nathan rolls his eyes when he heard his mother's series of questions. His mother is already in her sixties and yet she can still become this excited. Nathan is about to deny all of her questions when a sudden idea appears inside his head.

(Why are you not answering me?! How is it possible for a child to stay in your place? Is she your daughter?)

"...Yes." Nathan replied in a low voice.

(Good heavens! Do you have a child now? Then where is her mother? Don't tell me you get married without informing me about it!)

"Stop asking me a lot of questions, mom." Nathan said in an irritated voice.

(Then stop leaving me in the shadows and answer my questions!)

Nathan takes a deep breath first before he replied.

"I am not yet married. That woman left the child to me and I have no idea where is she right now. And yes, that child is a girl. Did I answer all of your questions now?"


With her son's explanation, Madam Cynthia is thinking Nathan had an affair with a woman and she gave birth to his child. But that woman doesn't want to raise their daughter so she left it to Nathan. His son gained a daughter and she is staying with him right now.

Madam Cynthia doesn't care about the other details. Right now, one thing is playing inside her head. She can now finally call herself a grandmother.

(You better introduce my granddaughter to me!)


(Send my granddaughter to my house tomorrow morning. I want to meet her. You got it?)

Nathan becomes silent for a moment. Thinking about it, he can finally get two birds with one stone using his mother's idea. She will no longer pester him about having a family and he can also leave Lulu under his mother's care. In the end, Nathan is the one benefitting from it.

"Alright. I will send Lulu to you early in the morning tomorrow."

(Oh goodness. So my granddaughter is called Lulu. I am now excited to meet her!)

After exchanging a few more words with his mother, Nathan can finally end the call. When he noticed that everything is so quiet again, Nathan sees Lulu fall asleep again. Her posture is like a starfish having a sunbath on the beach. When he sees a drool on her small lips, Nathan frowns in disgust before getting his pillow. He will rather use the couch than sleep next to the drooling baby on his bed.