"Lulu, are you enjoying your food?"

"Yes, Grandma Chincha! Lulu loves all the food on the table."

"That's good to hear. Come on, you should eat more."

"Yes, grandma!"

The dining table is full of delicious food that a child loves to eat such as waffles, pancakes, cookies, and chocolate drinks. They are also eggs, bacon, ham, bread, and sausages on the table but none of the adults are eating with Lulu. Only the little girl sitting next to Madam Cynthia is happily eating her breakfast with a huge smile on her face.

Nathan frown in disgust when he sees Lulu's face has syrup on her cheek. Fortunately, his mother is very attentive and gently wipes her face with a clean towel. Nathan can see the delightful smile on Madam Cynthia's face as she dotes on the little glutton sitting next to her.

"Grandma, are you not going to eat?" Lulu asked after swallowing the pancake in her mouth.

"I am already full, my cute granddaughter. Don't worry about me." Madam Cynthia replied in a soft voice.


"Come on, baby. You should eat more. Here. Try these waffles too."

Madam Cynthia puts another piece of waffle on Lulu's plate and drizzles it with chocolate sauce. After that, she also put small and colorful marshmallows on top of it. Lulu claps her hand in happiness because grandma gives another waffle for her. After saying thank you to Madam Cynthia, Lulu holds the waffle and takes a huge bite of it.

"Hmm! Yummy!" Lulu said while munching the waffle.

"Tch. Stop talking when your mouth is full." Nathan scolded her. "It's disgusting."

While Lulu ignores her daddy number one, Madam Cynthia glares at her unfilial son. Although she is happy to have a cute and plumpy grandchild like Lulu, Madam Cynthia still wants to talk with Nathan and ask for an explanation. To have a big daughter like Lulu means her son had an affair with a woman years ago and he did not properly fulfill his duty as a father. The madam is getting angrier the more she thinks about it.

"Mom, I really have to go." Nathan said as he looks at the wristwatch he was wearing. "I have an important meeting with a potential investor later and I still need to prepare for it."

"You are not going to leave without explaining everything to me." Madam Cynthia sternly replied to her son.

Then she looks at Lulu who is busy taking a huge bite of her waffle. The little girl's cheeks are bulging as she continuously chews on her food. Madam Cynthia cannot stop herself anymore and she gives Lulu a kiss on her cheek. It is really soft and her skin is bouncy and smooth.

The little girl did not mind being kissed at all. Instead, she obediently sits at the table and just lets her grandma do whatever she wants. After she finished her waffle, Lulu licks her lips and looks at Madam Cynthia. All of a sudden, the little one pouts her lips indicating that she wants to kiss her grandma too.

"What a sweet child." Madam Cynthia said and gives Lulu a hug.

"Grandma, kiss!" Lulu happily exclaimed and showered the madam's cheek with her kisses.

Nathan is just watching his mother and that fat baby being intimate with a bored look on his face. They can do that all day without him witnessing it at all. He just wants to leave his mother's house and go to his office. Nathan still has to check the sales of his companies today before he prepares for his meeting later.

"Lulu, can you stay here for a while? I just have to talk with your daddy." Madam Cynthia said in a gentle voice while fixing the onesies she was wearing.

"Okay, Grandma Chincha!" Lulu obediently replied before she looks at Nathan. "Daddy, my grandma said she will talk with you."

Nathan just rolled his eyes before he stand up and walked toward the living room. Lulu is probably used to her daddy's attitude so she did not put it to heart. Instead, she waves her chubby hands to Madam Cynthia to say goodbye. The madam smiles at the little girl before she follows her son.

The moment they are no longer in Lulu's sight, Madam Cynthia's expression drastically changed. In an instant, she quickly hit her son on his arms. Because Nathan is fixing his cufflinks, he was not prepared and got hit by his mother. Before Madam Cynthia can hit him again, Nathan quickly avoids his mother and put a distance between them.

"You're such an unfilial son! After not seeing me for months, I will suddenly hear that you have a daughter now?!" Madam Cynthia angrily said.

"Aren't you the one who keeps pestering me for a grandchild?" Nathan asked her back. "Just be happy that you can now spend your time doting on that child."

"You're really—Oh my gosh."

Madam Cynthia has to take a seat and massage her temples. Her only son will definitely be the cause of her death sooner or later. Nathan let out a sigh and tries to approach his mother. But when Madam Cynthia gives him a glare, he gives up and sits on the opposite chair.

"Tell me everything about Lulu's mother." Madam Cynthia ordered her son.

Nathan let out a sigh and tells her mother the things she wants to know. He said that woman left Lulu in his company and told him to take care of her. He also added that he has no idea where to find that woman and that little brat is temporarily living in his place. Nathan just left out the most critical detail that Louisa Fortez is Lulu's mother and he is not his biological daughter.

"Are you telling me the truth?" Madam Cynthia suspiciously asked her son.

"You can send your assistant to my company today to ask the employees about Lulu. They will definitely tell you the same answer." Nathan said.

Madam Cynthia glares at her son for a few moments before she let out a sigh. She suddenly has mixed feelings about her son's situation. In her mind, Lulu is such a pitiful child. That child is really unfortunate to have a mother who doesn't want to raise her anymore and a father who is clueless about her existence until now.

"Can I go now?" Nathan asked. "I already answered your question, mom."

Madam Cynthia gives Nathan a hateful glare. Her son is already a father yet he cannot even give time to his daughter. She suddenly has the urge to hit her son once again and teach him a lesson.

"Go! I don't want to see your face for a while." Madam Cynthia said.

Nathan has an idea of what his mother is thinking right now. But he doesn't care about it. At least he can finally leave and go to work. Checking his pocket, Nathan remembers he left his phone on the table next to his cup. When he returns to the dining room, Nathan sees his phone in Lulu's hands and she is talking with someone right now.

"Hello! Daddy is still talking with Grandma Chincha. Do you want Lulu to sing you a song? My mommy said I am a good singer!"

Without waiting for the caller's reply, Lulu starts singing the first song that comes to her mind.

"Jingle, jingle, little scars~! Now I water that one cat~! Up the car—"

When he pulls his phone from Lulu's little hands and interrupts her singing, Nathan sees the investor's name on the phone screen that he will meet later this afternoon.

"Lulu!" Nathan screams the little girl's name in anger.

Scared that her daddy number one will finally keep his word about hitting her little butt with a slipper, Lulu quickly hides behind her grandma's legs. Then she takes a peek at her daddy. When Lulu sees Nathan is still glaring at her, she quickly hugs Madam Cynthia's legs and asks for her protection.