The next day, Nathan together with Lulu arrives in front of a huge mansion. Lulu asked her daddy number one where are they going but he didn't say anything. He just puts the little girl inside his car and ignores her questions before telling their driver to start the car. So it turns out he brought Lulu to a castle that she had always seen in her storybook before.

From Lulu's understanding, her daddy is trying to surprise her! No wonder he is ignoring her since this morning. Lulu remembered the times when her mommy was sometimes surprising her with food or a short trip to their favorite park. Lulu quickly looks at Nathan with sparkling eyes and tells herself that he is the best daddy in the whole world.


When Nathan glance at the chubby baby sitting next to him, he sees her looking in his direction. The way Lulu stares at him is similar to those stupid children when an amateur magician performed in front of them. With the panda onesies she's wearing today, Nathan scoffs at Lulu thinking she really resembles a stupid panda who knows nothing but to eat the more he stares at her.

It was Assistant Lim who bought that outfit for Lulu today. Nathan called his assistant early in the morning and told him to bring the little girl a new set of clothes. While still thinking that Lulu suffered a lot last night, Assistant Lim eagerly said yes and used his connections to find clothes that will fit for his little miss. Remembering the turtle onesies she wore before, Assistant Lim decided to choose another cute onesie for Lulu to wear this day.

Before Nathan can complain about his assistant's weird choices, the little girl quickly gets the onesies from his hand and thanked Assistant Lim with a smile. Nathan lost his will to complain and just called a female staff to help Lulu in taking a bath and changing her clothes. He doesn't want to be disturbed by that brat because she keeps on sinking in his bathtub thanks to her chubby body.

When the car stops, Nathan opens the door and they both step out of the car. Madam Cynthia together with her secretary is already waiting for them in front of her mansion. When Madam Cynthia sees her son's car, she did not put Nathan in her eyes and quickly searches for his daughter. The madam's heart quickly melts into a pile of goo the moment she sees the cute little girl who is holding Nathan's pants.

The little girl is wearing a fluffy panda onesie that makes her look so soft and squishy to hold in one's arms. To match her outfit, the little girl has a sling bag that looks like fresh bamboo and a pair of black furry shoes. Madam Cynthia is getting excited the more she stares at her granddaughter. The madam did not wait for Nathan to introduce her to the little girl and quickly approach them.

"Hello, baby girl. I am Cynthia Klein. I am your grandmother."

Lulu stares at the woman in front of them without blinking her eyes. Unlike her daddy, the madam looks kind. She is also smiling kindly which makes her look more approachable. So without any hesitation, Lulu walks toward the madam and holds her hand.

"Grandma Chincha!" Lulu calls her in a sweet voice.

The smile on Madam Cynthia's face becomes wider when the little girl calls her grandma in a childish voice. She doesn't care if her grandchild calls her wrongly. She is still happy to have a cute and fat little granddaughter like her.

"That's right. I am your grandma. Can you tell me what's your name, baby?" Madam Cynthia asked.

"My name is Luyella!" Lulu happily introduced herself.

"I see. You have a good name, Luella."

"Yes! Mommy said the same thing too! But daddy said my name is ugly."

"Ignore him. Your daddy is just jealous because he was born ugly and grumpy."

Nathan, who is just listening to their conversation quietly from behind, can only roll his eyes in annoyance. His mother whom he hasn't seen for months is ignoring him because of that annoying brat. But at the same time, Nathan is admiring his mother for understanding the gibberish words of that little girl. When she first introduced herself in front of him, Nathan thought that kid was trying to test his patience. Nathan thought he will see his mother become confused just like him when Lulu introduced herself today. But contrary to his expectation, his mother easily understands Lulu and even complimented her childishness.

"Grandma, you can also call me Lulu. My mommy and daddy are calling me Lulu all the time!"

"Alright. Then I will call you Lulu from now on."


"Do you want to go inside?"

"Grandma Chincha, do you live in a castle? Are you a queen?"

Madam Cynthia chuckles when she heard her silly question.

"Yes, Lulu. I live here and I am the queen of this place."


"Are you hungry? Grandma prepares a lot of food for Lulu."

"Yes! Lulu is very hungry today. Daddy just gave me a sandwich earlier."

"Only a sandwich?"

"Yes, grandma."

Then Lulu pouts her lips as if she suffered a huge grievance this morning with her daddy. Nathan can only sneer at the heartless little girl in front of him. It is true that he only prepared a sandwich for her this morning. But Lulu ignored the fact that she ate a lot of sandwiches earlier.

Lulu ate not only one but ten egg sandwiches in one sitting. She even ate the sandwich Nathan prepared for himself. He thought the little brat will later complain about a stomachache. But for some absurd reason, there must be a bottomless pit in Lulu's stomach after he heard her saying she is still hungry despite all the sandwiches she ate earlier.

"You poor little thing. You should go with me inside the house. I prepared a lot of delicious food for Lulu."

"Yehey! Grandma Chincha is the best!"

To her happiness, Lulu keeps on jumping on her place while clapping her hand. Nathan shakes his head seeing that maybe he should praise Assistant Lim for choosing that panda onesie. That little girl should change her favorite animal from a turtle to a panda. They both look stupid in his eyes effortlessly.

"I have to go." Nathan said to his mother and fix his cufflinks.

"And who said you can go now?" Madam Cynthia sternly asked her son.

The doting expression she gave to Lulu disappeared and quickly changed into a stern and serious look after looking at her son.

"You should go inside too. You still have a lot of things to tell me today, Nathan."

"Mom, I still have work to do."

"Is your company that weak and they cannot afford to operate without their boss?"

"You know that—"

"You better stay here and explain all these things to me. Unless you want me to become active again in the business world and start visiting your company regularly as one of its major shareholders."

Before Nathan can start arguing with his mother, Madam Cynthia leaves him alone while holding Lulu's hand as they go inside the mansion. He knows that his mother will never back down on her words. She will surely visit him every day if he's not going to listen to her today. Leaving him no choice, Nathan can only let out an annoyed sigh before following Madam Cynthia and Lulu from behind with heavy steps.